The OVLC is a nonprofit, non-governmental, land protection organization supported by private donations. Follow this blog to know more about land conservation.
1y ago
Come to our Fall Native Plant Sale on Saturday, November 4 from 9am-12pm to purchase native plants for your yard and learn about getting involved in our new program, Rewild Ojai.
Ojai is famous for its stunning native flora, and inviting that beauty into your landscaping comes with a host of benefits. Whether you are seeking drought tolerance, more pollinators, or habitat for wildlife, a native plant garden sows the seeds of climate resilience in your own backyard. Save the date and we look forward to seeing you at the sale!
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1y ago
Join us for OVLC’s first Advisory Council meeting on Sunday, November 5 at 9:30 am at the Ventura River Steelhead Preserve. Please RSVP below. Directions to Ventura River Steelhead Preserve Find the Ventura River Steelhead Preserve in Google Maps»
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1y ago
Ojai Meadows Preserve (Partial Closure) – July 11, 2023 to July 14,2023 Invasive plant management is an essential pillar of restoration. Without the removal of noxious weeds, creating space for diverse flora and fauna is impossible. There are many methods of managing invasive plants, all of which OVLC has utilized according to the nuances of […]
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1y ago
Join Joseph Curti, Ph.D. candidate at UCLA, for a seminar and field trip focusing on bat species in Southern California. On Saturday, July 22 from 3-5 pm Joseph will provide an overview on the diversity and natural history of bats in Southern California, including what species are present, where they are distributed, and unique qualities of their roosting and foraging ecology. Joseph will also discuss common research methods that bat biologists use to sample and study bats, including techniques he applies in his ongoing graduate research. Joseph will conclude his talk with a discussion on bat ..read more
1y ago
Join us for our 8th annual Mountainfilm on Tour on Saturday, September 17, or make it a weekend and also join us for Under the Open Sky, a special farm-to-table dinner on Friday, September 16
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1y ago
Ojai, CA 6/21/2023 – The Ojai Valley Land Conservancy (OVLC) is collaborating on an ecological restoration research project aimed at assessing the effectiveness of prescribed burning and broadcast seeding in restoring native species richness and cover, reducing the density of invasive species, and maintaining a healthy ecosystem. The project will also evaluate the impact of prescribed burns on specific target species and investigate the long-term effects of consecutive burns and seeding.
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1y ago
Ojai Valley Land Conservancy (OVLC) announces the purchase of 9.55 acres of land in San Antonio Creek. The acquisition signifies a milestone in the ongoing efforts to protect and restore the Ventura River watershed and the natural landscapes of the Ojai Valley forever ..read more
1y ago
El Río Ventura y su ecosistema circundante son valiosos recursos naturales que brindan numerosas oportunidades recreativas al tiempo que respaldan una rica biodiversidad de flora y fauna nativas. Como usuarios de esta tierra, es esencial que entendamos y apreciemos nuestra relación con el río y la tierra, y asumamos la responsabilidad de ser cuidadores diligentes. Al reconocer el valor de este ecosistema y trabajar activamente hacia su preservación, podemos asegurar su belleza continuada y su integridad ecológica para las generaciones venideras ..read more