30 Negative Performance Review Phrases You Should Not Use
UpRaise » Performance Reviews
by admin_upraise
1y ago
Performance reviews are an essential and unavoidable part of the employee-manager relationship. Done right, a performance review serves as an opportunity to set goals, recognize achievements, and provide feedback. However, performance reviews can become awkward, uncomfortable, and unproductive without the right words. The language used in performance reviews can significantly impact an employee’s future performance and morale. It is important to stay away from demoralizing, condescending & patronizing phrases to ensure that the performance review achieves the desired outcome. Here are 30 p ..read more
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How to Best Prepare for a Performance Review meeting
UpRaise » Performance Reviews
by admin_upraise
1y ago
Maya is a software engineer at a large corporation. She sips her morning tea and tries to calm her nerves. It’s that time of the year when performance review meetings are approaching. She’s feeling anxious knowing her performance over the past year will be evaluated. She wants to ensure she’s prepared to discuss her achievements and areas for improvement with her manager. Performance review meetings are a critical aspect of any employee’s professional journey. They provide a platform for evaluating past performance, setting goals for the future, discussing career development, and more. However ..read more
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30 Phrases You Should Not Use In Performance Reviews
UpRaise » Performance Reviews
by admin_upraise
2y ago
Performance reviews are an essential and unavoidable part of the employee-manager relationship. Done right, a performance review serves as an opportunity to set goals, recognize achievements, and provide feedback. However, performance reviews can become awkward, uncomfortable, and unproductive without the right words. The language used in performance reviews can significantly impact an employee’s future performance and morale. It is important to stay away from demoralizing, condescending & patronizing phrases to ensure that the performance review achieves the desired outcome. Here are 30 p ..read more
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150+ Performance Review Questions For Your Team
UpRaise » Performance Reviews
by admin_upraise
2y ago
Performance reviews are a crucial aspect of employee development and management. They serve as a platform for managers and employees to have an open, honest conversation about the employee’s job performance and determine areas for improvement. A well-structured performance review process is essential to set clear expectations, promote communication and contribute to the organization’s success. This article will provide you with more than 150 performance review questions to guide your employee evaluation process. These questions cover communication, teamwork, technical skills, company culture ..read more
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How to deal with a bad performance review?
UpRaise » Performance Reviews
by admin_upraise
2y ago
The annual performance review is one of the most awaited processes of the year. Because of how these performance reviews are designed, they have become synonymous with annual increments, promotions, and other similar rewards and benefits.  For the most part, performance appraisals are predictable, and both appraisers and appraisees know what to expect.  Some performance review examples that encourage frequent feedback and better communication are:  360 degree feedback – This performance review process is conducted by various colleagues – peers, juniors, and managers, and is ther ..read more
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6 Ways to Structure an Effective Performance Appraisal System
UpRaise » Performance Reviews
by admin_upraise
2y ago
In its most fundamental sense, a performance appraisal system involves the periodic measurement of an employee’s performance at work compared with the requirements of that particular individual’s job and the broader goals of the team, the department, or the company they belong to. But having an effective performance appraisal system goes far beyond that in terms of its usefulness to a company.  An effective performance appraisal system is crucial for the overall well-being, performance, culture, and growth of an individual employee and the organization. It helps managers, teams, departmen ..read more
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300+ Key performance indicators (KPI) sorted according to functions
UpRaise » Performance Reviews
by admin_upraise
3y ago
In the past we have helped you manage performance reviews with 450+ handy performance review phrases sorted by functions. In this article, we will provide you with an extensive list of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) organised by function. You can just pick the ones that are applicable in your use case & refine them further. If you are practicing the objectives and key results methodology, take a look at OKR examples. Pro-tip: One can easily tie back KPIs & OKRs for a more robust, hybrid goal setting approach. This article is aimed at providing you with a list of standard K ..read more
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The Anatomy Of A Modern Performance Management Process
UpRaise » Performance Reviews
by Anand Inamdar
5y ago
To many, modern performance management process may mean fairly straight forward & mundane – that’s what managers do, right? Unfortunately, most supervisors seem to have missed the memo on that one. According to Forbes, almost 80% of knowledge workers in the United States are not managed well. They do not feel encouraged, supported, or motivated The post The Anatomy Of A Modern Performance Management Process appeared first on UpRaise ..read more
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Managers, Ensure a Great One On One Meeting Every Time
UpRaise » Performance Reviews
by Anand Inamdar
5y ago
Knowledge workers dread meetings. With little planning going into them, meetings rarely produce the desired results. Follow Scrum or Kanban for project management & you are already a part of bunch of other meetings. Then there are town halls, team meetings & and other gatherings specific to your organisation. But amidst all this noise, one The post Managers, Ensure a Great One On One Meeting Every Time appeared first on UpRaise ..read more
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Impact of Artificial Intelligence in performance management
UpRaise » Performance Reviews
by Yatin Pawar
5y ago
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence – two of the most trending words in the world today. It seems every other groundbreaking innovation relies on either of the two terms here.   Artificial intelligence is increasingly being adopted across multiple industry verticals. It has transformed the way we conduct everyday tasks by providing platforms that are The post Impact of Artificial Intelligence in performance management appeared first on UpRaise ..read more
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