Original Transplants
Original Transplants is the official podcast of Satoyama Homestead, where we'll share news and information in support of home-scale agriculture and horticulture.
Original Transplants
2y ago
The Original Transplants Podcast Episode 68: Rookie Numbers finds Satoyama Homestead stewards Will and Sarah surprised to discover that Feedspot has named us #8 in the 20 best horticulture podcasts in the world. We introduce plans for a NCAA-style fruit bracket to determine once and for all what is the best fruit produced on the homestead. We visit the apiary, where Will is treating for varroa mite and recounting his adventures speaking about bees at a library with a resident observation hive. Will's beekeeping thriller, Here, the Bees Sting, is available everywhere books are bought (...and ev ..read more
Original Transplants
2y ago
Episode 63: Pajama BuckEpisode 63: Pajama Buck finds Will celebrating a successful harvest from the meat garden: an antlerless buck taken by Will whilst in his pajamas. The homesteaders answer a listener question on how to select plantings for a new homestead (see the show notes for more!). Sarah shares research on the immune benefits of letting kids play in the dirt for the Rock the Cradle segment. Visits to the bee yard and chicken coop have the homesteaders hoping for more activity come spring. The edible landscape is winding down for the season with garlic planting, weeding, and mulching ..read more
Original Transplants
2y ago
Episode 62: Rock the CradleEpisode 62: Rock the Cradle features the return of Original Transplants Podcast hosts Sarah and Will with new(born) co-host Lucy. Sarah introduces a new podcast segment, "Rock the Cradle," which will focus on parenting and child development on the homestead, including the impact of nursing on infants' microbiomes and immunity. The podcast continues with a visit to the neglected bee yard, where Will is winterizing his sole surviving hive; and to the chicken coop, where brooder hen Mayapple is moulting and an uneasy truce prevails between the old guard chickens Mayappl ..read more
Original Transplants
2y ago
The Original Transplants Podcast Episode 61: Gone CuckooThe Original Transplants Podcast Episode 61, Gone Cuckoo, opens with Satoyama Homestead stewards Will and Sarah rating their growing season an 8 out of 10 so far. Will details progress in the bee yard, including a modest honey harvest and first varroa treatment. Sarah describes the drama of introducing the new flock of pullets to the rooster, Jumpy, and brooder hen, Mayapple, who are the lone survivors of Will's recent cull. The edible landscape is in full swing with summer squash, greens, beans, blackberries, currants, gooseberries, and ..read more
Original Transplants
2y ago
The Original Transplants Podcast Episode 60: Brood XThe Original Transplants Podcast Episode 60 finds Satoyama Homestead stewards Will and Sarah sharing some personal brood news of their own, and reflecting on successes and failures in the apiary, chicken coop, and edible landscape. Despite a strong spring bloom season, the bees are off to a slow start and do not have strong honey reserves. Broody hen Mayapple rejects the introduced chicks, which are instead being hand-raised in a plastic tote in the garage, confirming experiences shared by listener Wyoming Jo (https://www.instagram.com/jodhop ..read more
Original Transplants
2y ago
The Original Transplants Podcast Episode 51: "Resisting the Urge to Prune"Will and Sarah respond to listener feedback about sharing bad news by sharing more bad news: the beehives are deadouts. The chickens are laying again and Will recounts a recent hawk attack and close call for hen Kentucky. In the edible landscape, Sarah is resisting the urge to prune all the woody vines, trees and berry canes; she is staying busy with seed auditing and seed orders for 2020 and baking quiches with fresh eggs and dried veggies. Lancaster News shares a research update on bioengineered microbes to fight defor ..read more
Original Transplants
2y ago
Original Transplants Episode 50: "Short Days, Long Nights"Original Transplants, special solstice 2019 edition, begins with Will and Sarah discussing tools they've worn out, replaced, upgraded, and can't live without after six years on the homestead. Sarah then describes the homestead harvest preserves and crafts she's giving as holiday gifts, including homemade bee wraps. Will and Sarah make homestead News Years Resolutions, and Sarah reads "A Visit from Jack Frost," the Satoyama Homestead parody of "A Visit from St. Nick ('Twas the Night Before Christmas)".Notes:Tchaikovsky - Nutcracker Suite ..read more
Original Transplants
2y ago
The Original Transplants Podcast Episode 49 "Thanksgiving and Conspiracy Theories" The Original Transplants begin this episode with reflecting on what we are thankful for and winter apiary news, including the bees' surprising preference for another homestead critter's feed; then, we discuss supportive therapies for a chicken experiencing moult-related Mycoplasma-S complications. Updates from the last fruit harvests on the edible landscape and seasonal homestead chores, along with hunting and food preservation / canning. Then during agricultural news, Sarah makes a surprising connection between ..read more
Original Transplants
2y ago
The Original Transplants Podcast Episode #48 "Hedges and Hunts" finds Will hedging his bets in the bee yard and chickens hedging their bets in the roadway. The edible landscape offers up homestead firsts hardy kiwiberries and brown turkey figs. Sarah explains her hedging philosophy and shares the food processing mantra, "friends don't let friends can alone." Will updates listeners on his sika hunt plans and shares news on horseshoe crab blood and local fungi taking out invasive spotted lanternfly (nature #ftw).Notes:Popular Mechanics, The Blood of the Crabhttps://www.popularmechanics.com/scien ..read more
Original Transplants
2y ago
The Original Transplants Podcast Episode 47: "Soil and Swollen Feet"The Original Transplants starts with a soil analysis (we swear it's interesting) and goes into various health issues in the beehives and the chicken coop, prognosis good. The edible landscape is thriving Notes:Nature's Garden by Samuel ThayernotNatural Harvest, by Paul PhotenhauerAldo Leopold, The Sand County AlmanacBraiding Sweetgrass, by Robin Wall KimmererPSU Soil Testing, https://extension.psu.edu/soil-testingThe O Jays, Love TrainTAGS#food#farming#agriculture#gardening#gardens#podcast#satoyamahomestead#bees#beekeeping#hom ..read more