184 - HOTDQ Pt 88 - Dead Man's Guitar
DVM | Nerd Therapy Podcast
by dvmpe
2h ago
Waterdeep! At last our party make it to the city and immediately begin a subtle surveillance mission. Well… as subtle as they can manage ..read more
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183 - HOTDQ Pt 87 - A Simple Country Rabbit
DVM | Nerd Therapy Podcast
by dvmpe
2w ago
Accusations abound on the caravan! How can we find the truth? Enter a crack team of detectives and er.... lawyers ..read more
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182 - HOTDQ Pt 86 - Ziggurat Scheme
DVM | Nerd Therapy Podcast
by dvmpe
1M ago
A secretive meeting with Jamna leads to some interesting information as well as some ineffective attempts at deception ..read more
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181 - HOTDQ Pt 85 - This Party Never Stops
DVM | Nerd Therapy Podcast
by dvmpe
2M ago
Although things are looking quieter for our heroes, danger is stirring. Literally. In their oatmeal ..read more
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151 - HOTDQ Pt 55 - The Joyful Rubber Duckie Wanderer
DVM | Nerd Therapy Podcast
by dvmpe
2M ago
Aharrr me hearties! Come and set sail with us upon the finest riverboat this side of Baldur's Gate! Well... finest might be a stretch... In fact "riverboat" is probably pushing it ..read more
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180 - HOTDQ Pt 84 - Rare Display of Competence
DVM | Nerd Therapy Podcast
by dvmpe
3M ago
The second group set about their part of The Great Daggerford Smithy Heist much to the consternation of the townsfolk ..read more
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179 - HOTDQ Pt 83 - Concepts of a Plan
DVM | Nerd Therapy Podcast
by dvmpe
3M ago
The first group of Heisters spring into action as the team attempt to hit every smithy in Daggerford simultaneously because reasons ..read more
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178 - HOTDQ Pt 82 - Sub-Clause Heist
DVM | Nerd Therapy Podcast
by dvmpe
4M ago
As William Joel entertains a suspicious groupie, Kery formulates a plan for the world’s most complicated heist ..read more
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167 - HOTDQ Pt 71 - Thingy of the Small
DVM | Nerd Therapy Podcast
by dvmpe
4M ago
The party are beset by Trolls as they travel through the Trollclaws. There's a clue in the name ..read more
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147 - HOTDQ Pt 51 - Conejo Grande
DVM | Nerd Therapy Podcast
by dvmpe
4M ago
Some goblins get a valuable lesson in economics as they deal first-hand with the problem of inflation ..read more
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