The Daily Squanch
Welcome to The Daily Squanch, our non-daily Rick and Morty podcast. Tune in to hear as we discuss all things, Rick and Morty, from Meeseeks to Roy scores to those darn enchiladas.
The Daily Squanch
5y ago
In this episode, The Daily Squanch is joined by podcast extraordinaire Dan Rozel to discuss Rick and Morty Season 4, Episode 9 - Childrick of Mort. Highlights: - Joseph mixes up his Dan's. - If God's real, does Rick respect him? - Is this episode Unity-ish? Was it original? - Favorite jokes of the episode? - When did Summer get this into drug use? Does she need rehab? - Why didn't they just go home? - Was Jerry absolutely useless? - Brandon really likes Prince of Egypt. - Joseph comes for his dad like a spider monkey - Brandon holds strong opinions very loosely - Joseph doesn't know what Only ..read more
The Daily Squanch
5y ago
In this episode, The Daily Squanch is joined by screenwriter and warlock Andrew Urban to discuss Rick and Morty Season 4, Episode 8 - The Vat of Acid Episode. Highlights: - To go see porn in a theater: yay or nay? - Thoughts on the episode? Toby liked the jokes, Andrew likes the lesson - Did Rick have the idea for the Vat of Acid and just crafted a mission so he could do it? - Was this like the Heist episode? - Why is Morty such a dick when he gets a bit of power? - They did an UP! - Always be the second guy to suggest cannibalism, never the first. - Was the Jessica joke regressive? Did they i ..read more
The Daily Squanch
5y ago
In this episode, The Daily Squanch returns to discuss Rick and Morty Season 4, Episode 7 - ProMortyus. Highlights: - Dan trolls us so hard. We love you Dan! #TheMixerisGod - How does this episode stack up compared to the rest of the show? - That Twin Towers joke, bruh. - Toby didn't love a shit joke. We can't believe it either, folks. - What was the best Fart Joke in Rick and Morty? - Rick-cest, hehe - Which Loveness was the best Loveness? - How did Morty hit the brown note on the Harmonica? - Was Rick helpless here? - SECOND DAN TROLL!!! - Solar Opposites review: a really enjoyable ride. - Jo ..read more
The Daily Squanch
5y ago
In this episode, The Daily Squanch discusses Rick and Morty Season 4's return with Episode 6 - Never Ricking Morty. Highlights: -Joseph just adored this episode. Loved it, you guys. Just a white hot rage of love. - Was this episode too self-referential? Yes. Yes it was. - Why did the writers take a steaming crap over fan expectations? - We talk the Harmon Story Circle. - Why does the narrative structure normally work for us? Why was this a miss when Interdimensional Cable and Morty's Mind Blowers were hits? - What is the moral that we can take home from this episode? All sounds from FreeSFX.co ..read more
The Daily Squanch
5y ago
Hey all you cool cats and Rickens! In this episode, The Daily Squanch is back to talk about the trailer for the second half of Rick and Morty Season 4! Highlights: - Joseph's a small business owner now! And it's eating through his food. - Snowball's coming back! Woof! - Is Evil Morty coming back? We're definitely getting Evil Tammy. - Are we getting an Alien crossover episode? Either way, don't let it get within 6 feet of you. - Fuck it, let's talk about Coronavirus (CoronaviRicks?) - What do we hope will come from these last episodes of season 4? - How's social isolation going? - Jeff Lovenes ..read more
The Daily Squanch
5y ago
In this episode, The Daily Squanch caps off the first half of Season 4 of Rick and Morty discussing episode 5: Rattlestar Ricklactica
- Time travel's surprisingly new territory for this show
- Favorite joke of the episode?
- Jesus Toby, stop rewatching the episode ON THE PODCAST
- This B story was actually pretty great
- How did Morty think his fake snake would work?
- Joseph hasn't seen Terminator. SHAME HIM!
- Snake Abradolf Lincler!
- Shout out to Gabe, our new publicity agent.
- Welcome to Twilight Zone. Here's my anger translator, Luther.
- Was this the weakest season?
- Shi ..read more
The Daily Squanch
5y ago
In this episode, The Daily Squanch is joined by our sound mixer Dan Day to discuss Rick and Morty Season 4, Episode 4 - Claw and Hoarder: Special Ricktim's Morty.
- Mixed thoughts on the episode.
- What the fuck did the cat do?
- What did the Truth Tortoise tell Morty?
- Matthew Broderick has gone downhill in talking cats
- We get it, Florida sucks.
- Slut Dragons are funnier than we realized, especially when they're voiced by Ser Davos
- Is this Dan Harmon shitting on Harmonquest fans?
- Why did it take so long to get to the dragon sex?
- We discuss Donkey and ..read more
The Daily Squanch
5y ago
In this episode, The Daily Squanch returns to discuss Rick and Morty Season 4, Episode 3: One Crew Over The Crewcoo's Morty.
- Joseph hated this episode SO MUCH.
- Wow, Joseph really hated this episode.
- Was this a "Family Guy" Rick and Morty?
- Joseph goes on an amazing rant. Seriously, listeners, this is top three.
- Does Elon Musk love playing himself? Why yes, he does.
- We had an audio mishap in here. WE WERE HEISTED!
- Joseph and Toby try to convince Brandon to give up on his dreams.
- Yeah we were critical of this episode, but shout out to the writer!
- Blackout Horny. It ..read more
The Daily Squanch
5y ago
In this episode, The Daily Squanch returns to discuss the first episode of Rick and Morty Season 4, Episode 2: The Old Man and the Seat.
- Was this a stupid storyline? Yes, but it's amazing
- Why is Rick so defensive about his toilet?
- Which is worse? A shit bomb or your head exploding from wasps?
- Glooty-ootie-ooo!
- Why has Brandon been slacking on the bad jokes?
- What cringeworthy thing make you break up with someone immediately?
- Holy exposition, Batman!
- Why are shy poopers... shy?
- Wow, Donald Glover had some DARK standup back in the day
- Joseph has a passion for piss ..read more
The Daily Squanch
5y ago
In this episode, The Daily Squanch returns to discuss the first episode of Rick and Morty Season 4, Edge of Tomorty: Rick Die Rickpeat.
- We loved it! They're back, baby!
- Is Akira the new acai?
- Is it better to just roll with it?
- That Aftercredits scene, though.
- We don't like wasps. If you're a wasp listener of this podcast, fuck off.
- Toby and Brandon have a special place in their hearts for Kirkland.
- Joseph loves his Yawn more than his podcast.
- Shout out to Jessica Gao for the She Hulk show! (twitter handle: @ChairmanGao)
- Did Morty carve a crystal into his skull ..read more