Maid on Netflix
The Midlife Illness Tour
by elisekaye
3y ago
Wow! I’ve just finished watching the series of maid on Netflix and it really struck a cord. Firstly the character knows she’s being abused but can’t articulate it, because it’s emotional. Secondly, she feels a fraud because others are far more brutal and overt abuse in displaying abuse happening. She finds joy in the tiniest of things and is living a half life when she had the capability and capacity to be extremely successful. She has associated with the wrong people and trusted them and the most unlikely of people have saved her. I want to shed light on emotional abuse: Coercive Control Coe more
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Co-parenting with an abuser
The Midlife Illness Tour
by elisekaye
3y ago
I’m doing a bit of work and volunteering at the moment and thought about this topic. Everybody from friends, family to the authorities will tell you just to get along and play nicely. What happens when one party doesn’t want to play nicely? What happens when the only means they have of controlling you is through your children? Unfortunately for some people co- parenting is not an option. Yet family courts and police aren’t well versed enough to spot coercion and narcissistic behaviours nor do they have the adequate resources to tackle it. I’m working alongside a couple of people at the moment more
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Pandemic pals
The Midlife Illness Tour
by elisekaye
3y ago
I’ve recently been watching ‘Maid ‘on Netflix and it’s made me think about a friendship I struck up during the Covid 19 pandemic. It also made me think about how a series of unfortunate events can turn someone’s life upside down when I all they wanted to do was be free. It was April 2020 when I was first introduced to A. The world was in turmoil and the UK had just entered a lockdown situation due to the outbreak of Covid 19. A virus we now know would have devastating affect on the economy and people’s lives. I’d been a casualty of the virus and became unemployed, as a result I had time on my more
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Pandemic pals
The Midlife Illness Tour
by elisekaye
3y ago
I’ve recently been watching ‘Maid ‘on Netflix and it’s made me think about a friendship I struck up during the Covid 19 pandemic. It also made me think about how a series of unfortunate events can turn someone’s life upside down when I all they wanted to do was be free. It was April 2020 when I was first introduced to A. The world was in turmoil and the UK had just entered a lockdown situation due to the outbreak of Covid 19. A virus we now know would have devastating affect on the economy and people’s lives. I’d been a casualty of the virus and became unemployed, as a result I had time on my more
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Writing the wrongs
The Midlife Illness Tour
by elisekaye
3y ago
I have finally turned all of my blogs into a book Writing the wrongs more
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We are on the move!From 1st May 2021 all blogs will be moved over to
The Midlife Illness Tour
by elisekaye
4y ago
The original intention of the blog has changed and it’s no longer about travel topics. It’s moved more towards an emotional well-being support tool, mainly because my priorities have changed. At the moment the blog is eclectic and not always relevant to a specific audience. The will allow us to categorise the blogs by topic and ensure relevance to the reader more
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Understanding narcissism
The Midlife Illness Tour
by elisekaye
4y ago
I’m currently reading a book called ‘Confessions of a narcissist’ by HG Tudor. The origins of this book are unknown and the author’s identity still remains shrouded in secrecy. Personally, I don’t care who wrote the book whether is was a self confessed narc or a therapist or as some forums would lead me to believe – a crazy cat lady. The book has provided insight and got my mind working overtime. I no longer care about my own past experience but my attention has shifted to understanding narcissistic behaviour. I’ve become a layman psychologist with real life experience. I am intrigued and cur more
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Ideas for curing lockdown boredom in kids
The Midlife Illness Tour
by elisekaye
4y ago
If your child is used to having their time micromanaged, making the shift to a way of life where they’re responsible for amusing themselves some of the time can be tricky. Unfortunately nowadays, everything is so structured. Parents pride themselves on their family routine and often boast to their friends. Whilst routine is great for getting babies into a swing, it’s actually quite damaging for older children. Having every need catered for and entertained ruins creativity in children. They need boredom and time without devices or structured activity to think. Nothingness sends the brain into more
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Dear recruiting manager,
The Midlife Illness Tour
by elisekaye
4y ago
I know we are facing a global pandemic but I am hearing far too many stories of people feeling ignored and invisible, particularly post interview. Feedback and contact seem to have disappeared into a black hole, alongside politeness and courtesy. This pandemic shouldn’t affect professionalism, but it is. If someone takes time out to attend an interview, whether that be online or face to face or an assessment centre, it is common courtesy to provide an update on how they got on. At least send them a rejection email or call them. Don’t ignore them, it’s rude! As a recruiting manager,you probably more
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Be Part of Our Community
The Midlife Illness Tour
by elisekaye
4y ago
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