Food Allergy Works
As a mother of a food allergic teen, I have been through the ups and downs of food allergy, but I have also seen my teen's calm maturity and enhanced sense of responsibility. And because food allergies are not an isolated event anymore. I have enjoyed the community built around a common cause. So Welcome. You'll find recipes, comments on life with food allergies, a blog, resources..
Food Allergy Works
5y ago
Food Allergy, Holiday Meals and Family!
You’re doing the final shopping for ______________(insert a Holiday here )and your –mother—aunt—cousin-- calls and says “I’m making strudel for the holiday dessert and I know that Johnny is allergic to nuts, but it really doesn’t taste good without them, so I just wanted you to know.”
You hang up the phone –and (circle one)
A. Scream B. Cry C. Laugh D. Shake your head E. All of the above
All of the above is the correct answer – and then you get the baking mix from the cupboard and read about how to make a strudel.
This is a typical holi ..read more
Food Allergy Works
5y ago
The weather turned cooler, and all the magazines were starting with Halloween cookies and Thanksgiving sides--- too soon I thought. So, instead I thought soup or stew --but something new. And as I leafed through some cookbooks and took a look at what I had in my cabinet, I thought of gumbo. This version is safe for the Big Eight, plus sesame and is pretty easy to make. Chicken Gumbo: Food Allergy Works-style 4-5 chicken thighs with bone and skin 4-5 drumsticks with bone and skin 1 large onion, chopped 5 carrots, peeled and sliced into 1inch rounds 1 28oz can of diced tomatoes 1 1/2 cans ..read more
Food Allergy Works
5y ago
So, last month, I finally got fed up-- pun intended!-- with the NYTimes Food section which never acknowledges food allergies, much less publishes anything about them. Actually, that's not true-- last year there was an excellent article on food labels and how crazy-making they are, with "may contain"and "processed not he same line as" and "made in the same facility as"-- you know what I'm talking about. THAT article was really good, but in general no mention is made of allergens or reactions or substitutions for even common ingredients like nuts of dairy. So, I sat down and composed an ema ..read more
Food Allergy Works
5y ago
Sample Food Allergy Letter to School Nurse-- Preliminary to Meeting
Dear Ms. Y:
I wanted to touch base with you as these health forms are returned since CXX, my son, has severe, but controlled food allergies. I hope that what I've sent along doesn't feel like overkill-- I felt that you should have a variety of ways to put the information in your files.
I would like to come in and talk to you about CXX's allergies and hand over medications--whatever date is convenient for your schedule. Our pediatrician, MXX, is available for further information if necessary and has told me th ..read more
Food Allergy Works
5y ago
Thanksgiving here and gone-- we had a blast with family, friends, and the occasional near-disaster--like my setting a pie on fire in the broiler-- but at least it was hot! Or the fact that my oven konked out: BUT the turkey and ham were cooked. And, speaking of ham.... Yesterday I got a bag of split peas-- I use GOYA brand. I chopped up a small onion, three small carrots and threw these into a 6-8 oz pot with the ham bone. I let this sizzle on high heat for about 10-15 minutes, turning it a lot, so nothing burned. The fat from the ham will help the vegetables soften. Then when the smell ..read more
Food Allergy Works
5y ago
As always, I am looking forward to seeing my 'people" at the Teen Summit! I hear it's 500 strong for the kids this year-- which is tenfold from when it started over 10 years ago! which is great! There's so many great symposia from: Innovation Tank-- where teens share their very creative ideas for products to help themselves and others in this food allergy world-- to industry experts trying to answer our questions about cross contamination on food lines and why ingredients change year to year. But, as always, the greatest part is the community. The give and take and TALK among the parents abo ..read more
Food Allergy Works
5y ago
I misspoke. When I was noting that there was only one option at the USOpen Tennis in New York, I had not researched fully. Actually-- At this year's USOpen there are two fabulous salads from ANGRY TACO [ no clue about that name] which were delicious, fresh and loaded with interesting vegetables. Crunchy asparagus tips, wax beans, green beans, toasted pumpkin seeds, baby spinach, radishes and either chicken strips with a light chipolte rub or beef strips with lots of salt. These were available at all locations-- and were made carefully with no cross-contamination! So, actually there was sel ..read more
Food Allergy Works
5y ago
US OPEN Tennis This event-- which I love-- comes to my town and takes over--it seems every third person is carrying a racket and wearing tennis whites. My son and I love to go and wander all the courts for these sweltering last days of August into early September. Such amazing athletes to watch and such a lovely atmosphere to enjoy... but really really hard to find some safe options to eat! Yesterday, there was exactly one option-- a lovely salad with veggies and grilled chicken [Farm to Fork]. But one item, from a regular menu, that was safe. AND-- let me say that I am GRATEFUL for that ..read more
Food Allergy Works
5y ago
https://www.foodallergy.org/education-awareness/farecon let's remember the Teen Summit-- which has community plus lots of good stuff to learn and share. see you there! https://www.amazon.com/College-Cooking-Allergy-Free-Jody-Falco/dp/0990948609 ..read more
Food Allergy Works
5y ago
It has been a while; I've been distracted, though not with food allergies issues which can arise all the time! Big news for our "mothership" organization is the new CEO Lisa Gable. Can't wait to meet her at the Teen Summit which is incorporated into FARECon I'll be there! Summertime is finally here and I've been experimenting in the kitchen with some easy ways to make summery foods like pasta salads and the like. For my last pasta salad-- I use Luigi Vitelli farfalle-- I roasted thinly sliced red and yellow peppers, zucchini [green and yellow] and onions, and halved cherry tomatoes, on a ..read more