Territorial Expansion
What's The Matter With Me? Podcast
by John Hoppin
8M ago
Low Anxiety, Going Places In this episode, I give a shoutout to Kevin for Montana info, share insights from Andrew Pulrang’s Disability Thinking, and discuss prepping Dax Pierson interview questions. I also talk about my kids’ haircuts, our neighborhood, music, therapy, hospital visits, and my recent solo trips and poetry publications. Shout Outs Shout outs to Kevin. thanks for the info about Montana. Kevin does comic book reviews on his YouTube channel Under The Cowl Of MS. Disability Thinking Now reading Andrew Pulrang’s Disability Thinking Substack. I’ve always been partial to the combina ..read more
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Skibidi Toilet Is A Part Of History
What's The Matter With Me? Podcast
by John Hoppin
9M ago
A Toilet For The Ages https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrlkXOxlvCk I asked my son about skibidi toilet, and he replied: It’s gone viral.. in fifty years, look in the history books, and there’ll be skibidi toilet. Skibidi Toilet is a part of history. A 10-year-old Shoutouts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6QOrgMeuMI Shout outs to Amy and Matt who had us over for a barbecue Shout outs to Anthony was in town and came over It Sucks To Breathe Through A Straw My sleep apnea CPAP device has been having low pressure, making it hard to breathe through. Unsurprisingly, it triggers anxiety. It’s like ..read more
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Slogging Through
What's The Matter With Me? Podcast
by John Hoppin
9M ago
Getting through anxiety one day at a time, one step at a time, putting myself out there. Slogging through. In the news Paris Promised the Olympics Would Be Accessible. The Clock Is Ticking. Article: Paris Promised The Olympics Would Be Accessible The city, which put inclusivity at the center of its bid, has improved access for people with disabilities, but with the opening ceremony about 12 weeks away, obstacles remain. Slogging through Processing what’s happening One of the hardest things about Multiple sclerosis is wrapping your head around it. being cool with the things that are happening t ..read more
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Anxiety Medication Strategy Session
What's The Matter With Me? Podcast
by John Hoppin
10M ago
In “Anxiety Medication Strategy Session,” changing opinions on music, bouts of anxiety, recent publication in Identity Theory and Disturb the Universe, family life changes, increased mobility, and resumption of some duties. Last Old Guy Or First New Guy? Recently, I read a tweet by flea, and I was forced to reconsider: https://twitter.com/flea333/status/1774601328502898936 https://youtu.be/QEgalcH_-b4?si=q7ZD6rdC4ZhfnwbY&t=1762 Pat Matheny on German jazz critics Pat Matheny was a jazz guitarist that my stepfather really admired. For that reason, in my youth I stayed away from it. In genera ..read more
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Publication Barbecue
What's The Matter With Me? Podcast
by John Hoppin
10M ago
Featuring updates on Hoppin Hot Sauce inventory, newly published writing, recuperation from surgery, the year’s first barbecue, and a new family pet. Sandman Knows Kale Shout outs to the Sandman, who wrote in about kale and he knows more about kale than I ever will. He works with kale as a kaleologist. Extra Hot Shortage Buy Extra Hot Hoppin Hot Sauce from Amazon as we will be out of stock on Extra Hot in the near term, and once Amazon runs out, we’re out. Publication Instant Noodles published my 50-word story “CYBERTRUCK DENTAL, S. DE R.L.” The link to the stuff that is published, along with ..read more
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Surgery Publication Vacation
What's The Matter With Me? Podcast
by John Hoppin
10M ago
Period of Change Undergoing a period of change: I had surgery, I got published and I went on vacation. Plenty of new music reviews in this episode. A word What’s The Matter With Me? Podcast is sponsored by Hoppin Hot Sauce. Order it on Amazon. JWH Live! Writings By John Winfield Hoppin is live, because my editor said I needed a writer’s website. I think it’s pretty nifty.. Selfie Edict Subscribers get the selfie for as long as we all live. It’s a lifetime subscription Shout outs https://twitter.com/MarchandsPetRat/status/1779926937177358503 Shout outs to Marchandspetrat, hockey s-poster livin ..read more
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Drugged Out
What's The Matter With Me? Podcast
by John Hoppin
11M ago
In “Drugged Out,” a short episode featuring wine delivery, toilet paper shortage and trigeminal neuralgia pain medication. Long Time Subscribers get the selfie for as long as we all shall live. It’s a lifetime subscription Green fluid Cuts in my hands have been getting infected and filling with green goop In Our Cups We got the wine delivery, man, and the wine deliveryman was in his 20s, maybe his mid-20s, and he was really upset about global warming. “Things aren’t l really pleasant anymore,” he said. I felt for him. “I feel for you,” I said Toilet Paper Shortage We still have a case of Bulg ..read more
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Spring Concert
What's The Matter With Me? Podcast
by John Hoppin
11M ago
In “Spring Concert,” an incidental return to Dry Marchuary, a chapbook’s worth of poetry and the school’s Spring Concert. From chaos comes order One way to enjoy Hoppin Hot Sauce is “On Pasta”. In the midst of near-total chaos, small rituals ground us, nourishing both body and soul. “On Pasta” at HoppinHotSauce.com Shout outs Shout outs to schwabino kickin fatal aikido kung fu karate they bout to find your body you better ask somebody mymedia designer.com tell a friend to tell a friend about my media designer See for yourself Spring Concert Selfie My hair is long as it’s been since 2009! Se ..read more
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Buying A Used Wheelchair
What's The Matter With Me? Podcast
by John Hoppin
1y ago
In “Buying A Used Wheelchair,” breaking my wheelchair and buying a new one on Craigslist, more record shopping, cooking borscht and getting accepted for publication. Every week we order pizza from the place in town. On the day after, for lunch I eat cold pizza with Hoppin Hot Sauce on it. (Hoppin Hot Sauce jingle) Those who say don’t know & who know don’t say Buying a used wheelchair selfie Subscribers get the selfie and the show notes e mailed to them, and I don’t know what they do with them Record shopping I went record shopping at Amoeba and it turned out to be a pretty good score: Som ..read more
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Swift Correction
What's The Matter With Me? Podcast
by John Hoppin
1y ago
In “Swift Correction,” Taylor Swift wrote all the songs, hoping everything’s okay, and a sprained knee. But first, I’m programming robots to do my bidding! I can feel it– success is near at hand. Automaton I I spent all day working on an automation to send posts created on the Hoppin Hot Sauce blog out to the mailing list automatically. Automations help multiply my actions which is important so I can conserve energy and avoid fatigue that comes with MS. Hopefully, I can stay in better touch with the hot sauce audience. Automaton II Swift Correction selfie Previously, another automation I made ..read more
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