From Artist Quinn
Electric Spec
4d ago
We're excited about our cover art for the fabulous February 2025 issue of Electric Spec. The artist Brian Malachy Quinn was kind enough to send us some comments about it: "The Altar of Creation" is a very unusual piece for me. Almost all my art features a figure that dominates the space. A person, animal, monster – some sort of creature. In this piece the figure is barely present – almost an afterthought. The environment intended is like inside a European Gothic cathedral. The architecture causes the people to feel insignificant by the grandness of the edifice and to look in this case upward a more
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Deadline Approaching!
Electric Spec
1M ago
The deadline for the fabulous February 2025 issue of Electric Spec is fast approaching: January 15, 2025 ! Get those stories in to be considered for our first issue of 2025. Of course, we'll be accepting subs for the marvelous May 2025 issue starting January 16, 2025... I have been reading slush all along and am a little surprised at the wide variety of formatting in submissions. Please don't use weird formatting. This will get your story noticed by editors--but not in a good way. Here are some tips: Do send an rtf file as an attachment. Do double space. Do use paragraph indents (not spaces more
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Basking in the glow
Electric Spec
2M ago
Woo hoo! We're still basking in the glow of the awesome November 2024 issue of Electric Spec! We had so many wonderful stories: AKA Jane Museum by Lane Robins An Equivalent Exchange by Jamie Hawley Just Fooling by Lisa Timpf The Delivery by Meenakshi Bhatt The Malicious Time Traveller's Dinner Party by Nigel Brown Which was your favorite? So many great choices! I can't decide more
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From Author Hawley
Electric Spec
2M ago
We're excited to feature "An Equivalent Exchange" by Jamie Hawley in our awesome November 2024 issue of Electric Spec. Jamie was kind enough to send us some comments. This story’s first line came to me during a free write and remained unchanged throughout revision. I set out to write a story about a dragon falling in love with a human, but the thing I’m most proud of is the way this story highlights the many forms love can take, including a love of music, a love of collecting, and a love for our community, even after that community is no longer with us. I hope the story serves as a reminder th more
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Awesome November 2024 Issue Live!
Electric Spec
2M ago
The awesome November 2024 issue of Electric Spec is live! Thank you, authors! Thank you to our artist! Thank you to the whole Electric Spec team! Thank you, readers! We hope you enjoy this issue as much as we did more
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Production Meeting Report
Electric Spec
2M ago
Phew! We through all the slush for the awesome August 2024 issue of Electric Spec! The editors ranked the finalists. We had a successful production meeting! Woo hoo! What this means for authors: you should be hearing from us very soon if you haven't already. Please check your spam/junk folders! Authors that get good news will also get a contract. Please send this back ASAP so we can start editing your story. It's odd. We often get similar stories in an issues's hold-for-voting. This time, for example, we had two very nice zombie stories. But we can't publish more than one zombie story in an is more
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From Author Brown
Electric Spec
2M ago
We're excited to feature "The Malicious Time Traveller's Dinner Party" by Nigel Brown in our awesome November 2024 issue of Electric Spec. Nigel was kind enough to send us some comments. The Time Machine by H.G.Wells (1895) is probably one of the most famous sf stories published, certainly one of the first, and remains my favorite sf story of all time. The core of the story doesn't concern time travelling, which Wells uses as a science-fictional device, but Darwin's Theory of Evolution. Darwin's On the Origin of Species... had been published in 1859, just 36 years before The Time Machine saw p more
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From Author Bhatt
Electric Spec
2M ago
We're excited to feature "The Delivery" by Meenakshi Bhatt in our awesome November 2024 issue of Electric Spec. Meenakshi was kind enough to send us some comments. I always thought I would write cosy and comforting stories since those are the stories I gravitate towards as a reader. Yet every time I sit down to write a story, something chilling always seems to find its way into it. This story started with a dream I had. The only thing I remember about the dream was the sight of lions prowling on a road. In the dream, I was driving a car. As I reached the top of a particularly high ascent in th more
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From Artist Candiotti
Electric Spec
3M ago
We're excited about our cover art for the marvelous November 2024 issue of Electric Spec. The artist Barbara Candiotti was kind enough to send us some comments about it: "Embedded Memories" A technologically augmented humanoid stands on a pristine beach, viewing the craft from hence he came in the distance. The humanoid is part of a landing party evaluating the planet for colonization and DNA impregnation. The planet reminds him of pictures of Earth, where his distant ancestors came from. Thanks, Barbara! Very interesting! So, without further ado here's a sneak peek more
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From Author Timpf
Electric Spec
3M ago
We're excited to feature "Just Fooling" by Lisa Timpf in our awesome November 2024 issue of Electric Spec. Lisa was kind enough to send us some comments. Over the past year, I’ve been writing a number of flash-length fiction pieces, which is a new endeavor for me. Sometimes when I write short fiction in the 5,000-ish word range, I end up getting too convoluted. Flash fiction helps me keep it simple, and challenges me to use words economically. This is a skill that hasn’t always come easy. In one of my high school English classes, we had to condense written articles of several paragraphs into s more
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