HVAC Masters of the Hustle
This PodCast is directed toward the HVAC industry. On this pod cast we will talk too high volume closers and learn the secrets to their success. We will also talk shop talk as well of the everyday life of sale, HVAC Tech, and Dispatchers. You will learn the insides and outs of how to prepare your self daily to insure that to make it to the top 1%.
HVAC Masters of the Hustle
2d ago
HVAC Masters Of The Hustle would like to welcome Cody into the Hot Seat on episode 301. Many contractors get themself into bad situations with sticky homeoners. Sometimes as a contractor we wish there was a YELP where we can rate clients. Dont wait any Longer Cody has created something for the Contractors. On this episode explore how to Rate your Headache clients and post a review about your exspierence as the contractor. Dont miss this episode and if you enjoyed the podcast SUBSCRIBE ..read more
HVAC Masters of the Hustle
1w ago
HVAC Masters Of The Hustle is EXCITED for our 300 Episode and we have the pleasure of having Derek Cormier in the Hot Seat. On this episode we dive into some great information about a buiness owner building something special for his FAMILy & TEAM. Check out this episode and dont MISS Derek & there teams AMAZING videos on social media. Get your team making Content videos & See what can happen! If you enjoyed this episode please SUBSCRIBE ..read more
HVAC Masters of the Hustle
1M ago
HVAC Masters Of The Hustle would like to welcome Tim Hook into the Hot Seat on episode 299. On this episode Tim is throwing a BIG event this week in Minnilopolis called the HVAC Champion Summit with Joe Crisara, Jdub, Brent Buckley and many many more 1% and top producers in the trades. Check this episode out and find out all the crazyiness that will be happening. If you enjot thi podcast make sure to post a REVIEW, SUBSCRIBE & SHARE ..read more
HVAC Masters of the Hustle
1M ago
HVAC Masters Of The Hustle would like to welcome Andrew Palosi into the Hot Seat on episode 298. Jdub Does alot of onsites and one of the coolest Technologies that i see at companies being used is called Data Cube. Andrew has created a software that has Live results and put your team on a scorecard. This podcast we talk about the Data Cube technolgy and how its changing the game for companies in the TRADES. If you enjoyed this episode please post a review, SHARE, SUBSCIBE, REVIEW!
www.hvacmastersofthehustle.com ..read more
HVAC Masters of the Hustle
1M ago
HVAC Masters Of The Hustle would like to Welcome 2025 in with a Special guest in the Hot Seat Leland Smith. On this episode Leland talks about the importance on building your team also understanding the importance of daily meeting and huddles. This episode will DIVE DEEP on understanding your numbers and the proper breakdown for the best outcome for NET PROFIT! The Rev isnt the important this as much as its the Money you're keeping. This Podcast episode will def have you kicking yourself for working harder in 2024 and not smarter! SHARE this Podcast to someone you know thats ready to DOMINATE ..read more
HVAC Masters of the Hustle
2M ago
HVAC Masters Of The Hustle would like to welcome back Ismael Valdez the Onwer of NexGen and Nuve T stat. On this episode we break down the New NUVE Tstat and talk about WHY this is the Hottest thing going on in the trades of HVAC. This Tstat is helping contractors all across the nation click the link and tune into this episode to find out.
If you enjoyed the episode subscribe, Tell a FRIEND & POST A REVIEW ..read more
HVAC Masters of the Hustle
3M ago
HVAC Masters Of The Hustle would like to welcome Clayton into the Hot Seat on Episode 295. Clayton is one of the Royalty Techs out of Sacramento Ca! Clayton talks about as a tech the importance it is to go back to the basics and to be consitent in your process. With a Consistant process will drive consistant results! Clayton talks about when he takes his tine his ADV TICKET goes Up and when he is RUSHED it goes DOWN!!! If you enjoyed this episode please SHARE/ SUBSCRIBE!!!! This is the month of being THANKFUL and IM THANKFUL fornyou ALL ..read more
HVAC Masters of the Hustle
4M ago
HVAC Masters Of The hustke has a great podcast episode for you on episode 294. Brandon Brown is in the HOTE SEAT discussing what it takes to start a HVAC or PLUMBING company. Brandon talks about all the challeneges being a NEW contractor but also talks about how rewarding it is to be FREE! Brandon created Browns Heating & Air, Plumbing and they been crushing it. They have company policies down, Accoutnabiloity, Growth!!! Growth does bring challenges bit what kind? dont iss this episode nd make sure to share it/ Subscribe and post a review ..read more
HVAC Masters of the Hustle
4M ago
HVAC Masters Of The Hustle is excited to introduce Ryan Fenn CEO of CHIIRP into the Hot Seat on episode 293. On this episode Ryan and Jdub breakdown the journey of being an Entrepreneur. CHIIRP has taking off and is one of the BIGGEST integrating softwares out there to help get your Company to the NEXT LEVEL. Ryan breaks down the importance of putting yourself out there and not allowing FEAR to detour you from where you are going. This podacst breaks down Obstacles and challenges and by not giving up on your dreams will allow you to live in your DREAMS! If you enjoyed the podcast please ..read more
HVAC Masters of the Hustle
4M ago
HVAC Masters Of The Hustle podcast would like to welcome Gabe Garcia into the Hot Seat on Episode 292. On this episode Gabe talks about starting his HVAC company 2 years ago and his growth has been impressive! One of Gabes nuggests was when you first start out make youtself look bigger than what you are! Great Company Brands go a long way! If you enjoyed this episode please SHARE it SUBSCRIBE & post a REVIEW ..read more