“Progressive” games and neoliberal ideology with Austin Anderson
The Clockwork Game Design Podcast
by The Clockwork Game Design Podcast
2M ago
Hi all! Today I have a fascinating conversation with the brilliant Austin Anderson, who is I think the last of the guests that I’ll have on the show from the Alt-F4 conference (along with Dr. Rachel Kowert and Kathleen Morrissey). In this conversation we talk about a bunch of AAA games, such as Detroit Become ..read more
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Interview with game marketing expert Ryan Rigney
The Clockwork Game Design Podcast
by The Clockwork Game Design Podcast
4M ago
Hi all! The Clockwork Game Design Podcast has re-taken-over its own podcast space from the Bannet Bulletin for a week, to share with you this exciting conversation I just had with my old pal Ryan Rigney. His first published game, Fast Fast Laser Laser, is actually a game that I did all of the artwork ..read more
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Bannet Bulletin Ep. 3 – Introducing the Impulse Combat System (and more)
The Clockwork Game Design Podcast
by The Clockwork Game Design Podcast
7M ago
Above is an early screenshot of our combat system in the prototype for Free Tiya Bannet, which is coming along smoothly. The incredible UI art was just freshly finished by our artist, Wizbane, and oh my god I love it! Anyway, today I’m talking about our Impulse System, which is the core of the FF13-inspired combat system in Free Tiya Bannet. Talking about why it is the way it is, how it works, and some stuff about action economy in RPGs. I also talk a bunch about a game I’m playing (and loving) right now: Bravely Default, for 3DS. It’s like Final Fantasy V with Haste cast onto its jobs system ..read more
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Bannet Bulletin Ep. 2 – The Skill Grid, Characters, and a game update
The Clockwork Game Design Podcast
by The Clockwork Game Design Podcast
11M ago
Hey all. Today I wanted to talk about the SKILL GRID for my upcoming RPG, and talk about how it interacts with playable characters. I also give an update on some of the games I’m playing. Enjoy! The FFX “Sphere Grid”, an inspiration for our Skill Grid Don’t forget: you can support my work by going to www.patreon.com/keithburgun and becoming a patron!   ..read more
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Introducing: the Bannet Bulletin!
The Clockwork Game Design Podcast
by The Clockwork Game Design Podcast
11M ago
Hello all and welcome to the first episode of the Bannet Bulletin! It’s still the Clockwork Game Design Podcast feed, but for awhile I’m going to do a series of shorter podcast episodes that talk about what is going on and what I’m thinking about with the RPG I’m making. This episode is an overview – what is this new game? What’s important? When can you actually play it? In future episodes, we’ll do deep dives into other aspects of the game. If you enjoy the episode, let me know – it will encourage me to take the time to make more! And as always, you can support this show and the creation of ..read more
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The RPG Report, and the worst things in RPGs
The Clockwork Game Design Podcast
by Strategy Can Be Fun?
1y ago
Hey all! Today I have a new episode where I’m going to be talking about two things. First, I’m going to report on a bunch of RPGs that I’ve been playing or trying out, and give my takes. I say more about each game on the podcast, so make sure to check that out. Here are some quick bullet points, though! What I’ve been playing SCARLET NEXUS – Extremely polished, simple but fun combat. Kind of “adolescent anime” feeling story, a little silly and a little too fantastical in its basic universe for me, but seems well written. Overly smoothed out, like most modern big production videogames. Bad leve ..read more
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RPG Questions, and Trails in the Sky FC
The Clockwork Game Design Podcast
by Strategy Can Be Fun?
1y ago
Hi all! Today I have a nice podcast episode, all about RPGs and RPG design! I feel like I have a lot to say here, and I do dare say that I am slowly, slowly pursuing becoming some kind of crazy expert on the topic, so hopefully there’s some interesting stuff in here to think about. I’m also starting pre-pre-production on my very own RPG finally (!!), so a lot of this is very non-theoretical for me. I also talk a bit about Trails in the Sky: First Chapter which I’ve been playing a bunch on and off over the past month or so, as well as a bunch of other games. Finally, I answer a bunch of questi ..read more
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Clockwork Game Design Podcast – The Final Fantasy Episode
The Clockwork Game Design Podcast
by Strategy Can Be Fun?
2y ago
Hi all! It’s been awhile since the last episode. This year I got married and went on my honeymoon, so things have been kind of crazy. But now, they’re sort of going back to normal. Over the last six months, I guess partially because I was doing a bit of traveling, but also partially because I got a Retroid handheld and a Steam Deck (both of which are phenomenal, game-changers for game-playing, for me at least), I’ve been on this crazy Final Fantasy kick. Growing up I had played (and beaten) I, IV, VI and VII, a couple times each, but I had really fallen off over the years, so I had a lot of c ..read more
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Strategy Can Be Fun on our own DRAGON BRIDGE
The Clockwork Game Design Podcast
by Strategy Can Be Fun?
2y ago
Today Brett Lowey and I discuss DRAGON BRIDGE, my two player bumping card game. It’s a weird game for me, in a bunch of ways. For one thing, it was my first published tabletop game. But also, I produced it in a ridiculously short amount of time. That makes it even more… strange and interesting, how fun it is. Recently, Dragon Bridge has gotten a second chance at life via its superb BoardGameArena adaptation (by the way, it just went into Beta, so you can play it now yourself – let’s go!!!), and many of us in the KBGames community have been playing a bunch, and it has been a blast. It’s wild h ..read more
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Strategy Can Be Fun – Soren Johnson on OLD WORLD
The Clockwork Game Design Podcast
by Strategy Can Be Fun?
2y ago
Today I bring you one of the world’s more renowned strategy videogame designers – the designer of Civilization IV, one of the most beloved in the series (probably my favorite one still), and the founder of Mohawk Games, who created Offworld Trading Company, and most recently, Old World. Old World has been out for awhile on EGS, and is coming to Steam this Thursday. I definitely recommend it – certainly for all Civ fans, but also for anyone who can appreciate watching a talented designer evolve a project. In this case, that project is the 4X project, one that I do have some strong critiques fo ..read more
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