Your Motivational High 5
Feeling stuck? Try Your Motivational High 5, hosted by Phil Larson. It is the short, 5-minute podcast seeking to motivate you in the way of self-examination, developing good mental health, and empowering yourself to do incredible things. We are all about telling ourselves positive narratives as a way to combat and rewire the negative narratives we've believed much of our lives. Find..
Your Motivational High 5
2M ago
Wisdom is gained from personal experience and is often paired with pain because of it. This is our journey that is to be embraced. #YMH5
Support the podcast: https://PhilLarson.net/support ..read more
Your Motivational High 5
2M ago
Productivity sometimes feels anti-progress in the moment. You're sharpening your dull saw and even more progress is in your future because of it. #YMH5
Support the podcast at the following links:
PhilLarson.net/support ..read more
Your Motivational High 5
5M ago
Carmen tells us that we are significant and we can approach all areas of our life significantly. #YHM5
Carmen's music: https://songwhip.com/carmencallender/doors-are-opening  ..read more
Your Motivational High 5
5M ago
Change serves a purpose. We become aware of our current state and the new normal that blesses us with new wisdom. #YMH5
Support the podcast:
BetterHelp.com/YMH5 ..read more
Your Motivational High 5
5M ago
Candace tells us that we should expect setbacks and offer ourselves some grace when we try again. #YMH5
Find Candace everywhere at @candaceolusola
Candace's Podcast: "First Paso Podcast"
Candace's YouTube: "The Sweet Life with Candace Olusola"
Go to https://www.betterhelp.com/ymh5 to get started with online counseling and get 10% off your first month ..read more
Your Motivational High 5
5M ago
Daja' shares about rediscovering community and how that has been healthy for her in this season of her life. #YMH5
Find Daja’ - instagram.com/daja_bri
Find help and support the podcast: BetterHelp.com/YMH5 ..read more
Your Motivational High 5
5M ago
Carmen tells us that we are significant and we can approach all areas of our life significantly. #YHM5
Carmen's music: https://songwhip.com/carmencallender/doors-are-opening  ..read more
Your Motivational High 5
5M ago
We gain accountability for things when we make them bigger than ourselves. #YMH5
Find help: BetterHelp.com/YMH5 ..read more
Your Motivational High 5
5M ago
Daja' shares with us how passion is energy we can tap into whenever roadblocks come our way. #YMH5
This episode's guest, Daja':
Instagram: @shopcookiejarco
Tik Tok: @shopcookiejarco
Facebook: @shopcookiejarco
Website: www.shopcookiejar.co
Support the podcast:
BetterHelp.com/YMH5 ..read more
Your Motivational High 5
5M ago
When we spiral unhealthily, we damage the things closest to us. But, can we spiral in healthy ways? #YMH5
Support the podcast:
BetterHelp.com/YMH5 ..read more