The Suicide Squadcast
This is the weekly show where we discuss the DC Extended Universe, including The Suicide Squad, Batman v Superman, Wonder Woman, Justice League, The Flash, Aquaman, and all of the other upcoming DC Movies! We also talk about the DC TV and Animated Universes and some DC Comics and Video Game news as well! DCEU, DCCU, DCTV, DCAU, DCU, Video Games, and Comics!
The Suicide Squadcast
9M ago
In this episode Tim and Scott review "Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom"...!
You can help to support this show and the rest of Squadcast Media through Patreon at this link! Thank you for your support!
You can help support the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention HERE
Where to find us:
Follow DC Squadcast on Twitter at @DCSquadcast
Follow Tim on Twitter/Threads at @Allenfire
Follow Scott on Twitter at @ScottDC27
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The Suicide Squadcast
11M ago
A fan commentary of the 2022 Warner Brothers film "The Batman", one scene at a time! In this episode Tim and Scott review scene 16 where the Riddler captures his prey!
You can help to support this show and the rest of Squadcast Media through Patreon at this link! Thank you for your support!
You can help support the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention HERE
Where to find us:
Follow DC Squadcast on Twitter at @DCSquadcast
Follow Tim on Twitter at @Allenfire
Follow Scott on Twitter at @ScottDC27
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The Suicide Squadcast
1y ago
In this episode Tim and Scott review the trailer for Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom!
You can help to support this show and the rest of Squadcast Media through Patreon at this link! Thank you for your support!
You can help support the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention HERE
Where to find us:
Follow DC Squadcast on Twitter at @DCSquadcast
Follow Tim on Twitter/Threads at @Allenfire
Follow Scott on Twitter at @ScottDC27
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The Suicide Squadcast
1y ago
In this episode Tim and Scott review the "Blue Beetle" movie!
You can help to support this show and the rest of Squadcast Media through Patreon at this link! Thank you for your support!
You can help support the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention HERE
Where to find us:
Follow DC Squadcast on Twitter at @DCSquadcast
Follow Tim on Twitter/Threads at @Allenfire
Follow Scott on Twitter at @ScottDC27
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DC Squadcast: iTunes / Spotify / Google Play / Stitch more
The Suicide Squadcast
1y ago
A fan commentary of the 2013 Warner Brothers film "Man of Steel", one scene at a time! In this episode Tim and Scott review scene 8 where where we are introduced to an adult Clark Kent searching for answers and performing a heroic rescue of workers on a burning oil rig.
You can help to support this show and the rest of Squadcast Media through Patreon at this link! Thank you for your support!
You can help support the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention HERE
Where to find us:
Follow DC Squadcast on Twitter at @DCSquadcast
Follow Tim on Threads and Twitter at more
The Suicide Squadcast
1y ago
In this episode Tim and Scott review "The Flash" movie!
You can help to support this show and the rest of Squadcast Media through Patreon at this link! Thank you for your support!
You can help support the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention HERE
Where to find us:
Follow DC Squadcast on Twitter at @DCSquadcast
Follow Tim on Twitter at @Allenfire
Follow Scott on Twitter at @ScottDC27
Email us at
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DC Squadcast: iTunes / Spotify / Google Play / Stitcher more
The Suicide Squadcast
1y ago
A fan commentary of the 2013 Warner Brothers film "Man of Steel", one scene at a time! In this episode Tim and Scott review scene 7 where Lara and Krypton see their end.
You can help to support this show and the rest of Squadcast Media through Patreon at this link! Thank you for your support!
You can help support the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention HERE
Where to find us:
Follow DC Squadcast on Twitter at @DCSquadcast
Follow Tim on Twitter at @Allenfire
Follow Scott on Twitter at @ScottDC27
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The Suicide Squadcast
1y ago
A fan commentary of the 2022 Warner Brothers film "The Batman", one scene at a time! In this episode Tim and Scott review scene 15 where Batman sends Selina into the 44 Below Club to get some leads!
You can help to support this show and the rest of Squadcast Media through Patreon at this link! Thank you for your support!
You can help support the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention HERE
Where to find us:
Follow DC Squadcast on Twitter at @DCSquadcast
Follow Tim on Twitter at @Allenfire
Follow Scott on Twitter at @ScottDC27
Email us at DCSquadcast@gm more
The Suicide Squadcast
1y ago
In this episode Tim and Scott review The Flash and Blue Beetle trailers!
You can help to support this show and the rest of Squadcast Media through Patreon at this link! Thank you for your support!
You can help support the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention HERE
Where to find us:
Follow DC Squadcast on Twitter at @DCSquadcast
Follow Tim on Twitter at @Allenfire
Follow Scott on Twitter at @ScottDC27
Email us at
Subscribe to Squadcast Media:
DC Squadcast: iTunes / Spotify / Google Play /&nbs more
The Suicide Squadcast
1y ago
A fan commentary of the 2022 Warner Brothers film "The Batman", one scene at a time! In this episode Tim and Scott review scene 14 where Batman and Lieutenant Gordon seach Commissioner's Pete Savage's body for clues at the Gotham morgue!
You can help to support this show and the rest of Squadcast Media through Patreon at this link! Thank you for your support!
You can help support the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention HERE
Where to find us:
Follow DC Squadcast on Twitter at @DCSquadcast
Follow Tim on Twitter at @Allenfire
Follow Scott on Twitter at @Scot more