Deorta.com Blog
by deOrta.Updates
2y ago
All of us have heard the word “Pigmentation” in daily conversations.  But do we really know what it is and the causes of it? In this article, we will take a deep look at what pigmentation is, its causes, and how it can be prevented.   What causes pigmentation? Our skin gets its colour from a compound called melanin. When there is more melanin present in the body, our skin appears to be dark. When there is less melanin, the skin looks paler and lighter. Melanin is produced by specialized cells in our body. When these cells become damaged, there is an unhealthy level of melanin product ..read more
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Deorta.com Blog
by deOrta.Updates
2y ago
Eyelash growth serums have taken social media into a chokehold. Every corner you turn, you can see advertisements for fancy eyelash growth serums that can give you fanning and barbie lashes. But, do they work? And even if they do, how can we replicate the results in our own homes?  Usually, all lash serums contain oils to promote growth. What oils and products can we use to grow our lashes thicker and longer? Some of them are discussed in our article below: Castor oil The magic to lash growth lies in this simple oil. Castor oils contain fatty acids which are essential in promoting hair gr ..read more
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Deorta.com Blog
by deOrta.Updates
2y ago
Coconut is a versatile plant with uses from its root to leaf. Our ancestors believe that it can be used for almost all ailments of the body. The best product of coconut is its oil. Coconut oil can be used to treat everything starting from skin eczema to hair loss. In this article, we will discuss the extraordinary qualities of coconut oil for hair growth.    Coconut oil has acting benefits on the scalp, roots, and hair fibers individually. The reason why coconut oil is more effective than other oils is because of its easy absorbent quality. This prevents dryness of hair, moisturizes ..read more
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Deorta.com Blog
by deOrta.Updates
2y ago
Keratosis Pilaris, more commonly known as strawberry legs, is a condition when the skin pores on your leg get clogged with dirt and oil, making the legs look like they are filled with small black strawberries. The main reason for strawberry legs is shaving. Other than shaving, this can also be caused due to keratin plugs on a hair follicle, dry skin, clogged pores, and Folliculitis.  Finding alternatives to shaving is the most straightforward method to prevent strawberry legs but what can be done to the already existing marks and spots? This article will help you prevent future damage and ..read more
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Deorta.com Blog
by deOrta.Updates
2y ago
Wrinkles are an inevitable consequence of aging. We cannot get rid of them entirely, but we can minimize them to some extent by using natural essential oils. They soften the skin and even out wrinkles giving the skin a youthful appearance.  Aging of the skin can be increased due to environmental factors such as stress, exposure to sun and dryness, and sleeplessness. Even though natural aging cannot be reversed, we can control the physical factors.  Various essential oils contain fabulous skin benefits which can improve wrinkling and aging. Clary sage This oil has strong anti-aging pr ..read more
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Deorta.com Blog
by deOrta.Updates
2y ago
Pigmentation is a condition where people get dark patches throughout their skin because of increased exposure to sunlight, hormonal imbalance in the body, skin issues, and aging. A spike in the melanin production of the body causes areas of skin to darken and become pigmented.  This is a very normal occurrence among everyone and if you are someone who is struggling with hyperpigmentation, you could treat it at your own house! In this article, we are going to take a look at some natural remedies that can fix your pigmentation.   Apple Cider Vinegar Apple Cider rose to the limelight af ..read more
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Deorta.com Blog
by deOrta.Updates
2y ago
“You are what you eat!” Examples of this phrase can be seen everywhere in our society. As a crucial part of our physical outlook, we can agree that one’s hair is a major element of his or her beauty. Since childhood, we have heard that hair growth can be boosted by eating certain food items. Keratin, Biotin, Vitamin A, and Vitamin C are integral nutrients that are essential for hair growth and these can be absorbed into our body by ingesting specific types of food. But what food can exactly promote hair growth? Read this article to know more about it.    Eggs Eggs contain Biotin whic ..read more
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Deorta.com Blog
by deOrta.Updates
2y ago
Hair fall and hair-related issues are faced by almost every individual. Be it hair loss, breakage, frizzy hair, thin hair, or dandruff, it is a hair problem we experience or a problem we hear somebody complain about. We thought of looking at a major hair concern today which is hair growth and its relationship with scalp massages. Do deep scalp massages really help hair growth?  Before we know the answer to the question, we should realize that massaging is a physical technique rather than a nutritional supplement. Therefore, results from scalp massages actually depend on the individuals’ h ..read more
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Deorta.com Blog
by deOrta.Updates
2y ago
The most popular method of hair removal among men and women around the world is shaving. But there are many myths about shaving that runs over generations. In this article, we explore one of the popular myths related to shaving; does shaving promote hair growth? Contrary to common belief, shaving has no influence on hair growth rate or thickness of the hair. This was clinically proven in the 1920s but even after a century, many people believe that there is a direct link between shaving and hair growth. We can use razors to shave hair from anywhere on the body. It is budget-friendly, user-frien ..read more
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Deorta.com Blog
by deOrta.Updates
2y ago
If you are an avid gym goer or workaholic, back acne is not a stranger to you. Even though it is a common skin problem in society, back acne is one of the kinds which are least talked about.  The main cause of back acne is bacteria and sweat. When substances such as oil, dirt, dead skin cells, and bacteria get trapped in the pores of the skin, it causes back acne. Although it is very similar to facial acne, back acne requires special treatment to get rid of. Washing the body regularly and wearing breathable light clothes can immensely help. But you can find faster solutions to your back a ..read more
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