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2d ago
On this week's episode of the podcast, I interview Julia Undeutsch who is a self-taught software engineer and accessibility specialist. She works at a big European company making software more accessible for people with disabilities. Julia taught her ..read more
3d ago
These days, cyberattacks are growing concerns that everyone on a development team should be aware of. This means that if you’re a developer, you should learn some basic cybersecurity skills. After all, cyber attackers are typically developers themsel ..read more
4d ago
Building interactive and accessible web applications is a crucial skill for modern developers. React, one of the most popular JavaScript libraries, provides a powerful way to create dynamic user interfaces. A great way to deepen your understanding of ..read more
4d ago
Understanding fundamental programming concepts is crucial for success in computer science, especially for students preparing for the Cambridge A-Level Computer Science exam. Mastering these topics not only helps in exams but also builds a strong foun ..read more
4d ago
I recently migrated some tests from Jest to the Node.js test runner in two of my projects that use MongoDB. In one of those projects, test runtime was reduced from 107 seconds to 25 seconds (screenshot below). In the other project, test runtime was r ..read more
5d ago
SSH (Secure Shell) is a client-server protocol for connecting and authenticating to a remote server. Authentication means that the remote server can verify that it’s actually you and not somebody else talking on your behalf. You may already be using ..read more
5d ago
Have you ever run a program, and it crashed? No error messages, no hints, just silence. How do you figure out what went wrong? That's where logging saves the day. Logs keep track of what’s happening inside your code so that when things go wrong, you ..read more
1w ago
On this week's episode of the podcast, I interview Peggy Wang. She used freeCodeCamp to learn coding. She then worked in Big Tech as a robotics engineer. And now she's cofounder and CTO of Ego AI, a Y-Combinator-backed startup that builds human-like ..read more
1w ago
In today's digital world, almost every activity we engage in is intertwined with technology. From making payments via UPI and booking movie or travel tickets online to selling products through e-commerce platforms, technology has become an integral p ..read more
1w ago
In the world of JavaScript development, npm (Node Package Manager) has become an essential tool for managing dependencies and sharing reusable code. Whether you're building a simple website or a complex web application, npm libraries help streamline ..read more