Serenity & Health Blog
With Serenity and Health Donna Chacko, M.D. provides you with information, inspiration, and perspective that can help you enhance your physical and mental health and bring you closer to God.
Serenity & Health Blog
1M ago
Join more than 10 million others and learn 4 tools to help you solve problems more
Serenity & Health Blog
2M ago
To change the world, you must first change yourself. Read on to help you embrace and live this counterintuitive message more
Serenity & Health Blog
3M ago
Do you control your phone habits? Or does your phone control you more
Serenity & Health Blog
5M ago
Read more to learn about a remarkable free online program that will help you grow and deal in more healthy ways with life’s stresses more
Serenity & Health Blog
6M ago
If you enjoy reading books that make you pause and ponder… consider these two.
The first is The Class of 1846: From West Point to Appomattox: Stonewall Jackson, George McClellan and Their Brothers, by John C. Waugh. The book is a collective biography that showcases the first half of the 19th century, before and during the Civil War. Reading this book made me deeply think about how those folks must have felt as it gradually became clear their differences would lead to a bloody war. And this, in turn, made me think of the divisiveness of our times—leaving me with even more questions more
Serenity & Health Blog
7M ago
Practicing Centering Prayer is gradually changing me in ways I didn’t expect. My hyperactive mind has slowed down a bit. I think I’m more aware of God, others, and who I really am. I am so grateful to have found Centering Prayer and want to share with you what I’ve learned and experienced.
1. WHAT IS CENTERING PRAYER? Centering Prayer is a way of communing with God. It differs from familiar prayer practices in that it does not involve words, thoughts, feelings, intercessions, or deep reflections about Jesus and his life. Instead, it is an intentional time of silence during which we surrender t more
Serenity & Health Blog
7M ago
When we are hurting or sick, we want answers and quick relief. Dealing with confusing symptoms, an uncertain diagnosis, or conflicting treatment options is challenging. And it can be hard to take action when the worrisome finding is a lab test—and we feel fine. Since 70% of chronic illnesses can be alleviated or cured through lifestyle change, our choices in all these circumstances have a big impact our health.
Here are four common errors we make to justify our lack or delay of self care:
Waiting for the Magic Fix. We think the doctor knows or will find the answer to our pr more
Serenity & Health Blog
9M ago
When we are hurting or sick, we want answers and quick relief. Dealing with confusing symptoms, an uncertain diagnosis, or conflicting treatment options is challenging. And it can be hard to take action when the worrisome finding is a lab test—and we feel fine. Since 70% of chronic illnesses can be alleviated or cured through lifestyle change, our choices in all these circumstances have a big impact our health.
Here are four common errors we make to justify our lack or delay of self care:
Waiting for the Magic Fix. We think the doctor knows or will find the answer to our pr more
Serenity & Health Blog
9M ago
This blog was originally published April 2024 as a column titled "Meditation Can Keep You on Track” by College Park Here and Now, a much appreciated local newspaper in our area. Thanks to them and their editor, Sharon O’Malley, for their willingness to help me spread this good news.
Stress, anxiety, depression, suicide, addiction and violence are too common in our world. Sadly, many of us have first-hand experience with some of these. Suffering like this can make us feel distraught and helpless.
I learned from my decades practicing medicine that some problems are bigger than we are, and too o more
Serenity & Health Blog
10M ago
“We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.”
- Declaration of Independence, 1776
The word “happiness” may sound out of place among these august words of the Declaration of Independence. The word is kind of feathery and soft. What did the Founders mean? What is happiness anyway? Is financial security a prerequisite? Where does collective happiness fit into the feeling of individual happiness? Why is a right to happiness included more