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2h ago
Actor Steve Carell showed up in a big way for high school students affected by the recent wildfires in Altadena and the Pacific Palisades in Los Angeles. The Office actor, 62, partnered with charity Alice's Kids (@alicewillhelp), to pay for all seniors to attend prom at six different high schools in Altadena, California.
According to Alice's Kids founder and executive director Ronald "Ron" Fitzsimmons, Carell will be sending about 800 seniors to prom for free. Fitzsimmons told USA Today that Alice's Kids will donate about $175,000 in total.
The uplifting news was shared via Alice's Kids Inst ..read more
6h ago
Anyone who's ever been inside a dog shelter can relate: You're naturally drawn to the puppies—the cute, young, and playful dogs eager for your attention and love. But at the same time, your heart breaks for the other ones. You know who they are. The older dogs with the gray muzzles who have lived a lot of life and don't have the same energy anymore. The less attractive ones, too. Scruffy mutts with overgrown fur and stained faces. You feel horrible that so many of them probably won't be chosen and won't find a home.
Still, it's easy to see the appeal of a puppy or younger dog. You can train ..read more
8h ago
Every generation has that moment when fashion, music, and attitudes suddenly go out of style and begin to look a bit embarrassing. Baby boomers (1946 to 1964) had to deal with the death of the disco scene and the subsequent years when polyester suits and the Bee Gees were the butt of a joke that neve felt like it would end. (That is, until the Gen X-led disco revival of the mid-’90s.)
Gen Xers (1965 to 1980) had to quietly pack up their flannel shirts and Doc Martens when the grunge era gave way to the nu-metal and the pop resurgence that took over in the late ‘90s. However, everything that ..read more
8h ago
Some people run for exercise. Some people run for fun. Some people do both, but one Toronto runner has taken exercise and fun to the next level in a way only made possible with modern technology and a whole lot of creativity.
Like many runners, Duncan McCabe uses an app to track his runs. Strava is a popular app for this purpose, as it allows you to visually see your routes and keeps a running log of them. McCabe took advantage of both features, going for 121 runs over 10 months and logging over 1,100km (683 miles) to create an animation that is utterly mind-blowing.
Carefully planning out e ..read more
8h ago
Complain all you want about “that’s sus” and “no cap,” but slang from our teen days was just as, as the kids say, cringe. Sure, they may remain joyful little linguistic time capsules of our youth, but do you really think anyone who didn’t grow up with 00s era Alicia Keys and Usher would have the same appreciation for the term “my boo”? No!
This is, after all, how teen slang works. It helps young adults form their own identity, incorporating bits and bobs from the pop culture they consume, the music they listen to, the way they observe the world around them. In short, it’s theirs to own. So n ..read more
9h ago
For mom Tatiana (@mamasreadingjournal), the dread of having to go to her kid’s parent-teacher conference was so strong that she posted a TikTok video asking if other moms and dads felt the same way. “Do you go to your kid's parent-teacher conferences every year? Am I a bad mom for not wanting to go? Like I'm gonna go, but I really don't wanna go, you know?” she asked in the clip, just before quipping, “sorry if his teacher finds this, it's not you, I swear, it's me, I'm lazy.”
Considering Tatiana is already in communication with her kid’s teacher through an app, she also couldn't help but wo ..read more
9h ago
Online culture has had an incredible effect on fashion trends. It used to take a trend about 20 years to complete a cycle: introduction, rise, peak, decline, and obsolescence. However, in 2024, this cycle has been sped up incredibly due to several factors. Trends can be quickly introduced and adopted due to social media, online shopping and quick turnaround through fast-fashion distribution. The speed of adaptation also means they can fizzle out just as fast.
This means a fashion trends we’d usually see stick around for years can come and go in months. It’s an expensive pill to swallow for a ..read more
9h ago
With age comes wisdom, or at least we hope it does. As we get older, we collect life lessons that we can pass along to younger generations, sometimes with lengthy stories, sometimes with quippy sayings.
Adages like "A penny saved is a penny earned," or "Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise," have been part of our collective treasure chest of life advice for generations, but the aphorisms that spring from the experience of our loved ones and mentors are often the most meaningful.
Someone shared that they'd read and appreciated this old man's advice: “My grandpa o ..read more
9h ago
In a world where we must keep busy to survive, it can be easy to neglect our social lives. This becomes even harder as we age and our friends have families and more responsibilities. Once you hit your 30s, the friends you saw every few days can quickly become people you only see a few times a year.
Friendships need to be nurtured to keep moving forward. If not, one day, our closest friends will begin to feel like strangers. Sadly, this is a common occurrence, and studies show that as people age, their circle of friends becomes smaller and smaller. This is one of the many factors contributing ..read more
23h ago
Many folks feel that kids today don’t have good manners. Or at the very least, it’s not the “please and thank you” filled politeness that was instilled in older generations as kids. And you can largely attribute this change in society to things like technology causing less face-to-face interactions and casual comfort taking precedence over formality—things which affect what parents teach, or don’t teach, their children.
Still, every so often there’s a kiddo whose behavior is so exemplary we find ourselves a little more hopeful for humanity. This super sweet apology, caught on tape and shared ..read more