Why Is Cultural Fit a Key Element to Offshoring Success?
ASW Global Blog
by SEO Admin
1y ago
Outsourcing to an offshore global team can be a smart decision for many businesses, offering access to a diverse talent pool whilst enjoying the value of efficiently investing resources. Though skills and experience are naturally essential when recruiting, cultural fit can also play a significant role in retaining great talent and achieving offshoring success. What is cultural fit? Cultural fit refers to the degree to which an individual’s attitudes, values, beliefs, and behaviours are consistent with the culture, values, and norms of an organisation or community. Cultural fit becomes even mo ..read more
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The Top 10 Healthcare Roles Delegated to an Offshore Team
ASW Global Blog
by SEO Admin
1y ago
Australia’s healthcare industry relies heavily on employing certified and qualified professionals to provide optimum care for its citizens. The lifting of pandemic restrictions for migrant workers can help fill the gap for the high demand of medical practitioners (doctors, registered nurses, carers). But there is also a great need for skilful workers to fill supporting roles in the healthcare industry. This can be addressed efficiently by outsourcing healthcare services to an offshore solutions provider. Here are the most in-demand offshore jobs that also provide essential support to the Aust ..read more
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How to Overcome Language Barriers with Your Remote Team?
ASW Global Blog
by SEO Admin
1y ago
Effective communication between you and the remote team is more than conversing in a common language. Not surprisingly, most businesses are seeking strong English skills — both written and spoken — to deliver competency within the role. Whilst locations such as The Philippines and Malaysia have extremely high English literacy rates (over 97%), English in most instances is an offshore team member’s second language. It’s highly important that the staff can accurately interpret the message being delivered and not just converse with confidence. For managers, here are some of the best practices to ..read more
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Is Now the Time to Ride the Wave of Offshore Digital Marketing?
ASW Global Blog
by SEO Admin
1y ago
Traditionally, offshoring has been synonymous with IT and accounting capability. However, digital marketing is now one of the fastest-growing sectors in the market. Not surprisingly, most companies have some form of digital presence. Be it their website, ecommerce, Google/PPC ads, or social media. Given the stats below, coupled with collaborative tools such as Monday.com, Trello, and Zoom, it’s no wonder many brands are investigating offshore capability for their digital marketing requirements. In the ever-evolving digital marketplace, it can be challenging for business leaders to keep up wit ..read more
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How to Ensure Optimum Work Output from an Offshore Team
ASW Global Blog
by SEO Admin
2y ago
A concern among companies that are still on the fence regarding offshoring is whether the remote team’s work output can meet their expected standards. There is a prevalent misconception that the manager will have less control over an offshore team, thus compromising the quality of their work and causing negative consequences to the business. On the contrary, an offshore global team – assembled by the right offshore service provider – is more than capable to produce outcomes that can even exceed your expectations. Here are valuable insights from the experiences of four business leaders on how t ..read more
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The Top 10 In-Demand Offshore Roles in Australia for 2023
ASW Global Blog
by SEO Admin
2y ago
According to the Australian Government’s recent Labour Market Insights, employment is projected to increase over five years to November 2026 across 19 broad industries and 8 broad occupational groups. Three-fifths of the total projected employment growth will come from the following industries: Among these industries, the health care and professional/technical sectors will benefit immensely from offshoring. Whilst the demand in health care is more for registered nurses, medical technicians, and aged and disabled carers, offshore teams can provide various essential services to improve efficien ..read more
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The True Cost of Staff Turnover and How Offshoring Can Help
ASW Global Blog
by SEO Admin
2y ago
In recent years, staff turnovers and talent shortages are two glaring workforce issues that have been putting a huge strain on Australian businesses. According to a PriceWaterhouseCoopers report, around $385 AUD million is lost on recruitment costs that could’ve been avoided. Based on the findings in the 2022 Skills Priority List Key Finding Report by the National Skills Commission (NSC), there are 286 occupations with talent shortage problems at a national level. That’s nearly double from last year’s figure (153 occupations). The common reasons why staff leave their employers include under-ma ..read more
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Top Offshoring Destinations with Manageable Time Zones and Great Talent for Australian Businesses
ASW Global Blog
by SEO Admin
2y ago
In the 2022 Skills Priority List Key Finding Report by the National Skills Commission of Australia, there are 286 occupations with talent shortage problems at the national level. That’s nearly double from last year’s figure (153 occupations). It’s no wonder that more than 30,000 Australian companies are currently offshoring part of their business functions to other countries. Talent and time zone differences are among the major concerns that often come up when companies are considering offshoring business processes. However, the right solution provider can ensure the remote team is fully capab ..read more
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Freelancing, Outsourcing, or Offshoring? What Will Work Best for Your Business?
ASW Global Blog
by SEO Admin
2y ago
As the business world gets more and more competitive, delegating business processes to professionals outside of the company has proven to be a strategic option in addressing issues that have challenged business owners and decision-makers. It can help improve process efficiencies and productivity in operations. It helps your in-house staff focus on their core duties to the business. It allows you to allocate your resources more efficiently in terms of personnel, equipment, technology, and infrastructure. It can open opportunities for companies to access more qualified talent and resolve retenti ..read more
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The Top Ways to Build an Effective Offshore Accounting Team
ASW Global Blog
by SEO Admin
2y ago
Koda Capital, an Australian-based investment management firm, was considering remote staffing to support their business expansion. But before going down that road, Koda Capital’s co-founder Andrew Rutherford relates their initial apprehensions about it. “We had the same concerns that people have about any new staff working away from the office: Can we trust that they’re going to be working? Will our data be kept safe? Are they going to protect the company’s interests?” Their fears were dispelled when they went through the discovery process with offshore service provider AS White Global. “When ..read more
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