Zombpocalypse Now
Team Zombie: an intrepid group of adventurers who delve into the narrative world of the Zombie Apocalypse. With an emphasis on THE WALKING DEAD and FEAR THE WALKING DEAD, "Zombpocalypse Now" will also cover books, comics, video games, movies, and television shows wrapped in zombification and the supernatural.
Zombpocalypse Now
1M ago
In which we see which of our villains of the week dies this time, in Daryl Dixon: The Book of Carol's rush to clear the board for the next season.
Want to help support the show? Check out our Patreon!
https://www.patreon.com/zombpocalypsenow ..read more
Zombpocalypse Now
1M ago
You're in a cult, she's in a cult, everyone's in a cult! Because why keep the interesting characters around when you can replace them with dumb cults?
Want to help support the show? Check out our Patreon!
https://www.patreon.com/zombpocalypsenow ..read more
Zombpocalypse Now
1M ago
In which we get cults, kisses, and the untimely demise of our favorite nun with a knife.
Want to help support the show? Check out our Patreon!
https://www.patreon.com/zombpocalypsenow ..read more
Zombpocalypse Now
1M ago
And we're back! Daryl Dixon returns for a second season and is joined by our beloved Carol... dirty, dirty liar that she is.
Want to help support the show? Check out our Patreon!
https://www.patreon.com/zombpocalypsenow ..read more
Zombpocalypse Now
1M ago
In which we actually like another episode. Mostly. Well, mostly because a terrible character dies in a most satisfying way. Heh.
Don't forget to check out our sponsor, The Outbreak Challenge at outbreakchallenge.com, and use our code ZOMBIERUN to save 15% off your first race ..read more
Zombpocalypse Now
4M ago
In which everything that happens in Carol and Daryl's life is completely ridiculous.
Want to help support the show? Check out our Patreon!
https://www.patreon.com/zombpocalypsenow ..read more
Zombpocalypse Now
4M ago
In which Dustin and Timothy rewatch Anna and the Apocalypse, and Curtis watches it for the first time!
He loved it, you guys, no matter what he says...
Listen to our original Anna and the Apocalypse episode here: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2fOHgaGEqAZABrIzCrkF61
Want to help support the show? Check out our Patreon!
And as always, thank you for listening ..read more
Zombpocalypse Now
4M ago
In which the first season of Dead City comes to a close, with the expected betrayals and the unexpected but amusing revelation that this was... a job interview. It's great!
Want to help support the show? Check out our Patreon!
And as always, thank you for listening ..read more
Zombpocalypse Now
4M ago
In which we ponder just how much no one human actually acts like the characters on FEAR THE WALKING DEAD ..read more
Zombpocalypse Now
4M ago
In which we ponder printing services after the apocalypse and the dangers of the villainous monologue.
Don't forget to check out our sponsor, The Outbreak Challenge at outbreakchallenge.com, and use our code ZOMBIERUN to save 15% off your first race!
And, should you feel inclined to support what we do here, we now have a Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/zombpocalypsenow ..read more