Free Radio Play
The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow
2y ago
 In Today's Tiny Issue Small Things How small are we That's Amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing Random Joke Word (to your Mother) Free audio play. I write about big things. But, it’s time to talk of the small, of little pleasures of smaller joys. A lick from the dog Clean sheet smell Chinese chicken curry Melodious church bell Sun through the curtains A really good sneeze Elvis on the radio Quite a strong cheese My spex with no spots A pair of odd socks Bacon and eggs Soft ticking of clocks Smell of cut grass Old Captain Kirk A free parking space A weekend off work A freezing cold pint I n more
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Ekphrastic Poetry
The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow
2y ago
 In Today's Issue Ekphrastic Poetry We Danced on the Sand Trivial Top 10 That's Amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing Random Joke of the Day An Offer Ekphrastic poetry explores art. Using a rhetorical device known as ekphrasis, the poet engages with a painting, drawing, sculpture, or other form of visual art. Poetry about music and dance might also be considered a type of ekphrastic writing. The term ekphrastic (also spelled ecphrastic) originates from a Greek expression for description. The earliest ekphrastic poems were vivid accounts of real or imagined scenes. Through effusive use of deta more
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My Child
The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow
2y ago
 In Today's edition. My Kid Kids That's Amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing Random Joke Buy a Book My Kid The levy broke and waters ran A portent of a new lifespan To a place lit with sterile lights of stainless steel Chemical flights Mop a brow hold a hand A soothing word a useless man A final quake One cry is two Orchestra of girls One old one new I hold the life like mad parents did and say hello To my new kid. KIDS 1. ‘Children’ is one of only three words in modern English which are plurals formed by adding the old suffix -en. The others are brethren and oxen. 2. Worldwide more
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"I'll make you an offer you can't refuse"
The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow
2y ago
 In Today's "I'll make you an offer you can't refuse" edition. Taser Trevor Today's Gangsters That's Amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing Random Joke The "Offer" Trevor the taser Carriers a razor He's an old-school badun Who carries a gun It's loaded and locked Primed and it's cocked With Caps from the shop It’ll only go pop If only he birthed When the Krays were on earth Instead, he's stuck In the time of the schmuck Now villains fake crime Scamming people online While gangsters so dapper Are now only rappers Fedoras all gone So has Capone The cost of organised crime to the ec more
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  Coal Not Dole In Today's Issue Industr...
The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow
2y ago
  Coal Not Dole In Today's Issue Industrial Action Coal Coale Not Dole That's Amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing Random Joke INDUSTRIAL ACTION AN OPINION That the UK is a low-strike society and a low-pay economy is no freakish coincidence. In-work poverty is at a record high in large part because working days lost to strikes are at record lows. When unions were smashed by a combination of legislation, defeats and mass unemployment in the 1980s,  we lost the most effective means we have to ensure that workers get a fair slice of the pie they make. That’s why the Governments proclamation more
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International Bubble Wrap Day
The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow
3y ago
  Bubble Rap In Today's Pop(ular) Issue Bubble Wrap Appreciation DayBubble RapBubble WrapThat's AmaaaaaaaaazingRandom Joke Feeling a little stressed lately.? Then, this special day is made for you! It's Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day. As anyone who has ever come in contact with it knows, bubble wrap is not just a protective wrapping for things. It is also a wonderful stress reliever! Just squeeze the bubbles in the Bubble wrap, and feel the stress disappear with each POP...POP...POP. So, grab a piece of bubble wrap today, and go to town! BUBBLE RAP Little blisters of air Bubbles more
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Two Sentence Horror
The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow
3y ago
 In Todays Issue - Two Sentence Horror Trivial Top 10 That's Amaaaaaazing Random Joke of the Day More of this stuff Subscribe Two Sentence Horror Two Sentence horror is a great example of ‘FlashFiction’. This form of writing isn’t new; two-sentence horror stories have been floating around the internet and for years. They've even inspired a TV series. Google the phrase “two-sentence horror stories”, and you’ll find many examples. This site has quite a few to get you started, but here are some just to illustrate how cool they are: I just noticed a picture of myself sleeping i more
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Well it's Been Awhile
The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow
3y ago
In Todays Issue - It's Been Awhile Micro Fiction Superman That's Amaaaaaazing Random Joke of the Day More of this stuff Subscribe It's Been Awhile. Well what a year that was. 2021 brought us yet more Covid, climate anxiety, Brexshit, a Government more interested in lining its own pockets than serving the nation, an orange loon inciting violence on his government, Matt Hancock squeezing someone's bottom and, it would seem, for some, lots and lots of parties. But, in spite of it all, we found a way to live … and watch more Netflix. If 2020 was the original novel then 2021 was a sequel tha more
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The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow
3y ago
Albert the Wonderdog Dogs That's Amaaaaaazing Random Joke of the Day Here's a poem about my little pal :- Albert My best furry pal who sits on my lap brown eared but mostly white My little old chap he has an eyepatch but sails no sea apart from the ones He fills with his pee he growls and he snarls He barks and he yips when the postie arrives bloody apocalypse He annoys me sometimes when he barks at the telly and when he lets one go It's silent but smelly But I love my little dog despite all his crimes Because without him I would no longer rhyme Doggy Facts Your dog is as more
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&^%$^^$£"$! Virus
The Thoughts of Chairman Anyhow
3y ago
 In Today's Issue &^%$^^$£"$! Virus Trivial Top 10 Random Joke of the Day That's Amaaaaaaaazing Virus Sorry for the lack of posts, my Lap Top has caught a cold. The little blighter took over and wouldn't let me get into my own bloomin files! My laptop got a virus I was surprised that it could I tried to give paracetamol But it did it no good I poured in chicken soup It works with my cold But it just started fizzing And the keyboard developed mold I stuck in the bath All soapy nice and hot But it did not seem to like that Oh it certainly did not. And now its sound asleep It more
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