Coffee With My Ma
The host's radical activist mother Kahentinetha Horn tells stories of her very long adventurous life, always with the sense of humor that carried her through. Follow to keep up with our podcast.
Coffee With My Ma
4M ago
Ma's life path has been unique, and along the way, she crossed paths with some Canadian icons and international celebrities. In this episode, she shares her experiences, highlighting both the memorable and the less favourable encounters.
Hosted by - Kaniehtiio Horn
You can follow us on TikTok and Instagram or check us out on our website at www.coffeewithmyma.com.
Many nia:wen ko:wen’s to our Sponsor, Moccasin Joe Coffee and to Canada Council for the Arts for making season 2 possible.
Check out our lovely brand and website designer, Denita Gladeau. Her website is www.lushtre.com, and you can f ..read more
Coffee With My Ma
4M ago
**First aired December 15th, 2018** In this episode, Ma and her friends take a trip to Cuba to see for themselves La Revolucion.
Hosted by - Kaniehtiio Horn
You can follow us on TikTok and Instagram or check us out on our website at www.coffeewithmyma.com.
Many nia:wen ko:wen’s to our Sponsor, Moccasin Joe Coffee and to Canada Council for the Arts for making season 2 possible.
Check out our lovely brand and website designer, Denita Gladeau. Her website is www.lushtre.com, and you can find her on her Instagram at @lushtre. And Many Nia:wen's to our photographer, Daniel Esteban, for our season ..read more
Coffee With My Ma
4M ago
** First aired March 25th, 2020** In our final episode of season one, Ma tells us about the time she encountered the friendship centre murderer! Then we hear the first story she ever told, where recording all this began; Ma tells us how she ended up at Robert Kennedy’s funeral!
Hosted by - Kaniehtiio Horn
You can follow us on TikTok and Instagram or check us out on our website at www.coffeewithmyma.com.
Many nia:wen ko:wen’s to our Sponsor, Moccasin Joe Coffee and to Canada Council for the Arts for making season 2 possible.
Check out our lovely brand and website designer, Denita Gladeau ..read more
Coffee With My Ma
4M ago
**First aired November 1st, 2018** MA’S LIFE IS SAVED BY A FULL-LENGTH FAUX FUR COAT – THE POLICE BRUTALITY EPISODE. In this episode, Ma tells us about the time the SQ beat her up and almost killed her.
Hosted by - Kaniehtiio Horn
You can follow us on TikTok and Instagram or check us out on our website at www.coffeewithmyma.com.
Many nia:wen ko:wen’s to our Sponsor, Moccasin Joe Coffee and to Canada Council for the Arts for making season 2 possible.
Check out our lovely brand and website designer, Denita Gladeau. Her website is www.lushtre.com, and you can find her on her Instagram at ..read more
Coffee With My Ma
4M ago
**First aired April 30th, 2018** MA GETS FIRED... A FEW TIMES... PART 1 - THE CANADIAN CHEMICAL COMPANY DEBACLE AND THE ARRANGED MARRIAGE. In this Episode, Ma tells us about when she started to work as a file filer in Montreal in the mid-1950s; it was short-lived, and you'll hear why. Then Ma starts secretarial work for what is now known as Air Canada and somehow finds herself in Mexico with her cousin...
Hosted by - Kaniehtiio Horn
You can follow us on TikTok and Instagram or check us out on our website at www.coffeewithmyma.com.
Many nia:wen ko:wen’s to our Sponsor, Moccasin Joe Coffee and ..read more
Coffee With My Ma
4M ago
Ma talks about the times she took it upon herself to stop in and say hello to some of our incarcerated brothers and sisters.
P.S. Don’t forget to stay tuned until the very end of the episode for a mini-story!
Resources used for today’s episode can be found here:
Indigenous Federal Corrections: Key Challenges and Directions for Reform - Public Lecture - MacEwan University - Edmonton, Alberta, September 19, 2016 | OCI | BEC
Parliamentary Committee Notes: Overrepresentation (Indigenous Offenders)
Hosted by - Kaniehtiio Horn ..read more
Coffee With My Ma
4M ago
Ma tells us about the time she got arrested protesting the Canada/USA border that intersects the Kanien'keha'ka (Mohawk) community of Akwesasne in 1968 and lets us in on all the crazy shit that happened after that.
Warning: We swear and curse in this episode.
Helpful resources used for this episode:
You Are on Indian Land by Michael Kanentakeron Mitchell
First Nations and Native Americans - U.S. Embassy & Consulates in Canada
Jay's Treaty | The Canadian Encyclopedia
Hosted by - Kaniehtiio Horn
You can follow us on TikTok and Instagram or check us out on our website at www.co ..read more
Coffee With My Ma
4M ago
** First aired May 18th, 2019** In this episode, Ma tells us about her run-in with an asshole from Indian Affairs.
Hosted by - Kaniehtiio Horn
You can follow us on TikTok and Instagram or check us out on our website at www.coffeewithmyma.com.
Many nia:wen ko:wen’s to our Sponsor, Moccasin Joe Coffee and to Canada Council for the Arts for making season 2 possible.
Check out our lovely brand and website designer, Denita Gladeau. Her website is www.lushtre.com, and you can find her on her Instagram at @lushtre. And Many Nia:wen's to our photographer, Daniel Esteban, for our season 2 photos ..read more
Coffee With My Ma
4M ago
** First aired August 27th, 2019** In this episode, Ma tells us about the time she took a trip to Europe on an exchange program and got stuck there for a year full of adventure.
Hosted by - Kaniehtiio Horn
You can follow us on TikTok and Instagram or check us out on our website at www.coffeewithmyma.com.
Many nia:wen ko:wen’s to our Sponsor, Moccasin Joe Coffee and to Canada Council for the Arts for making season 2 possible.
Check out our lovely brand and website designer, Denita Gladeau. Her website is www.lushtre.com, and you can find her on her Instagram at @lushtre. And Many Nia:wen ..read more
Coffee With My Ma
4M ago
**First aired September 12th, 2018** MA IS PREGNANT AND GETS JUMPED BY THE TEACHERS’ PET AT MCGILL. In this episode, Ma heads back to school as a new mom and has a second baby on the way.
Hosted by - Kaniehtiio Horn
You can follow us on TikTok and Instagram or check us out on our website at www.coffeewithmyma.com.
Many nia:wen ko:wen’s to our Sponsor, Moccasin Joe Coffee and to Canada Council for the Arts for making season 2 possible.
Check out our lovely brand and website designer, Denita Gladeau. Her website is www.lushtre.com, and you can find her on her Instagram at @lushtre. And Many Nia ..read more