Ep 107 Remembering Holiday Magic Specials
The Magic Detective Podcast
by Dean Carnegie
2M ago
For a short 5 year period many years ago, there was a burst of magic on TV every December. It began with Doug Henning Specials and brought us some incredible magic and inspired many kids to get into magic, many who listen to this podcast. Doug on Crystal Gayle Special https://youtu.be/11dIPX5ko_k?si=E0husdfwDgvFYIsL Doug Henning Balloon https://youtu.be/fnRtaUsjkxM?si=9rRLjOeqqw1PwOJ1&t=516  ..read more
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Ep 106 Review of the 2024 Yankee Gathering
The Magic Detective Podcast
by Dean Carnegie
2M ago
Here is my review of the 2024 Yankee Gathering. In addition, I give a list of potential Christmas gifts you might want to stuff your stockings with this holiday season ..read more
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Ep 98 Magician and Magic Dealer Frank Ducrot
The Magic Detective Podcast
by Dean Carnegie
2M ago
This episode is on the life of Frank Ducrot, the man who arguably owned more magic shops than anyone in history! Well it was one shop, but he consolidated 38 others. Listen and learn more about this amazing man. https://www.themagicdetective.com/2023/12/magicians-we-lost-in-2023.html ..read more
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Ep 81 Ching Ling Foo The Original Chinese Conjurer
The Magic Detective Podcast
by Dean Carnegie
2M ago
Here is the life story of Ching Ling Foo, the original Chinese magician who created a sensation at the turn of the century! It's an amazing story, filled with occasional tragedy. This is the last episode for Season 4. Season 5 will begin shortly. I mistakenly said it was the end of season 3 on the episode, lol.  ..read more
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Ep 50 Dr. Samuel Hooker and The Men Who Fooled Houdini
The Magic Detective Podcast
by Dean Carnegie
2M ago
This a milestone, Episode 50 of the podcast. On this episode the feature starts with the story of Dr. Samuel Cox Hooker and his infamous Impossibilities Show. Then it morphs into a story of all the men who fooled Harry Houdini. I think one of these stories may have been featured in season 1, but overall it makes for an interesting topic. Please enjoy.  PLEASE share with as many people you know. Please LIKE the podcast as well! Music provided by http://www.Purple-planet.com ..read more
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Ep 49 Harlan Tarbell, The Magic Teacher
The Magic Detective Podcast
by Dean Carnegie
2M ago
Harlan Tarbell is most famous for his Tarbell Course in Magic. He was also an illustrator , magician, doctor and much more. On this podcast, I share the very interesting life of ole Doc Tarbell.  Music provided by http://www.purple-planet. com To SEE some of the ART of Harlan Tarbell, click the link below https://www.themagicdetective.com/2020/04/the-art-of-harlan-tarbell.html   ..read more
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Ep 105 The Dunninger Radio Show
The Magic Detective Podcast
by Dean Carnegie
4M ago
Something special, a recording of one of Dunninger's 1944 Radio Shows. Plus a list of all the magic related programming being featured on Amazon Prime right now! And more ..read more
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Ep 104 Author Interview: Judge Gary Brown
The Magic Detective Podcast
by Dean Carnegie
5M ago
This episode is a conversation between Dean Carnegie and Judge Gary Brown concerning his latest book, The Inventive Magician's Handbook with Props. This book contains a lot of magic history, specifically the history of magic inventions, it also contains a great deal of theory on how to creative/invent and innovate magic . The book also comes with the a package of tricks, all the major tricks that are taught in the book. Listen and learn about about being an inventive magician! the book is available TheoryAndArtofMagic.com  while supplies last ..read more
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Ep 103 SEARS - The Real Vanishing Man?
The Magic Detective Podcast
by Dean Carnegie
5M ago
Once a very popular international traveling illusionist, with a show that had 45 people, horses, an elephant, a camel and more. Then without notice he seemed to have vanished. But he actually went underground...so to speak...listen for more info ..read more
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Ep 102 Newmann The Pioneer Mentalist
The Magic Detective Podcast
by Dean Carnegie
8M ago
On this episode we explore the life of C.A. George Newmann, the Pioneer Mentalist. He was a performer, hypnotist, mentalist, and magic book collector ..read more
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