Ep 74: How do you know when it's time to eat more carbs?
Muscle Maven Radio
by Ashleigh VanHouten & Rachel Gregory
9h ago
In this short episode, Ashleigh and Rachel answer listener questions about how you know when it's time to eat more carbs, and offer some practical and tangible health tips for shift workers.  A reminder that if you are a member of the military, medical, or first-responder community, we offer discounts for all of our programs. Emails us at musclescience4women@gmail.com for the discount, or to send us any questions, comments, or topic ideas! This episode is brought to you by Paleovalley. They make amazing healthy snacks, like 100% grassfed and fermented beef sticks and Superfood bars made w ..read more
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Ep 73: Why is it so much harder for women to lose fat?
Muscle Maven Radio
by Ashleigh VanHouten & Rachel Gregory
1w ago
The Women of Muscle Science are back from their summer break! Get ready for fun life updates, some silliness, and as always, plenty of education mixed in. This week the ladies answer questions about how to stay consistent with your fitness when you travel a lot for work; how to improve your workouts in general; and the age-old question: is it really harder for women to lose fat than men? And if so, WHY?! (and what can we do about it?) Don't miss it - and please email musclescience4women@gmail.com with any feedback, questions or comments. Here's the link to Ashleigh's blog post with three ways ..read more
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Ep 72: How to improve bone density | partial ROM reps for hypertrophy?
Muscle Maven Radio
by Ashleigh VanHouten & Rachel Gregory
1M ago
In this week's episode, Ashleigh and Rachel chat about how they manage their colds (including what they do to minimize sickness). They also answer questions from listeners about how to improve bone density: what exercises should we be doing? At what age is it too late? Why is bone density important? What foods help? Do partial range of motion reps help hypertrophy even more than full range of motion? Prepare for a deep dive! And Ashleigh tells a Planet Fitness story Download Rachel's sick protocol: https://www.rgfit.com/blog/sick-protocol  All that and more - if you have questions, comm ..read more
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Ep 71: Did you ruin your metabolism by undereating?
Muscle Maven Radio
by Ashleigh VanHouten & Rachel Gregory
1M ago
In this episode Rachel recaps a fun Vegas weekend, they talk about some of their favorite "on the go" snacks, and they answer a listener question about balancing strength training and marathon training. The girls also go through a case study from a listener who is also a VERY common client profile: a woman in her 50's who has spent decades undereating, being extremely rigid and strict with their diet, over training and under recovering, and practicing a negative and fear-based mindset around food and training. This client is now, in menopause, struggling with minor weight gain and wondering if ..read more
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Ep 69: Are some people just not "built" for certain exercises? | How many meals per day is optimal?
Muscle Maven Radio | Paleo Magazine Podcast
by Ashleigh VanHouten & Rachel Gregory
2M ago
In today's episode, Ashleigh and Rachel answer listener questions about whether or not three meals per day is optimal for protein/nutrient absorption; if some builds or anatomies just aren't cut out for certain exercises (and if so, how do we pick the best movements for our bodies?); Ashleigh rants about a particularly bad take on the carnivore diet; and more. If you have questions, comments, feedback, or want to add a topic for "Ashleigh's Rant Corner," send it to musclescience4women@gmail.com. This episode is brought to you by Paleovalley. They make amazing healthy snacks, like 100% grassfed ..read more
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Ep 68: Too much dietary protein causes cardiovascular disease (again)? Discussing the latest study
Muscle Maven Radio | Paleo Magazine Podcast
by Ashleigh VanHouten & Rachel Gregory
2M ago
In this episode, Ashleigh and Rachel answer a listener's question about a recent study claiming that high leucine (and dietary protein) intake can cause atherosclerosis or cardiovascular disease. The links below provide more information on the study and their response.  The ladies also chat about some recent injuries, Ashleigh's upcoming trip to San Diego, and more. If you have questions, comments, feedback, or want to add a topic for "Ashleigh's Rant Corner," send it to musclescience4women@gmail.com. This episode is brought to you by Paleovalley. They make amazing healthy snacks, like 10 ..read more
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Ep 67: Lessons on nutrition and muscle building from Stan Efferding
Muscle Maven Radio | Paleo Magazine Podcast
by Ashleigh VanHouten & Rachel Gregory
2M ago
Enjoy this re-release of one of our more popular episodes with Stan Efferding, an IFBB Professional bodybuilder and World Record Holding Powerlifter. He is one of only 10 men in the world to ever total over 2,300 pounds raw in competition. Stan holds the title as the World's Strongest Bodybuilder. Stan conducts seminars all over the country for various sports and nutrition and training techniques, and he coined the Vertical Diet - in this episode Ashleigh and Stan talk all things diet, muscle building, and what we can all take from the regimens of elite athletes.  They cover: Stan's morn ..read more
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Ep 66: How to Figure Out Maintenance Calories? | Herniated Disc Recovery
Muscle Maven Radio | Paleo Magazine Podcast
by Ashleigh VanHouten & Rachel Gregory
3M ago
In this episode, Ashleigh and Rachel answer listener questions about how to transition from a cut to "maintenance" and all the mistakes and misconceptions that come from this process; they talk about training during recovery from a herniated disc; they discuss the concept that cold beverages may be inherently less good for you; and much more.  If you have a question, comment, or topic idea for Muscle Science for Women, email it to musclescience4women@gmail.com Sign up for the new Strong & Sculpted Shoulders workshop: https://www.rgfit.com/shoulders  Check out our specialized prog ..read more
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Ep 65: Aging well doesn't happen by accident: how to enjoy the process
Muscle Maven Radio | Paleo Magazine Podcast
by Ashleigh VanHouten & Rachel Gregory
3M ago
The term "aging," to many, is a bad word, associated with negative changes and a general decline in health. But many of the negative aspects we associate with aging aren't inevitable. In this episode re-release, Ashleigh speaks with New York Times bestselling author, weight-loss and natural anti-aging expert Dr. Kellyann Petrucci.She is a concierge doctor for celebrities in New York City and Los Angeles, a board-certified naturopathic physician and a certified nutrition consultant. She is a massive proponent of using food to encourage robust health and beauty, and challenging what we think abo ..read more
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Ep 64: Lowering LDL cholesterol on a high-protein diet | Are healthy desserts "orthorexic"?
Muscle Maven Radio | Paleo Magazine Podcast
by Ashleigh VanHouten & Rachel Gregory
3M ago
In this episode the ladies answer questions from listeners including one about how to lower LDL cholesterol on a high protein diet: what might be causing the high LDL reading; what other factors other than diet may be contributing; and their advice for some lifestyle factors and further research to address the potential issue. They also discuss how much is too much protein powder: what percentage of your daily protein amount ideally should come from whole foods, and how much is ok to get from supplements like protein powder? How can you best meal prep or plan when you have a job that keeps you ..read more
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