Episode 38: Farewell Episode
How to save the world
by How to Save the World Podcast
4y ago
Meghan and Jaimie are back together for one final episode of How to Save the World! We are wrapping up the show after three and a half years in order to move on to other ventures. We are so grateful to everybody for your continued listenership and support and I'll miss talking to you all each and every week. In this episode we run through a list of our favorite episodes from the course of the show. Give them a listen! To keep up with Meghan's future audio projects, find her on Twitter and Instagram @MegOfftermatt. Until we meet again, let's keep saving the world ..read more
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BONUS: Final Friday News Briefing February 26, 2021
How to save the world
by How to Save the World Podcast
4y ago
In order to "save the world" we must engage in a thoughtful way with science, politics and news. Each Friday we will bring you a concise breakdown of sustainability and environmental related news from the past week. Join us to digest the latest news and let's keep saving the world! Thank you for spending the last two years with me here listening to Friday news briefings ..read more
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BONUS: Friday News Briefing February 19, 2021
How to save the world
by How to Save the World Podcast
4y ago
In order to "save the world" we must engage in a thoughtful way with science, politics and news. Each Friday we will bring you a concise breakdown of sustainability and environmental related news from the past week. Join us to digest the latest news and let's keep saving the world ..read more
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BONUS: Friday News Briefing February 12, 2021
How to save the world
by How to Save the World Podcast
4y ago
In order to "save the world" we must engage in a thoughtful way with science, politics and news. Each Friday we will bring you a concise breakdown of sustainability and environmental related news from the past week. Join us to digest the latest news and let's keep saving the world ..read more
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BONUS: Friday News Briefing February 5, 2021
How to save the world
by How to Save the World Podcast
4y ago
In order to "save the world" we must engage in a thoughtful way with science, politics and news. Each Friday we will bring you a concise breakdown of sustainability and environmental related news from the past week. Join us to digest the latest news and let's keep saving the world ..read more
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BONUS: Friday News Briefing January 29, 2021
How to save the world
by How to Save the World Podcast
4y ago
In order to "save the world" we must engage in a thoughtful way with science, politics and news. Each Friday we will bring you a concise breakdown of sustainability and environmental related news from the past week. Join us to digest the latest news and let's keep saving the world ..read more
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BONUS: Friday News Briefing January 22, 2021
How to save the world
by How to Save the World Podcast
4y ago
In order to "save the world" we must engage in a thoughtful way with science, politics and news. Each Friday we will bring you a concise breakdown of sustainability and environmental related news from the past week. Join us to digest the latest news and let's keep saving the world ..read more
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Episode 37: Sustainable Entrepreneurship (Interview with Nicole Grossberg)
How to save the world
by How to Save the World Podcast
4y ago
Join Meghan as she talks to Nicole Grossberg, founder of Zero Waste NYC Workshop, about how to pivot and create a career rooted in sustainability. You'll learn about the tools you need to start a business, how to put yourself out there and make meaningful connections and the steps you need to take to build a foundation. For more information and events, check out www.zerowastenyc.info. You can also find Zero Waste NYC Workshop on Instagram @zerowastenycworkshop ..read more
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BONUS: Friday News Briefing January 8, 2021
How to save the world
by How to Save the World Podcast
4y ago
In order to "save the world" we must engage in a thoughtful way with science, politics and news. Each Friday we will bring you a concise breakdown of sustainability and environmental related news from the past week. Join us to digest the latest news and let's keep saving the world ..read more
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BONUS: Friday News Briefing December 18, 2020
How to save the world
by How to Save the World Podcast
4y ago
In order to "save the world" we must engage in a thoughtful way with science, politics and news. Each Friday we will bring you a concise breakdown of sustainability and environmental related news from the past week. Join us to digest the latest news and let's keep saving the world ..read more
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