Unlocking Fluency: Mastering Three Must-Know Phrasal Verbs
Lion English Language Academy
by Terry Thomas
7M ago
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Gaecheonjeol: South Korea's Remarkable Day of Celebration!
Lion English Language Academy
by Terry Thomas
10M ago
Hello there, curious minds and culture enthusiasts! Today, we're taking a delightful journey into the heart of South Korea as we explore Gaecheonjeol, a day of immense historical and cultural significance. Get ready to be immersed in the vibrant traditions and stories that make this day so special. **What is Gaecheonjeol?** Gaecheonjeol, also known as National Foundation Day, is a remarkable holiday in South Korea celebrated on October 3rd each year. It's a day when South Koreans come together to commemorate the legendary founding of their nation by Dangun, the legendary founder of Gojoseon ..read more
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Celebrating Chuseok: A Language Journey
Lion English Language Academy
by Terry Thomas
10M ago
Greetings, language enthusiasts and aspiring English learners! Today, I want to introduce you to a fascinating cultural celebration called Chuseok, and explore how embracing this Korean holiday can be an exciting way to enhance your English language skills. As a master English teacher, I firmly believe that learning a language should be a holistic experience, and what better way to do that than by immersing yourself in the rich traditions and stories of a different culture? So, let's embark on a journey of language and culture as we delve into the beauty of Chuseok! What is Chuseok? Chuseok ..read more
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Chat With Us
Lion English Language Academy
by Terry @ Lion English Academy
2y ago
Is your English getting rusty? It happens to the best English students. Perhaps you have been studying the English language for years. You gained a certain level of fluency that you were very proud of. You could hold an engaging conversation with other English speakers, without too much stress. But then...You got a new job that didn't require the use of English. You moved back to your home country and stopped speaking English except on the rarest of occasions. You graduated college and lost touch with your English speaking friends. Any of the mentioned scenarios and a dozen more could have oc ..read more
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It's Fall Y'all!!
Lion English Language Academy
by Terry @ Lion English Academy
2y ago
We are officially into the fall season, autumn if you prefer. You can probably faintly smell the pumpkin spice wafting through the air. Truth be told, this is perhaps my favorite season of the year. Why? Because, fall is marked by pumpkins, Halloween and festivals galore. It also marks the quick march toward a new year. With only three months left in the year you might be feeling stress to accomplish certain goals before the end of 2019. What goals have you set for yourself that you still need to meet? Are you satisfied with your progress thus far? If not, there is still time to achieve your o ..read more
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Are you an apt pupil?
Lion English Language Academy
by Terry @ Lion English Academy
2y ago
Learning English can be an exciting process, but not necessarily an easy one. There are some students that struggle to advance their fluency, while others steadily make progressive gains. This is normal. We all learn at our own unique pace. Nevertheless, there are some things that you can do to make yourself more apt for English learning success. 1. Practice Daily At Lion English Academy we recognize that busy schedules can lessen our students' available time for practice. But truthfully, practice is very necessary to improve English fluency. Try to sneak English practice into a busy day by mu ..read more
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Deadly Weekend- Mass Shootings in America the New Norm
Lion English Language Academy
by Terry @ Lion English Academy
2y ago
In my city this past weekend marked the end of summer vacation. Students would return to school on Monday. Bustling crowds of back to school shoppers could be found at every major retailer. The chaos of stressed out parents and kids searching for the last pair of school uniform pants enveloped the coastal empire. Local barbershops and salons had overflowing parking lots late into Sunday evening. If you got close enough you could almost hear the buzz of clippers crafting hair into art for the first day of school. In my city the normal yearly rituals of school preparation went on without inciden ..read more
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Out Like A Lion?
Lion English Language Academy
by Terry @ Lion English Academy
2y ago
We have this saying in English about the month of March. We say, "It comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb." This speaks to the ferocious nature of the weather during the first weeks of March. Depending on where on the planet you live, March might open with freezing temperatures, snow storms, sleet or chilling rain...just plain vicious weather, not unlike an attacking lion. However, in the final weeks, spring awakens. The world thaws, the temperature rises, and sweet, bright happy plant life seems to virtually explode all over a previously barren winter landscape. Now we find ourselves ..read more
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Happy Lunar New Year! Glory to the Pig!
Lion English Language Academy
by Terry @ Lion English Academy
2y ago
We did it it! We made it successfully to another year. This year we celebrate the year of the Pig, the Earth Pig to be more precise. The Earth Pig brings tidings of camaraderie, abundance, and good health. In the English language there is an abundance of idioms that relate to pigs. Here are five of our favorite pig idioms that you can add to your conversations during this wonderfully porcine new year. Sweating Like A Pig This means that you are incredibly hot and sweaty. Example: I have been sweating like a pig all summer long! A Pigsty We use this to describe any place that we think of as ve ..read more
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Three is a Magic Number...
Lion English Language Academy
by Lion English Academy
2y ago
"Somewhere in that ancient mystic trinity You get three as a magic number The past and the present and the future The faith and hope and charity The heart and the brain and the body Give you three as a magic number"- Bob Dorough Bob Dorough passed away on on April 23rd, 2018. Many of you might not recognize the name, but if you're ,of a certain age then you've probably heard his music. Dorough was the creative musical genius behind what used to be the best part of an American child's Saturday morning, SchoolHouse Rock! SchoolHouse Rock! was a series of inventive three minute songs designed to ..read more
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