Rosie on the House
Rosie on the House podcast has continually served and protected Arizona homeowners with its statewide weekend radio show, trusted contractor and service provider referral network (electrical, plumbing, painting, air conditioning, roofing, etc.), and countless do-it-yourself..
Rosie on the House
3d ago
Updates and homeowner questions on a variety of subjects including A/C condensate for gardening, stains and moisture buildup on concrete, white quartz pool plaster and more. Plus Arizona author, writer, hiker and travel junkie Roger Naylor talks about the 25 best places to visit in Arizona for 2025.
Original broadcast archive page with expanded content
https://rosieonthehouse.com/podcast/open-home-hour-live-listener-call-ins-texts-emails-weekly-to-do-firepitcreation ..read more
Rosie on the House
3d ago
Before spring hits, spring into action and put a plan together to clean around you home. Pantries, appliances, air conditioning vents, those kitchen junk drawers for starters. Getting rid of months of clutter for a top to bottom cleaning of your home.
Original broadcast archive page with expanded content
https://rosieonthehouse.com/podcast/on-the-house-hour-plan-for-spring-cleaning ..read more
Rosie on the House
3d ago
Agriscaping.com's Justin Rohner discusses the 3 steps for spring planting success. Start with building healthy soil. Then a healthy start with seeds and starter plants from a trusted source. And a healthy system of watering, fertilizing and weed control. Justin breaks down the details for each steps.
Original broadcast archive page with expanded content
https://rosieonthehouse.com/podcast/outdoor-living-hour-ultimate-garden-hour-3stepsforspringsuccess-with-agriscaping ..read more
Rosie on the House
1w ago
Will housing prices come down? How about interest rates? Why do credit scores vary from different reporting companies and the need to keep tabs on it? Harold Perkins of Galaxy Lending Group gives you sound advice on buying a home or remodeling an existing home in a time of high prices and interest rates.
Original broadcast archive page with expanded content
https://rosieonthehouse.com/podcast/on-the-house-hour-mortgages-and-your-credit-score-with-galaxy-lending ..read more
Rosie on the House
1w ago
Our Weekly To Do on Farmers Markets. The Central Arizona Projects' new Water Education Center. Carl Bertelsen of the Joint Technical Education District discusses offering high school students training to jumpstart a possible career in the trades. Homeowner questions on smoke detectors, reducing a large gas bill, how to do vetting for contractors for deferred maintenance projects and more!
Original broadcast archive page with expanded content
https://rosieonthehouse.com/podcast/open-home-hour-live-listener-call-ins-texts-emails-weekly-to-do-farmersmarkets ..read more
Rosie on the House
1w ago
Steven & Trevor Bales of Bales Hay Farm & Feed Store are a 6th generational farm family dating back to 1885. Along with Arizona Farm Bureau's Julie Murphree, they discuss their amazing farm legacy. Challenges of running the family farm. The staple crops important for food on your table. Setting you straight on farming misinformation and the unique father son relationship of running the farming business.
Original broadcast archive page with expanded content
https://rosieonthehouse.com/podcast/outdoor-living-hour-farm-fresh-family-farms-with-arizona-farm-bureau-bales-hay ..read more
Rosie on the House
2w ago
The Weekly To Do on replacing window and door hardware. Determining the cost appraisal per square foot of a home rebuild. Homeowner questions include insulating a cathedral ceiling, removing a sunken living room, window shading, door replacement, a $60,000 translucent TV and more!
Original broadcast archive page with expanded content
https://rosieonthehouse.com/podcast/open-home-hour-live-listener-call-ins-texts-emails-weekly-to-do-replacingwindowdoorhardware ..read more
Rosie on the House
2w ago
Any improvements to your home may require a permit. It ensures that the work done is safe and meet code standards. The team at City Of Phoenix Building Department and Permitting discuss how permits protect work on your home and its value. Permits can even address complaints about work done around the neighborhood. Find out when its needed and how to get permits before you move forward.
Original broadcast archive page with expanded content
https://rosieonthehouse.com/podcast/on-the-house-hour-why-you-need-to-permit-your-home ..read more
Rosie on the House
2w ago
Get your green thumb going! 'Farm Greg' Peterson of The Urban Farm discusses planning and setup for your garden. Observing sun location, what sun direction works best, water sources, and creating healthy soil. What do you want to grow and how to do it with raised garden beds, moveable beds and pots, tower gardens and other tips for success.
Original broadcast archive page with expanded content
https://rosieonthehouse.com/podcast/outdoor-living-hour-urban-farming-and-garden-set-up-with-the-urban-farm ..read more
Rosie on the House
3w ago
Original broadcast archive page with expanded content
https://rosieonthehouse.com/podcast/open-home-hour-live-listener-call-ins-texts-emails-weekly-to-do-inspectguttersandroof ..read more