5 Mind-Blowing Habits: How Top Producers Secure Their Success
Art of Mortgage Marketing
by Doren Aldana
10h ago
Most people think making decisions is all about speed or just following your gut. But what if I tell you, there's more to it? Top producers in the mortgage industry excel because they have mastered the art of decision-making. But what really sets their decision-making habits apart from others is that they can make fast, smart decisions based on facts and research. They also think creatively and find new solutions to tough problems. Do you want to know which habits you should change to make better choices? What if just 5 simple habits could help you reach your best self? In this episode, I expl ..read more
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The Counterintuitive Nature of Success: Why Most LOs Fail and Few Succeed
Art of Mortgage Marketing
by Doren Aldana
2w ago
Success in the mortgage industry often feels like an uphill battle, an endless grind against constant challenges.   For many LOs, the daily grind can seem overwhelming, with rising rates, increasing competition, and the struggle to stand out in a crowded market. These obstacles are not exceptions but the norm, and how you handle them defines your success.   How can you rise above the resistance and ramp up your revenue? How can you WIN in ANY market CONSISTENTLY, not just a “fair weather” market?   In this episode, I talk about the common struggles most mortgage pros face—low in ..read more
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5 Ways Top Producers Think Differently Than The Average LO
Art of Mortgage Marketing
by Doren Aldana
1M ago
It's still a challenging market with rates high and inventory low, but remember, it's not the market, it's your marketing – AND YOUR MINDSET! It's all about controlling what's INSIDE of your control, and obviously, you cannot control market conditions. What you CAN control is your daily activities, what you focus on, and the spirit you bring to those activities, and that makes all the difference in the world when it comes to your results. Have you ever wondered how the TOP 1% income earners think and that allows them to earn 10X more than the average LO? What do they know that you don't when i ..read more
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Why Realtors Keep Turning You Down & How to Fix It
Art of Mortgage Marketing
by Doren Aldana
2M ago
Mortgage rates are rising and inventory is low, leaving most mortgage originators feeling frustrated and defeated. The pressure to engage Realtors has never been higher, and the competition is fierce. But what if you could turn this adversity into your biggest opportunity? Imagine being so attractive to top-producing Realtors that they are no longer ignoring your calls and rejecting your overtures but actually open, receptive, even eager to speak with you. With the right strategy, you can flip the script so the Realtor needs YOU more than you need them. How do you make yourself the GO-TO mor ..read more
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How To Capitalize On The NAR Settlement: 3 Ways To Attract Realtor Partners
Art of Mortgage Marketing
by Doren Aldana
2M ago
As the real estate world braces for the impact of the $418M NAR settlement that was recently approved by the judge, many Realtors are shaking in their boots with fear. With potential commission cuts and changing market dynamics, there’s a palpable air of uncertainty and even trepidation. But what if you could turn these challenges into your biggest opportunities?   There’s a good chance that the NAR settlement will put pressure on your Realtors to STEP UP or STEP OUT. With smart sales and marketing strategies, you can help your Realtors flourish under these new conditions, gaining an adva ..read more
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How Bernadette Laxamana Built a $9.5M+ Pipeline From Scratch in Just 3 Months
Art of Mortgage Marketing
by Doren Aldana
3M ago
Are you stuck in a rut of resistance, feeling powerless to make progress in the face of rising rates and low inventory? If you’re looking to break free from frustration and unlock new opportunities, this message is for you…   Picture this: getting past your obstacles, reigniting power to thrive, and boosting your confidence with a proven plan for prosperity.   Think that’s a pipe dream? Think again!   Case in point, Bernadette Laxamana went from having her best year yet in 2022 to being in the dumps, depressed, dejected, and frustrated because her income tanked and she didn’t kn ..read more
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7 Habits of Highly Successful LOs
Art of Mortgage Marketing
by Doren Aldana
4M ago
Have you ever wondered what traits, habits and skills separate the top 1% income earners in the mortgage industry from all the rest?   I mean they all offer the same programs with the same rates as everyone else, but they earn at least 10X more than the average LO.   What do they know that you don't?   What champion-level mind-sets and skill-sets allow them to rise to the top, even in a down market?   After 19 years of being in the trenches coaching mortgage pros to success, I'm uniquely qualified to teach you exactly that.   This truly is the Holy Grail of mortgage ma ..read more
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4 Ways to Get Mortgage Clients
Art of Mortgage Marketing
by Doren Aldana
4M ago
Looking for a surefire way to bring in high-quality borrowers with less time, energy, money, and stress? You’re in luck.   I have 4 strategies for getting mortgage clients with the highest pay-off possible. These simple, yet powerful strategies will give you a practical path to power up your pipeline.   After all, why reinvent the wheel when you can leverage battle-tested methods that work even in the face of hyper-competition, margin compression, limited inventory, and everyone and their dog chasing after the same Realtors?   It’s time to start working smarter, not harder, so y ..read more
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How to Harness the Power of Leverage
Art of Mortgage Marketing
by Doren Aldana
5M ago
Tired of feeling like you’re grinding uphill with concrete blocks on your feet in your business? I know that frustration all too well.   Perhaps you’ve been putting in massive amounts of time, energy, and money only to see meager results in return. You and I both know, that's a special kind of suck.   Those are all symptoms of doing it the hard way. But here's the good news...   By harnessing the power of LEVERAGE, you can start closing more deals better, faster, easier than you ever thought possible.   If you're going to a gunfight, you don't want to be wielding a butter k ..read more
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Your 2024 Marketing Plan
Art of Mortgage Marketing
by Doren Aldana
7M ago
If you're coming out of a year you never want to repeat again, you've come to the right place. If you NEVER want to go back to the suck of spinning your wheels and living in I-can't-afford prison, I’m going to share the secret sauce to increasing your income by at least $100,000.   No matter what you faced in 2023 - fruitless toil, a dark cave of income uncertainty, chasing mediocre Realtors, chump level results. We have the jackhammer to smash those concrete blocks on your feet so you can swim towards the shore of excellence.   We don't want you just splashing around in the ocean go ..read more
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