How to say "Happy Birthday!" in Russian
Russian Voice
2w ago
Hello, my dear friends! In this lesson, we are going to learn how to say "Happy Birthday!" in Russian.  Subscribe to my YouTube channel Russian Voice online School to learn more Russian vocabulary. more
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How to say "a gift" in Russian
Russian Voice
2w ago
Hello, my dear friends! In this lesson we are going to learn how to talk about gifts in Russian.  Subscribe to my YouTube channel Russian Voice Online School to learn more Russian vocabulary. подарок - gift подарки - gifts На Новый год мы дарим друг другу подарки. - On New Year's Eve we give each other gifts more
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Russian names and their English equivalents. How to say your name in Russian
Russian Voice
2w ago
Hello, my dear friends! In this lesson we are going to learn how to say your name in Russian.  Subscribe to my YouTube channel Russian Voice online School to learn more Russian vocabulary. English male names and their Russian equivalents John - Иван Peter - Пётр Paul - Павел Eugene - Евгений Antony - Антон Mathew - Матвей Andrew - Андрей English female names and their Russian equivalents Mary - Мария Catherine - Екатерина Elizabeth - Елизавета Julia - Юлия Helen - Елена Lydia - Лидия Margareth more
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Awesome Russian Calendar 2025. Russian Learner's Planner: Seasons, Months and Weeks
Russian Voice
1M ago
Hello, my dear friends! Are you going to learn Russian in 2025? You can do it effectively with my Awesome Russian Learner's Calendar 2025. Russian Learner's Planner: Seasons, Months and Weeks. With its help you will organize your Russian studies during the next year and learn Russian vocabulary on various topics. 1 / 6 2 / 6 3 / 6 4 / 6 5 / 6 6 / 6 ❮ ❯ The workbook includes: Beautiful 2025 Calendar with the illustrated Russian alphabet; 200+ monthly and weekly planning pages, goal planners and vocabulary notes templates; Vocabulary and grammar learning tips; Russian online more
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Why You Should Consider Studying Russian Today
Russian Voice
2M ago
Are you thinking about learning a new language? If so, consider adding Russian to your list! With its rich culture, historical significance, and vast geographic reach, studying Russian can offer you numerous benefits. Let’s dive into some compelling reasons to take up this beautiful language.  1. Cultural Appreciation  Russian culture boasts a rich heritage in literature, music, art, and theater. By learning Russian, you can deepen your understanding and appreciation of the classics. Picture yourself diving into the works of legendary authors like Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoevsky, a more
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Learn Russian Vocabulary for Beginners. Winter Clothes
Russian Voice
8M ago
Hello, my dear friends! In this lesson we are going to to learn the names of winter clothes in Russian. Russian winter is very cold, so we need to wear warm clothes. Let's learn the new Russian vocabulary together!  Subscribe to my YouTube channel Russian Voice Online School to learn more russian vocabulary. тёплая одежда - warm clothes шапка - hat шарф - scarf ботинки - boots сапоги - high boots пуховик - down coat шуба - fur coat перчатки - gloves варежки - mittens свитер - sweater брюки - pants носки - socks more
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Russian Phrases for Beginners. How to Say 'I Need' in Russian
Russian Voice
8M ago
Hello, my dear friends! In this lesson we are going to learn how to say 'I need' in Russian. Subscribe to my YouTube channel Russian Voice Online School to learn more Russian Vocabulary. If you want to say that you need something in Russian, we will use the phrases Мне надо or Мне нужно. If you need to do something, use the phrase Мне надо. For example, Мне надо пойти в супермаркет. - I need to go to the supermarket. Мне надо купить продукты. - I need to buy some foodstuff. Мне надо купить новое платье. - I need to buy a new dress. If you need something, use the phrases: Мне нужен (masc more
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Russian Phrases for Beginners. How to Say 'Amazing' in Russian
Russian Voice
8M ago
Hello, my dear friends! Today we are going to learn how to say the word 'Amazing' in Russian.  Subscribe to my YouTube channel Russian Voice online School to learn more Russian vocabulary. Удивительный - amazing Сегодня удивительный день. - It's an mazing day today. Это удивительная история. - It's an amazing story. Удивительное путешествие. - Amazing journey more
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Awesome Russian Calendar 2024. Russian Learner's Planner: Seasons, Months and Weeks
Russian Voice
1y ago
Hello, my dear friends! Are you going to learn Russian in 2024? You can do it effectively with my Awesome Russian Learner's Calendar 2024. Russian Learner's Planner: Seasons, Months and Weeks. With its help you will organize your Russian studies during the next year and learn Russian vocabulary on various topics. 1 / 6 2 / 6 3 / 6 4 / 6 5 / 6 6 / 6 ❮ ❯ The workbook includes: Beautiful 2024 Calendar with the illustrated Russian alphabet; 200+ monthly and weekly planning pages, goal planners and vocabulary notes templates; Vocabulary and grammar learning tips; Russian online more
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Awesome Russian Calendar 2023. Russian Learner's Planner: Seasons, Months and Weeks
Russian Voice
2y ago
Hello, my dear friends! Are you going to learn Russian in 2023? You can do it effectively with my Awesome Russian Learner's Calendar 2023. Russian Learner's Planner: Seasons, Months and Weeks. With its help you will organize your Russian studies during the next year and learn Russian vocabulary on various topics. 1 / 6 2 / 6 3 / 6 4 / 6 5 / 6 6 / 6 ❮❯ The workbook includes: Beautiful 2023 Calendar with the illustrated Russian alphabet; 200+ monthly and weekly planning pages, goal planners and vocabulary notes templates; Vocabulary and grammar learning tips; Russian online more
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