A beginning and an ending poem
by rdmaxwell55
5d ago
What did I know, my sophomore year,about subliminal messages from members of the opposite sex? She was older, more worldly,having just returned from her junior year abroad. I was in awe. I read her my poetry. It was all I had. She asked me to submit it to the college newspaper.She didn’t tell me she was the ..read more
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by rdmaxwell55
2w ago
The following blog post is an experiment in self-authoring my obituary. I am not near the end at all, so I apologize up front for any confusion it may cause. Writing one’s own obituary is one way to ensure it is done properly, accurately, and according to ones wishes. So there’s that. Also, the last ..read more
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A Prayer for America on Inauguration Day
by rdmaxwell55
1M ago
Y’all can imagine Washington, DC todayAbuzz with all the pomp and celebrationOf Trump’s second coming. It’s too coldTo go outside. We watch several channelsAt home on various streaming devices. This poem is a prayer for America.As much as I want it to sound upbeat,It must not demonstrate faith and adherence To any narrative that is ..read more
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From the archives – Remembering Bob Kaufman
by rdmaxwell55
1M ago
Remembering Bob Kaufman All the letters I never sent All the letters I never sent,poems written but only sharedwith special friends who digthe cut of my jib –I warehouse them (most but not all)on blogs stashed across the internets. All the morning walks I stoppedtaking after my fall,from fear, misplaced perhaps,that I might get stucksomewhere ..read more
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On turning 69
by rdmaxwell55
2M ago
Thank y’all for the birthday wishes.Where would we be without Facebook connecting us?I should write a poem about turning 69 –but 70 seems so consequential, maybe I’ll wait.The main thing is the opportunity to say thank you.We’d all be lost in this world without gratitude ..read more
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NaPoWriMo 2024 – April 5
by rdmaxwell55
11M ago
Mercury retrograde, the solar eclipse, and taxes are due Many won’t consider or acknowledge the capacity of Mercury upgrade to color, upend human events Let the unbelievers beware – something strange is happening to cause all this drama, war and earthquakes in the land. And the eclipse – you know it’s coming next week, total darkness during broad daylight. What a mindfuck that may be. And taxes are due. No one is thinking about the power and certainty (as Marvin Gaye reminded us) of taxes, death and trouble ..read more
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NaPoWriMo 2024 – April 4
by rdmaxwell55
11M ago
the special language of bees (from The Strangest Things in the World) “And your Lord revealed to the Bee: Build hives in the mountains and the trees, and in human habitations: then eat of all the produce and find with skill the spacious paths of the Lord. There issues forth from within their bodies a drink of various colors wherein there is healing for men. Verily this is a sign for those who reflect.” Holy Qur’an 16:68-69 Bees speak to one another in a supersonic spectrum that humans cannot hear. They see colors in an ultraviolet range that humans cannot see. They dance with a precision th ..read more
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NaPoWriMo 2024 – April 3
by rdmaxwell55
11M ago
a surreal prose poem Karma My mother wanted a better life for her children.   She put us in all types of extra-curricular programs and got me a scholarship to fancy prep school to give me a better start. My father didn’t care for any of that stuff but much of it was useful. I broke her heart, and my own, again and again. It’s only karma that now the doctors tell me I have permanent heart failure. So I have to do a reset, change my life, my ways. I know Mama forgives me, Daddy told me so in a dream. And the doctors say I can expect to live a normal lifespan if I’m careful and remember to t ..read more
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NaPoWriMo 2024 – April 2nd
by rdmaxwell55
11M ago
I have an ancient love affair with books. Looks like an obsession when unread tomes and well read ones fill our small apartment, tumbling off their shelves. I’ve tried telling them goodbye so many times. It’s just no use parting as I find them once again. Becoming a librarian so late in life was bound to be a heart-breaker. Never make the thing you love your job – It all ends in despair. “Can’t buy me love ..read more
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NaPoWriMo 2024 – April 2nd
by rdmaxwell55
11M ago
a short poem about a novel I read a long time ago (without going back to check) The memories are pretty fuzzy – A history professor returns home to visit a sick, elderly uncle who taught him all about hunting and tracking wild game when he was but a boy. He has a young wife who doesn’t understand the connection between the hunt for one and the hunt for the other – a different incompatibility In seeking to make sense of it all he uncovers some old game he’d rather not have from a deep and distant, unknowable past. His wife is unsympathetic and his uncle is dying and a hidden family secret revea ..read more
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