Know your worth
The Overwhelmed Brain
by Paul Colaianni
6d ago
Sometimes we have to make a tough choice and give someone the bad news about our next step. That next step? Could be telling your boss you quit or a partner you're leaving. Some people can't handle bad news so you may be hesitant to tell them. Or maybe you are afraid of their reaction so you procrastinate.  After you listen to this episode, you'll know what the most important thing to remember is while telling someone what you need to do for yourself. more
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The missing ingredient that can sometimes make or break a new relationship
The Overwhelmed Brain
by Paul Colaianni
1w ago
Sometimes making new friends or romantic partners takes more than compatibility and similar values. There's an important ingredient to making connections at a deeper level and keeping those connections in your life. At the end of this episode, I share the results of a relationship survey I created. Where do many couples people meet? How do they meet? Lots to talk about. more
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The growing, compounding negative emotional energy building up inside you
The Overwhelmed Brain
by Paul Colaianni
2w ago
Unexpressed emotions can amplify inside you, causing you to build a tolerance for bad behaviors. What happens when you can't hold any more negative energy? Are you inadvertently building up resilience to things you should be addressing instead? more
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Jumping to conclusions and overreacting
The Overwhelmed Brain
by Paul Colaianni
3w ago
There's a good reason to manage emotional triggers to prevent damaging reactions in relationships. In this episode, I share a five-step process to visualize and prepare for these moments. There are long-term consequences when you're always jumping to conclusions and reacting to things that, perhaps, aren't as bad as you think. more
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Fool me three times, uh, shame on you again
The Overwhelmed Brain
by Paul Colaianni
1M ago
How many chances should you give someone before you realize that chances are only delaying the inevitable? Whether it's a friend, family member or partner, some people won't change. And when they won't, we may have to in order to find more peace and happiness in our lives. more
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Trying to connect with the emotionally disconnected person
The Overwhelmed Brain
by Paul Colaianni
1M ago
When someone emotionally distances themselves from you, is there a way to get them back? Is that the beginning of the end? There are ways to talk with the emotionally disconnected person that may get you to the truth... a truth you may not want to hear. more
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Why do some people have such a short fuse?
The Overwhelmed Brain
by Paul Colaianni
1M ago
Have you noticed a rise of negative interactions in online communities and even in person? Are people's emotional temperatures getting hotter? It'd be great if we could resolve issues maturely, but some people would rather introduce conflict than agree to disagree. more
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Should you convince people who don't like or trust you to like or trust you?
The Overwhelmed Brain
by Paul Colaianni
2M ago
What do you do when someone doesn't like or trust you? Do you try to make them realize that you're not so bad or that they are wrong about you? I'll share why this doesn't always work more
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When shame, guilt, and regret keep you from moving forward
The Overwhelmed Brain
by Paul Colaianni
2M ago
The guilt and regret from something we did in our past can haunt us for the rest of our lives. Living with guilt decreases happiness and is a constant reminder of who we were. I share how I alleviate guilt when it comes up for me, and I even address a common subject almost all of us face at one time or another (or maybe often). more
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How we make others feel unworthy without doing anything at all
The Overwhelmed Brain
by Paul Colaianni
2M ago
How can you show someone you care about that they are worthy? You could probably think of many things. But are you doing anything that might make someone you care about feel unworthy? You may not even realize you're doing it. more
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