October Preserving List.
Frugal Living on the Ranch » Food Preservation
by watkinsranches@yahoo.com
1y ago
Share on Pinterest Share 0 Send email Mail Print Print It has been a pretty busy month between chemo, Joleens baby shower and having company, but I was able to get some stuff canned and dehydrated. I am wanting to try and do something at least once a week if not every day. It will depend on how I feel though. I am wanting to get back in the swing of things. I have kinda slacked off because of being sick, but I think I need to keep doing what I was doing before getting the diagnosis. Although it takes me a little longer to get anything done haha. I am going to try and post how I am doi ..read more
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Canning/Dehydrating/ Freezing Challenge
Frugal Living on the Ranch » Food Preservation
by watkinsranches@yahoo.com
2y ago
Share on Pinterest Share 0 Send email Mail Print Print Well, Just when I thought I was going to get back on track I came down with Covid, and since I always have to be a little different I had to throw in strep throat on top of that. It has been a miserable couple weeks. I think I am finally on the mend at least I hope so haha. Before I got to sick I was able to get a few things done.   Canning 18 pints of tea concentrate. I found whole milk on sale so I canned 7 quarts of milk 12 pints of chock cherry jelly.   Dehydrated Several  more pounds of lemons   Freezer A ..read more
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Weekly Canning Challenge Update. And a New Dehydrating Challenge
Frugal Living on the Ranch » Food Preservation
by watkinsranches@yahoo.com
2y ago
Share on Pinterest Share 0 Send email Mail Print Print So I have gotten a little behind on this with everything that has been going on and trying to get everything figured out that I need to do. I will do an update on that in a few days after I get a couple more test results back. I am starting the weekly challenge back up. I haven’t gotten anything canned in the past few weeks. Will be getting back on track with this. I did get some ghee canned the other day though so I am going to count that even though technically it wasn’t canned ( it was put in jars haha). I am also starting a o ..read more
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Gardening, Page Five. Some Gardening Tools.
Frugal Living on the Ranch » Food Preservation
by watkinsranches@yahoo.com
2y ago
Share on Pinterest Share 0 Send email Mail Print Print Guest Article by NRP & Blue April 27, 2022. Hello again everyone: How about a few words on some Gardening Tools? “A few Tools” Let’s talk about a few essential tools that are, IMHO, a ‘Must Have’ from Left to Right. 1. That is my Wooden “Drag” that I use to level off the Raised Beds when I fluff the soil and/or add more Nutrients, aka Manure, Fertilizer, Blood Meal, Bone Meal and So-On. (Will get into those in another Article). Tis a simple tool, has an “Ear” hanging out on each end that sits atop the sides of the bed and is ..read more
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Gardening, Page Four. ‘Building’ a Garden.
Frugal Living on the Ranch » Food Preservation
by watkinsranches@yahoo.com
2y ago
Share on Pinterest Share 0 Send email Mail Print Print Guest Article by NRP & Blue April 2, 2022. Good Morning Folks: Ok, now we have those Seeds Started, let’s move onto “Building” a Garden. Before I begin I want to make a few comments; First of all I want to thank Connie for the wonderful opportunity of allowing me to post Articles here. She has done a fantastic job on this BLOG for many many years, and I believe her work and thanks is well received. Please if you have a chance give her a HUGE “Thank You” for her efforts. Second about Gardening, what these articles are for, I t ..read more
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Gardening, Page Three. Seed Starters.
Frugal Living on the Ranch » Food Preservation
by watkinsranches@yahoo.com
2y ago
Share on Pinterest Share 0 Send email Mail Print Print Guest Article by NRP & Blue March 24, 2022. Afternoon Folks: Let’s move on now to getting those Seeds Started. The “Planting Season” is quickly coming upon us. Starter Plants: Ok, I will tell you right up front you can most likely go to any Nursery, Wally World, Home Depot, Lowe’s or XYZ store and buy probably about any Starter Plants you can imagine. I will also say right up front that doing your own “Starts” is NOT just dropping some seeds in a cup and poof, there they are (well maybe it really is). It will take some work ..read more
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Gardening, Page Two. Seeds.
Frugal Living on the Ranch » Food Preservation
by watkinsranches@yahoo.com
2y ago
Share on Pinterest Share 0 Send email Mail Print Print Guest Article by NRP & Blue March 22, 2022. Good Morning All: Today let’s talk about Seeds, Store Bought Plants, and Cuttings/Roots. So let’s jump right into it.     Seeds Types: So, what kind of Seeds are you thinking? Well I did a quick search on “Seed Types” OMG was I surprised, here was what I got back on one site. (1) Dicotyledonous Exalbuminous Seeds (2) Dicotyledonous Albuminous Seeds (3) Monocotyledonous Albuminous Seeds and (4) Monocotyledonous Exalbuminous Seeds. Ok, I have absolutely NO idea what that me ..read more
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46 Weeks of Canning Challenge
Frugal Living on the Ranch » Food Preservation
by watkinsranches@yahoo.com
2y ago
Share on Pinterest Share 0 Send email Mail Print Print     I am challenging myself to 48 weeks of canning. Come and join me. I will be sharing here what I am doing and on my new YouTube channel. I will share a link to it as soon as it is up and running. ( I am working on that right now). I  started this on the third week of February since I had covid and the flu in January and the first week of February. So you ask how, winter isn’t garden season? There is a lot of things that can be canned all year long. In the winter I like to can soups, meats, things that need to b ..read more
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Weekly Canning Challenge Update. And a New Dehydrating Challenge
Frugal Living on the Ranch » Food Preservation
by watkinsranches@yahoo.com
2y ago
Share on Pinterest Share 0 Send email Mail Print Print So I have gotten a little behind on this with everything that has been going on and trying to get everything figured out that I need to do. I will do an update on that in a few days after I get a couple more test results back. I am starting the weekly challenge back up. I haven’t gotten anything canned in the past few weeks. Will be getting back on track with this. I did get some ghee canned the other day though so I am going to count that even though technically it wasn’t canned ( it was put in jars haha). I am also starting a o ..read more
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Gardening, Page Five. Some Gardening Tools.
Frugal Living on the Ranch » Food Preservation
by watkinsranches@yahoo.com
2y ago
Share on Pinterest Share 0 Send email Mail Print Print Guest Article by NRP & Blue April 27, 2022. Hello again everyone: How about a few words on some Gardening Tools? “A few Tools” Let’s talk about a few essential tools that are, IMHO, a ‘Must Have’ from Left to Right. 1. That is my Wooden “Drag” that I use to level off the Raised Beds when I fluff the soil and/or add more Nutrients, aka Manure, Fertilizer, Blood Meal, Bone Meal and So-On. (Will get into those in another Article). Tis a simple tool, has an “Ear” hanging out on each end that sits atop the sides of the bed and is ..read more
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