Episode 33: It’s Been a While [Since I’ve Gone and Painted Things Up]
Combined Arms Podcast
by combinedarmspodcast
1y ago
https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-denkx-10b17a4 Welcome to the 33rd episode of the Combined Arms Podcast, featuring Michael Ovsenik and Geoff Hummel! Our show aims to take a positive look at miniatures wargaming and the larger hobby of tabletop gaming in general. We hope to highlight games, products, and experiences that you may never have otherwise heard of before. It’s been a while since we have talked – we’ve been on a sort of COVID hiatus. Today we’re talking about what we’ve done in that time, including: Difficulties with podding during the pandemic Necromunda WHFB American Civil Wa ..read more
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Episode 32: Hobby Happenings
Combined Arms Podcast
by combinedarmspodcast
1y ago
https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-sp96v-ee4283 Welcome to the 32nd episode of the Combined Arms Podcast, featuring Michael Ovsenik and Geoff Hummel! Our show aims to take a positive look at miniatures wargaming and the larger hobby of tabletop gaming in general. We hope to highlight games, products, and experiences that you may never have otherwise heard of before. In this episode we catch up on some hobby happenings from the last two months. Feel free to reach out to us on our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/CombinedArmsPodcast/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/CombinedAr ..read more
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Episode 31: Our Terrible Opinions on Warhammer 40,000 9th Edition
Combined Arms Podcast
by combinedarmspodcast
1y ago
https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-q35mv-df2b4a Welcome to the 31st episode of the Combined Arms Podcast, featuring Michael Ovsenik and Geoff Hummel! Our show aims to take a positive look at miniatures wargaming and the larger hobby of tabletop gaming in general. We hope to highlight games, products, and experiences that you may never have otherwise heard of before. In this episode Michael is joined by good friend Josh to talk about Warhammer 40,000 9th Edition and what they hope happens. Feel free to reach out to us on our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/CombinedArmsPodcast ..read more
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Episode 30: Horizon Wars: Zero Dark
Combined Arms Podcast
by combinedarmspodcast
1y ago
https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-gn3cv-dcdc09 Welcome to the 30th episode of the Combined Arms Podcast, featuring Michael Ovsenik and Geoff Hummel! Our show aims to take a positive look at miniatures wargaming and the larger hobby of tabletop gaming in general. We hope to highlight games, products, and experiences that you may never have otherwise heard of before. In this episode we talk with Robey of Precinct Omega Publishing about Horizon Wars – Zero Dark.  Precinct Omega Publishing: https://www.wargamevault.com/browse/pub/9963/Precinct-Omega-Publishing Precinct Omega: h ..read more
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Kings of War: Vanguard Hobby Update
Combined Arms Podcast
by Michael Ovsenik
1y ago
This pandemic lockdown has been both a boon and an affliction. The most important thing is staying home and staying safe, making sure we don’t cause an outbreak, of course. But to say I’m going stir-crazy is an understatement. I used a lot of the early lockdown period to get some hobby done; I had bought into the Kings of War: Vanguard Kickstarter when it came out but it had mostly sat on my shelf. I’m not even sure why, but I picked up the book, started reading, and broke out my Empire of Dust models that were on my hobby shelf. We’re going to do a review of the game coming up on the pod bu ..read more
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Episode 29: Pre-AdeptiCon Rush
Combined Arms Podcast
by combinedarmspodcast
1y ago
https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-v9a3v-d4086f Welcome to the 29th episode of the Combined Arms Podcast, featuring Michael Ovsenik and Geoff Hummel! Our show aims to take a positive look at miniatures wargaming and the larger hobby of tabletop gaming in general. We hope to highlight games, products, and experiences that you may never have otherwise heard of before. After a ton of holiday time off our hosts talk about all the hobby stuff they’ve been doing, 2020 goals, and AdeptiCon preparation. Thanks for listening! Feel free to reach out to us on our Facebook page at https://www.fac ..read more
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Comparing The Walking Dead: All Out War and Call to Arms
Combined Arms Podcast
by Michael Ovsenik
1y ago
The Walking Dead: Call to Arms from Mantic Games released in July and since then I’ve played about a dozen games. It is a great time and a good contrast to All Out War. But how do the two rulesets compare? This has been a hot topic on Facebook groups for a while now. In this article I’ll do my best to compare the two rulesets and give you an idea of what they’re like, as well as offer my opinion on how the differences stack up. Game Size Traditional All Out War player vs player games were a warband-size affair, likely around 5-6 models. Call to Arms can be played at this level, but has been ..read more
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Episode 27: Michigan GT 2019
Combined Arms Podcast
by combinedarmspodcast
1y ago
https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-4zcac-c65777 Welcome to the 27th episode of the Combined Arms Podcast, featuring Michael Ovsenik and Geoff Hummel! Our show aims to take a positive look at miniatures wargaming and the larger hobby of tabletop gaming in general. We hope to highlight games, products, and experiences that you may never have otherwise heard of before. Michael went to the Michigan GT in Lansing, MI recently and had a lot to say about it. Feel free to reach out to us on our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/CombinedArmsPodcast/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Co ..read more
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Mapping Out Possible Future Releases for The Walking Dead: Call To Arms
Combined Arms Podcast
by Michael Ovsenik
1y ago
The Walking Dead: Call to Arms recently released and I’m eagerly awaiting more TWD model releases. The latest set released included The Hunters, so we’re about halfway through Compendium Two (they’re specifically in issues 61-66 of the comic, out of 193). I’ll be writing a series of articles about who I think should be included for the rest of the game and why, including the art of the characters themselves. I won’t include spoilers of deaths or anything huge. Mostly I just want to get a roadmap for what I hope to see. Most of the information will be from here. I’ll also be doing the novel se ..read more
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Episode 33: It's Been a While [Since I've Gone and Painted Things Up]
Combined Arms Podcast
3y ago
Welcome to the 33rd episode of the Combined Arms Podcast, featuring Michael Ovsenik and Geoff Hummel! Our show aims to take a positive look at miniatures wargaming and the larger hobby of tabletop gaming in general. We hope to highlight games, products, and experiences that you may never have otherwise heard of before. It's been a while since we have talked - we've been on a sort of COVID hiatus. Today we're talking about what we've done in that time, including: Difficulties with podding during the pandemic Necromunda WHFB American Civil War Ironclads Historic site vacation visits Dad! Age of ..read more
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