[Best of Birthful] Why Uncontrollable Shaking Is an Important Part of Birth
by Aysia Platte
2y ago
Welcome to the Best of Birthful. Creator and host Adriana Lozada curated and edited each selection in this playlist of the show’s most popular episodes. It’s a tailored introduction to the expansive catalog she amassed over the first five years of Birthful’s 300+ shows. Doula Lesley Everest explores the primal nature of birth using somatic and emotional support therapies, and an interspiritual ministry. She teaches you how uncontrollable shaking is a very common part of labor, with a significant neurological purpose in the third stage of birth. Got some time? You can listen to the origina ..read more
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[Best of Birthful] How an Anxious Mind Impacts You During Pregnancy
by Aysia Platte
2y ago
Welcome to the Best of Birthful. Creator and host Adriana Lozada curated and edited each selection in this playlist of the show’s most popular episodes. It’s a tailored introduction to the expansive catalog she amassed over the first five years of Birthful’s 300+ shows. Leading high-risk pregnancy expert and mind-body health specialist Parijat Deshpande discusses the anxiety that comes with high-risk births. She offers tips on how to manage these feelings by making the mind-body connection work for you. Got some time? You can listen to the original episode in full. Let us know what you th ..read more
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[Best of Birthful] What to Expect When Bodyfeeding Your Newborn
by Aysia Platte
2y ago
Welcome to the Best of Birthful. Creator and host Adriana Lozada curated and edited each selection in this playlist of the show’s most popular episodes. It’s a tailored introduction to the expansive catalog she amassed over the first five years of Birthful’s 300+ shows. Dr. Jack Newman, lactation expert, shares all his best advice on what to expect, what to avoid, and when to ask for help, in order to get lactation started, and feed your baby successfully. Got some time? You can listen to the original episode in full. Let us know what you think @birthfulpodcast on social media ..read more
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How Nipple Shapes Can Impact Breastfeeding
by Aysia Platte
3y ago
Adriana describes the wide range of nipple shapes and sizes, and how to work with what you’ve got to successfully breastfeed. What surprised you most about your nipples during lactation? Let us know on Instagram @birthfulpodcast. Powered by RedCircle Listen directly through our website player, or however you usually listen to podcasts.   Related Birthful episodes: Why Optimal Baby Oral Function Matters [Breastfeeding] Your Newborn [Breastfeeding] Why It’s Different with a Newborn [Breastfeeding] Common Struggles “Laid-Back” Breastfeeding   Related resources*: Breastfeeding ..read more
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Why We Are Carrier Mammals
by Aysia Platte
3y ago
Adriana explains why the type of mammal humans are impacts how much and what kind of care your baby needs from you. Which style of baby carrier is your perfect fit? Let’s discuss options on Instagram @birthfulpodcast. Powered by RedCircle Listen directly through our website player, or however you usually listen to podcasts.   Related Birthful episodes: Your Baby, The Mammal   Related resources*: The surprising links between human milk and the wild, BBC Future Cosleeping and Biological Imperatives: Why Human Babies Do Not and Should Not Sleep Alone, Neuroanthropology Infant ..read more
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Real Talk About Vaginal Tears and Episiotomies
by Aysia Platte
3y ago
Adriana Lozada explains why and how tearing can occur during birth, and why episiotomies are increasingly rare. Plus, what you can do to avoid tearing. Are you or were you worried about tearing during labor? Tell us how you processed this aspect of birth on Instagram @birthfulpodcast. Listen directly through our website player, or however you usually listen to podcasts.   Related Birthful episodes: What Actually Happens After Giving Birth, Physically and Emotionally, with Meedlen Charles All About Your Pelvic Floor, with Lisa Gillispie Talking Pelvic Health with a PT, with Sara Re ..read more
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[Best of Birthful] How Your Body Changes with Birth
by Aysia Platte
3y ago
Welcome to the Best of Birthful. Creator and host Adriana Lozada curated and edited each selection in this playlist of the show’s most popular episodes. It’s a tailored introduction to the expansive catalog she amassed over the first five years of Birthful’s 300+ shows. Massage and craniosacral therapist Molly Deutschbein discusses the structural changes the body goes through before and after giving birth. Explore how the pelvis can affect the uterus and how to keep the body in alignment during the different stages of pregnancy.  Got some time? You can listen to the original episode in fu ..read more
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[Best of Birthful] Why Using Their Mouths Correctly Is Vital for Babies
by Aysia Platte
3y ago
Welcome to the Best of Birthful. Creator and host Adriana Lozada curated and edited each selection in this playlist of the show’s most popular episodes. It’s a tailored introduction to the expansive catalog she amassed over the first five years of Birthful’s 300+ shows. Michele Emanuel, neonatal/pediatric occupational therapist and founder of the TummyTime! Method, demystifies why using their tongues and mouths properly is so important in newborn babies. She links it to overall health and offers easy techniques you can apply at home. Got some time? You can listen to the original episode in ful ..read more
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How to Supplement Breastfeeding Your Baby
by Aysia Platte
4y ago
Adriana Lozada offers practical advice on how to make a mindful feeding plan that protects your milk supply and supports your long-term breastfeeding plans. How many different ways did you feed your baby? Breast- and chestfeeding, cups, spoons, syringes, fingers, supplemental nursing systems, and bottles… we want to hear about what worked best for you, on Instagram @birthfulpodcast. Listen directly through our website player, or however you usually listen to podcasts.   Related Birthful episodes: How to Know If Your Baby Is Getting Enough Milk [Breastfeeding] When You Have Low Mil ..read more
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How to Know If Your Baby Is Getting Enough Milk
by Aysia Platte
4y ago
Adriana Lozada goes through simple ways to measure how much you’re producing, and shares useful facts that lead to successful breastfeeding. Were you concerned about your baby’s intake? Share what helped you go with the flow with our community on Instagram @birthfulpodcast. Listen directly through our website player, or however you usually listen to podcasts.   Related Birthful episodes: [Breastfeeding] Why It’s Different with a Newborn, with Theresa Nesbitt [Breastfeeding] Your Newborn, with Dr. Jack Newman [Breastfeeding] Persistence is Key, with Dawn Pensack [Breastfeeding] Com ..read more
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