Beagles Life
Beagles Life is the ultimate resource for learning everything about your beagle, or information when trying to find the right one. We are passionate about beagles and love sharing everything we learn about them.
Beagles Life
4y ago
Okay, I have to admit. I’m completely jealous that my beagle gets to sleep seemingly for hours on end without interruption. Garage door goes up? Still asleep. Hurricane touches down? Still asleep. What gives?! Which brings up the basic question: How long do beagles sleep?
Beagles adults are very fortunate in that they typically sleep between 10 to 12 hours per day. If I try that, I’ll wake up feeling overly tired or feeling like I’ve slept my day away. Beagle puppies, however, will if you can believe this one — usually sleep between 18-20 hours per day.
Factors That Affect Th ..read more
Beagles Life
4y ago
If you’re looking to breed beagles, or are just curious about beagle pregnancy in general, one of the first questions that will likely arise is: how many puppies are in a beagle litter?
Well, it was bound to come up. The canine version of the ‘birds and the bees’ have led to a new set of beagle puppies. How many is the normal size of a beagle litter?
Six puppies is the average size of a litter of beagles.
Beagle litters commonly fall within the range of four to eight puppies, however outliers can occur.
Factors That May Influence Your Beagle’s Litter Size
Has She Bore Puppies Previously?
If ..read more
Beagles Life
4y ago
If you’ve ever stumbled out of bed in the middle of the night, and noticed that it seems like your beagle rarely has any issue navigating the same landscape, it can’t help but bring up the question: Can beagles see in the dark?
Yes. Beagles can see in the dark — in fact, their vision is actually superior to humans in low-light scenarios. Didn’t expect that, did you?
Let’s bring to light the reason why.
What is Vision?
Vision is what is allowing you to read these words on your digital device.
Humans + beagles alike: It allows us to immerse ourselves visually into the world around ..read more
Beagles Life
4y ago
A Lemon Beagle is a purebred beagle, characterized by its white and lemon-hued coat with hazel-colored eyes. Upon being born, most lemon beagles are nearly completely white, however the lemon color begins to reveal itself as they age into adulthood. Lemon beagles are uncommon to discover, and as such their purchase price is higher than a more common colored variation.
Appearance Of A Lemon Beagle
Other than their lemon hued appearance, which is attributed to their lack of pigmentation on their bodies, they share the common characteristics of any other modern-day beagle. The lemon reference is ..read more
Beagles Life
5y ago
Is your beagle terrified of thunderstorms? For some beagles, it’s absolutely dreadful to deal with loud sounds like thunder and firecrackers; while other beagles seemed absolutely unfazed. Why is that? No one’s totally certain. Sometimes, puppyhood injury, (for example, being tied up outside for long interims) may have something to do with it. What’s sure is that for certain beagles, a minor instance of nerves can potentially build into a full-blown phobia.
My beagle Skyler was absolutely terrified of thunderstorms — and fireworks — and the vacuum cleaner. Anything loud would send him heading ..read more
Beagles Life
5y ago
When you teach your beagle to lie down, it’s an incredibly valuable command by itself, but it can likewise be utilized to manage other behaviors, such as:
Temperament: Many beagles battle with nervousness, animosity, ruinous tendency, nipping and for the most part — being preoccupied. Encouraging the down command can give you an approach to deal with those behaviors.
Respect: Teaching your beagle “down” at a youthful age can build respect without needing you to be forceful or coercive, to make a point.
Direction: Notwithstanding other directional directions —, for example, “sit,” “out” and “s ..read more
Beagles Life
5y ago
Cutting the nails of your beagle is one of those tasks we don’t often think about — but, it’s necessary. Fortunately, it can be done quite easily, as long as both you and your beagle are well-prepared.
Why Is It Important To Cut My Beagle’s Nails?
Granted, I don’t care to be scratched up when my beagle gets overzealous, nor do I want my hardwood flooring to look like someone has keyed up the side of my car. Interestingly enough, it does have some important health reasons behind it.
Sore Toes & Joint Problems
If your beagle’s nails are too long, chances are you’ll know in advance. If ..read more
Beagles Life
5y ago
I remember when I woke up in the middle of the night out of a sound sleep, and I was jarred by my own snoring. Except it wasn’t me — that was the day I realized that my beagle snores.
If your beagle frequently snores, it may not be of concern. But if it seems that it’s causing them distress, you may want to get them checked by your veterinarian.
The Causes
Humans aren’t the only ones that deal with the battle of the bulge. Over half of all dogs are considered to be overweight or obese. Barring an underlying medical issue, you should do everything possible to keep your beagle’s w ..read more
Beagles Life
5y ago
OMG, I’m in love with this device.
Who hasn’t heard about this? I guess it was just a matter of time before I got hooked into considering getting one. Now 2 weeks in, I couldn’t be happier.
Tell me you haven’t heard about the Furbo Dog Camera.
Not only do I love it, but my beagle clearly does too. I’m sure I’m practically walking on water, in his eyes.
If you’re not familiar with it, let me tell you about:
Things I Love About It:
Setup is so friggin’ easy: If you haven’t set this up within a few minutes, you might have done something wrong. But I don’t see how that would be possible — h ..read more
Beagles Life
5y ago
With all of the love, laughs, and smiles that a beagle will provide you, comes another important factor: How much do beagles cost?
Let’s discuss this.
Factors That Can Affect Their Initial Purchase Price
Rescues, Shelters, and Breeders — Oh My
Typically, the cost to adopt a beagle from a shelter is between $50 and $250. Whereas, the typical cost to purchase a beagle from a breeder is between $800 and $1,500.
If you’re like me, you tend to prefer to adopt a beagle from a shelter or a rescue. I wholeheartedly encourage it. There are so many beagles (and other breeds) of dogs out there tha ..read more