S02E03 - Auto Erotic Assimilation
Pickle Me This
by Bald Move, Starburns Audio
3y ago
"Auto Erotic Assimilation" is another landmark episode of Rick and Morty. It manages to be extremely funny, while tackling tough subjects such as free will, autonomy, racism, and ends with a major gut punch that never fails to land. Other things we ponder; the Smith family electric bill, the most vicious Beth v. Jerry fight thus far, and is Rick pan-sexual? As always, our initial review and episode discussion are spoiler-free for first time fans, but we have plenty of in-depth discussion of spoilers and behind the scenes details when we tune into dimension BM-77 at the end of the podcast! You ..read more
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S01E07 - Raising Gazorpazorp
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by Bald Move, Starburns Audio
3y ago
Rick and Morty has a lot to say about parenting and matriarchy in "Raising Gazorpazorp". And the crude, repulsive creature that is the teenage boy. We debate the propriety and validity of the comedy built around the feminist utopia depicted here, because we figure the whole world can't wait to hear what two dudes think about it. Plus, we brush up on our Latin and get Biblical to decipher important texts! As always, our initial review and episode discussion are spoiler-free for first time fans, but we have plenty of in-depth discussion of spoilers and behind the scenes details when we tune into ..read more
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S01E03 - Anatomy Park
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by Bald Move, Starburns Audio
3y ago
It's Christmas in August as we check out S01E03 of Rick and Morty, "Anatomy Park". Rick's doing charitable work with the homeless, Jerry's parents have him questioning his concept of a "human holiday", and Morty makes it to second base before being tagged out at third. As always, our initial review and episode discussion are spoiler-free for first time fans, but we have plenty of in-depth discussion of spoilers and behind the scenes details when we tune into dimension BM-77 at the end of the podcast! You can watch seasons 1, 2, and 3 on Hulu right now! You can also purchase the Blu-rays for al ..read more
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S01E02 - Lawnmower Dog
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by Bald Move, Starburns Audio
3y ago
As we re-watch S01E02 of Rick and Morty Jim and I ponder the plight of the adorably tyrannical Snowball, the antagonist of "Lawnmower Dog". Thoughts are also provoked as Rick and Morty attempt to Incept the concept of good grades into Mr. Goldenfold! As always, our initial review and episode discussion are spoiler-free for first time fans, but we have plenty of in-depth discussion of spoilers and behind the scenes details when we tune into dimension BM-77 at the end of the podcast! You can watch seasons 1, 2, and 3 on Hulu right now! You can also purchase the Blu-rays for all seasons on Amazon ..read more
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S05E10 - Rickmurai Jack
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by Bald Move, Starburns Audio
3y ago
I think it's safe to say, based on the tone of the discussion, this is the episode everyone has been waiting for. CONTINUITY BABY! I suppose it could have been disappointing if you were holding out hope for a live-action episode starring Xtopher Lloyd, but it answers a lot of questions that we've had for seasons now and sets up some truly interesting possibilities for the future of Rick and Morty. Check out the podcast to hear us discuss them. Hey there! Check out https://support.baldmove.com/ to find out how you can gain access to ALL of our premium content, as well as ad-free versions o ..read more
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S05E09 - Forgetting Sarick Mortshall
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by Bald Move, Starburns Audio
3y ago
This is definitely the first part of a two-part season finale, but it sneaks up on you thanks to a pretty engaging plot involving Rick replacing Morty with a couple of crows. Personally, I think I'd rather have seen the "Half a Paul Giamatti" episode, but I enjoyed this one nonetheless. Check out the podcast to hear our thoughts. Hey there! Check out https://support.baldmove.com/ to find out how you can gain access to ALL of our premium content, as well as ad-free versions of the podcasts, for just $5 a month! Join the discussion: DiscordReddit | Forums Follow us: TwitchYouTube |&nbs ..read more
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S05E08 - Rickternal Friendshine of the Spotless Mort
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by Bald Move, Starburns Audio
3y ago
Here's the continuity you've been looking for. We finally deal with the tragedy of Rick's artificially preserved best friend, Birdperson in an episode loosely based on Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Check out the podcast to hear us hypothesize about the canon implications of this episode, among other things, and join us back here during the week of September 5th for the back-to-back airing of the final two season 5 episodes. Hey there! Check out https://support.baldmove.com/ to find out how you can gain access to ALL of our premium content, as well as ad-free versions of the podca ..read more
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S05E07 - Gotron Jerrysis Rickvangelion
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by Bald Move, Starburns Audio
3y ago
Oh boy, the community is divided over this episode. Turns out, so is our podcast. Join us for a discussion of S05E07 "Gotron Jerrysis Rickvangelion" which is either a perfect example of why the haters don't deserve anymore Rick and Morty or a perfect example of why the latest season is complete crap, depending on which type of toxic fan you are. Hey there! Check out https://support.baldmove.com/ to find out how you can gain access to ALL of our premium content, as well as ad-free versions of the podcasts, for just $5 a month! Join the discussion: DiscordReddit | Forums Follow us: Twi ..read more
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S05E06 - Rick & Morty's Thanksploitation Spectacular
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by Bald Move, Starburns Audio
3y ago
Rick and Morty take on Turkey Day by getting into the holiday spirit quite a bit more literally than most of us. Join us for Thanksgiving in July with our podcast for season 5, episode 6, "Ricky & Morty's Thanksploitation Spectacular". Hey there! Check out https://support.baldmove.com/ to find out how you can gain access to ALL of our premium content, as well as ad-free versions of the podcasts, for just $5 a month! Join the discussion: DiscordReddit | Forums Follow us: TwitchYouTube | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook Leave Us A Review on Apple Podcasts Lea ..read more
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S05E05 - Amortycan Rickfitti
Pickle Me This
by Bald Move, Starburns Audio
3y ago
It's debatable who's raising more hell this week, Rick's joyriding car or the cenobites who are feeding off of Jerry's cringe. We're mixed on this episode but where we do agree is that it's definitely better than the last one. Check out the podcast for more thoughts on Amortycan Grickfitti. Hey there! Check out https://support.baldmove.com/ to find out how you can gain access to ALL of our premium content, as well as ad-free versions of the podcasts, for just $5 a month! Join the discussion: DiscordReddit | Forums Follow us: TwitchYouTube | Twitter | Instagram |&n ..read more
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