ELIAB.com Blog
What you'll find here are puppet skits, songs, stories, poems, and chants. I hope you have time to read, reflect and use some of these resources for adults and children.
ELIAB.com Blog
9M ago
The background for this poem is Matthew 1:18-25 .
It was used as part of a sermon on this passage and was read with an improvised piano backing.
The Carpenter's Cradle
Timber now fashioned, and rough sanded down
With piles of fresh shavings strewn on the ground.
The carpenter ponders each joint and straight edge
Puts down his tools upon the work ledge.
Now things to consider, Jo turns to his chore.
With his dream, does it mean that God wants much more?
The angel commanded him,"Mary must stay".
It's now clear his fear shouldn't stand in their way.
With each hammer and join, things sta ..read more
ELIAB.com Blog
1y ago
Some time ago my wife recorded a CD with 12 tracks of improvised piano music titled "A MOMENT IN TIME". Each track was composed (while she was playing) and all the tracks were recorded in the one session. I think it's an amazingly inspired collection for personal reflection, contemplation, healing or worship. Some people who have been ill in hospital have found this music very soothing. I have recently posted this on YouTube and added some of my photos ..read more
ELIAB.com Blog
1y ago
My Advent Leaf
Lowly leaf, still, beside the bush track
so scarred, deformed, and common place –
Yet your hollows and hues
draw me to kneel and look at you.
Now lifted, I notice a deeper design in this delicate gum.
As Advent begins, I’m reminded of Mary and Joseph
labouring along the Galilee trail to ..read more
ELIAB.com Blog
2y ago
Some resources to start your thinking, planning and praying about children in worship, faith development and the many challenges facing children and children's ministers in the future.
Faithfully Different, Regaining Biblical Clarity in a Secular Culture by Natasha Crain , Harvest House Publishers, 2022
Being the Bad Guys, How to live for Jesus in a world that says you shouldn't by Stephen McAlpine ,The Good Book Company, 2021
Evangelism in a Skeptical World, How to make the unbelievable news about Jesus more believable by Sam Chan , Zondervan Academic, 2018
Christians, The urgent case f ..read more
ELIAB.com Blog
2y ago
Sunday School Teaching
ScriptureUnion.org.uk Schools Live resources
Max7.org open source ministry resource library
Jeremiah project Stories for children teaching biblical values
Gracethrufaith.com the Bible through the eyes of it's writers
Assembly or Chapel programs
ely.an ..read more
ELIAB.com Blog
2y ago
Pentecost Hallelujah!
‘Hallelujah’ - written by Leonard Cohen@Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC
Pentecost Hallelujah! words by Don Stott don@eliab.com May 1. 2022
Based on Acts 1&2
He’d suffered on a cross and died
But rose again all were surprised
Now Jesus is alive, his friends bore witness
For forty days Christ taught them all
Prepare yourselves ‘await God’s call
Get ready for the gift my father promised.’
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Will God’s kingdom be restored?
The crowd round Jesus now implored
“It’s not for you to know the times and seasons
But ..read more
ELIAB.com Blog
3y ago
A few years ago I created a website as a resource for Christian Education teaching children aged 8-12 years. I'm now retired teacher but I have maintained the site for those who might find some of the pages or activities helpful.
Check it out here - http://RE33.net
See also the Sunday School website I created during CoVid lockdown in Melbourne Aust.
2020 which may be of interest for those who still can't meet as a Sunday School http://kidsvine.blogspot.com ..read more
ELIAB.com Blog
3y ago
Hot Cross Buns
Hold up a hot cross bun and ask the group if they like to eat these buns at Easter. Say that many people all around the world like to eat these buns at Easter time and those that are Christians are reminded of Jesus death on a cross by the cross we find on the top of the bun.
“Let’s think about the ingredients needed to make these buns. What are some of the things you think might be used? Flour? Water? Fruit? One thing that’s very important in making hot cross buns is yeast. What do we use yeast for? It helps the bun to rise otherwise they might be called “flat cross buns”. The ..read more
ELIAB.com Blog
3y ago
Colours for Easter
An All- Age Worship Activity
You need : Green, Red,Black, White and Yellow balloon bunches or streamers or flags.
Call forward any of the congregation or children’s group who are wearing a green top (t-shirt, jumper, sweater…). Give them the green props and ask them to stand in a group on the far left side of your stage or up-front area. Talk about how the colour green may remind us that Jesus came… and on the way he was welcomed into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. Ask the green group to practice their phrase. Continue this process with the following colours and phrases.
“Jesus c ..read more
ELIAB.com Blog
4y ago
Leadership Leads
Maintain your relationship with God – devotional life, quiet days, reading and prayer.
Understand your leadership style and value it.
Do things you are good at- find and develop others to do those things you find harder.
Develop a support network – mentors, friends, parent support group, administrators, prayer team.
Limit the number of programs and ministries you are involved in.
Know your vision, mission, valu ..read more