Hazel Hall » knowledge management
My main research expertise and teaching interests lie in information sharing in online environments within the context of knowledge management. Follow this blog for more updates on knowledge management.
Hazel Hall » knowledge management
5y ago
The RIVAL poster on display at the Royal Society of Edinburgh Awards Reception 2019
Last week, on Monday 9th September, I participated at the Royal Society of Edinburgh‘s (RSE) Annual Awards Reception. Each year this event provides a snapshot of the creative and innovative projects that are supported by the RSE and its partners: the Scottish Funding Council, Scottish Enterprise, BBSRC, STFC, BP, IBioIC and Fullbright.
My main ‘official’ role at the event was to present a poster about our RSE-funded project Research, Impact, Value and Library and Information Science (RIVAL). I also took advan ..read more
Hazel Hall » knowledge management
5y ago
Dr David Haynes presents his research
Colleagues in the Centre for Social Informatics are delighted that Dr David Haynes – currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at City University – will be joining us as a new lecturer in the School of Computing at Edinburgh Napier University in January 2020.
In preparation for his move to Scotland, David has spent the past few days with us in Edinburgh. As part of this visit, on Friday 30th August David delivered a research seminar on the research that he is undertaking for his postdoctoral fellowship. His project concerns the nature of online risk from ..read more
Hazel Hall » knowledge management
5y ago
The School of Computing at Edinburgh Napier University is currently advertising three funded PhD places. Applications are due by Friday 5th July 2019, with the successful applicants embarking on their doctoral studies in academic year 2019/20. The funding includes fees (UK/EU rates) and a stipend (living allowance) at the standard UK rate (currently £15,009 per annum).
Applications are invited to any of the nine research groups in the School, including the Centre for Social Informatics. The application process is explained below. If you would like to complete a PhD in one of the following area ..read more
Hazel Hall » knowledge management
5y ago
Iris Buunk
The sixth of the seven articles that I recently co-authored for the Journal of Librarianship and Information Science (JoLIS) has now been published as an OnlineFirst paper. This is ‘Tacit knowledge sharing in online environments: locating ‘Ba’ within a platform for public sector professionals‘ by Iris Buunk, Colin F. Smith, and Hazel Hall. It reports findings from Iris‘ doctoral study, which I supervise with Colin.
With reference to the concept of Ba (Nonaka and Konno, 1998), and based on empirical research conducted in the UK public sector, we draw two main conclusions in our art ..read more
Hazel Hall » knowledge management
5y ago
Last summer members of the Centre for Social Informatics delivered nine papers at Information: interactions and impact (i3) 2017. Following the conference, we were given the opportunity to develop this work into submissions for the Journal of Librarianship and Information Science (JoLIS). We took up this offer by working seven of the nine conference papers up to full journal article manuscripts. These were all submitted by the deadline of September 30th 2017. Following peer review and revisions all seven were accepted, and they will be published in JoLIS in due course. The manuscripts for all ..read more
Hazel Hall » knowledge management
5y ago
We are currently advertising a fully-funded PhD studentship within the Centre for Social Informatics at Edinburgh Napier University. (See the advertisement on FindAPhD.com and the studentship details on the Edinburgh Napier University careers pages.)
The title of the doctoral study is Meta-skills maturity for future workplaces.
Applications are due by Friday 30th March 2018.
Interviews are scheduled for Wednesday 18th April 2018.
The studentship will start on Thursday 1st October 2018.
The studentship is one of a number supported by a partnership between ESRC Scottish Graduate School of So ..read more
Hazel Hall » knowledge management
5y ago
The 18th European Conference on Knowledge Management (#ECKM2017) has been taking place in Barcelona this week at the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC).
Today Iris Buunk (one of the PhD students in the Centre for Social Informatics) is presenting a co-authored paper at the conference. Entitled ‘Skills in sight: how social media affordances increase network awareness’ this work examines the extent to which social media afford new capabilities in the sharing of tacit knowledge. The slides for the paper are available on SlideShare, and below ..read more
Hazel Hall » knowledge management
5y ago
Presenter Iris Buunk
The 18th European Conference on Knowledge Management (#ECKM2017) takes place this year in Barcelona at the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC) on 7th and 8th September. ECKM is the longest running academic conference on knowledge management in Europe, attended by academics and practitioners from 40+ countries eager to engage in the packed conference programme.
With my colleagues Iris Buunk and Dr Colin F Smith, I am co-author of one of the papers to be presented at the conference: ‘Skills in sight: how social media affordances increase network awareness’.
Suppor ..read more
Hazel Hall » knowledge management
5y ago
This coming week I am the guest of the Departamento de Engenharia de Produção da Politéchnica at the University of São Paulo in Brazil. During my visit I am making a presentation at a research symposium. The focus of this is the work of colleagues in the School of Computing who are members of the Centre for Social Informatics. The slides for my presentation are provided below, along with a summary of the main points that I will be making when I take the stage on Wednesday.
I will start my presentation by introducing myself. I’ll let the audience know that they can find out more about me by vi ..read more
Hazel Hall » knowledge management
5y ago
This week the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) and the Archives and Records Association (ARA) published a series of 24 fact sheets on the demography of the UK workforce in libraries, archives, records, information management, and knowledge management. The data, presented in the fact sheets by sector and region, derive from the findings of the Workforce Mapping Project.
This project was completed in 2014/15 by an Edinburgh Napier University team that comprised three staff from the Centre for Social Informatics (Hazel Hall, Christine Irving and Bruce Ryan) and ..read more