Mighty House Podcast
With the mission of pointing people in the right direction for repairs so they can enjoy their home and not work on it all the time. Mighty House Home Improvement Show podcasts are available for your listening pleasure. They talk about foundation leaks, roof repairs and everything in between.
Mighty House Podcast
2d ago
You heard us talk about this on the radio, now you can hear it here and your favorite podcast platform.. Speed, Quality or Price, pick two ..read more
Mighty House Podcast
1w ago
Rich and Ron talk about pouring concrete in the winter. Can it be done? Should you do it ..read more
Mighty House Podcast
2w ago
Rich and Ron talk about the Fires in Southern California. Proper wall assemblies to slow down a fire? https://wildfireprepared.org/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vda9aFhBrjI https://www.fire.ca.gov/dspace https://www.design4disaster.org ..read more
Mighty House Podcast
3w ago
Rich and Ron talk about the Fires in Southern California. How should they rebuild in LA? https://wildfireprepared.org/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vda9aFhBrjI https://www.fire.ca.gov/dspace https://www.design4disaster.org ..read more
Mighty House Podcast
1M ago
Rich and Ron talk about the Fires in Southern California. What were the causes and how can it be prevented in the future ..read more
Mighty House Podcast
2M ago
Rich and Ron discuss a project on a new home where the ceilings were dripping water when it was not raining. What caused it and how can you fix it ..read more
Mighty House Podcast
2M ago
Here is a quick rant on why cathedral ceilings leak, rot and fail. Rich and Ron discuss the issues and failures on how they are built. Check out our YouTube page or website for more info ..read more
Mighty House Podcast
2M ago
Rich and Ron talk about factory built home and why you might want to think about that as an option if you are building an new home ..read more
Mighty House Podcast
2M ago
Rich and Ron talk about designing your home office. What should be in there and what should not be in there ..read more
Mighty House Podcast
3M ago
Change Orders, why do we need them? Rich and Ron talk about why you need to write/receive change orders. Stick around to the end for a special guest ..read more