Dance Teacher Web
We are the first-ever website designed exclusively for dance teachers & dance studio owners. Dance Teacher Web provides dance teacher training, dance studio business development and personal growth.
Dance Teacher Web
2d ago
As business owners we are hyper focused on making sure our customers are happy and how we can keep them coming back year after year. However, what we have found through the 35+ years of running a business is that our staff and faculty need even more focus ..read more
Dance Teacher Web
2d ago
Why do you dance? It’s a question that seems simple, but the answer can be vast, layered, and deeply personal. Have you ever stopped to reflect on why you dance? The reasons behind our passion for dance evolve with time and experience. Perhaps the answer has changed over the years, shaped by the ups and downs of life. Maybe your answer reflects where you are in your career, your age, or the current circumstances surrounding your life. Maybe you’ve had multiple answers over time, or perhaps, there was a moment when you couldn’t quite put it into words at all. Dance, after all, can transcend sim ..read more
Dance Teacher Web
1w ago
We know dance, as an art form, requires immense dedication, passion, and a combination of both physical and mental skills. Teaching dance however, and even more so, being good at it is a whole different animal. The skill set needed to excel as a dancer is distinct from that required to be a dance teacher. While there is obviously overlap, the roles differ significantly in terms of what that entails as well as responsibility and focus ..read more
Dance Teacher Web
1w ago
As a dance studio owner, there comes a moment in every career when a student decides it’s time to part ways with dance. For some, it’s a rare event, a handful of instances over the years. For others, it may feel like a more frequent reality. It can be especially difficult when it’s a dancer who has inspired you, whose talent and presence in class have made you a better teacher. But even though it’s tough, it’s something that happens to all of us in this field ..read more
Dance Teacher Web
1w ago
With 33 year of experience as a dance studio owner and business consultant for dance studio owners from around the world. I have seen and heard many issues that are challenging and can be very stressful. However, keep in mind you are in control. You just need to apply these easy to implement ideas place moving forward ..read more
Dance Teacher Web
1w ago
As a dance teacher, creator and motivator to your class it is imperative that you stay fresh and inspired. The key to this is to know and understand what makes you tick ..read more
Dance Teacher Web
2w ago
What do you do when you see students go “half-at” things; particularly dancers with talent and facility? I often sit back and think to myself, did I ever give off this kind of blasé attitude when I was training? No. I didn’t. 100%, without a doubt, no. I wouldn’t have even thought of it. It never even crossed my mind to lean on the barre, not be dressed properly for class, sit down, yawn without covering my mouth, talk or intimate a combination by marking the turns or any other movement for that matter ..read more
Dance Teacher Web
3w ago
At different points in a choreographer’s career, one discovers how they create best; what works for them and what doesn’t; in terms of the creative process. When one is just starting out, the ways in which we use trial and error to bring us to the point of consistent choreographic stimulation may change mid-career and even further down the road. Different events in our lives may alter the way in which we work and the things that inspire us or were once catalysts, may no longer stimulate us in the same way they once did ..read more
Dance Teacher Web
1M ago
Spotting is perhaps one of the most challenging concepts for young dancers to grasp and often to teach as well. Without it we are at a standstill in terms of improving and progressing turning ability so taking the time to really focus on this skill with your students in crucial during training. Below, is a simple, approachable progression to help dancers really hone in on the skill and improve quickly and efficiently ..read more
Dance Teacher Web
1M ago
Heading into a New Year can be just as motivating for dance teachers as it is for students. Everyone can benefit from the little bit of down time which helps to re-energize and gear up for the second half of the season. Sometimes, however, it can be met with a little anxiety with the thought of heading back into the studio and coming up with fresh ideas for more choreography, planning recitals, starting competition season, etc ..read more