Harry Potter and Magical Plants
Botanical Mystery Tour
by Chicago Botanic Garden
5y ago
We all know the Harry Potter series is filled with magic. But did you realize how important magical plants like Devil’s snare and mandrake are to the stories? We explore whether these kinds of plants really exist in the Muggle world ..read more
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The Silence of the Lambs and Death's-Head Hawkmoths
Botanical Mystery Tour
by Chicago Botanic Garden
5y ago
The poster for the movie The Silence of the Lambs is iconic — a sinister winged insect covers the mouth of a pale-faced woman. That insect is a death’s head hawkmoth, and in some cultures it’s considered a dark omen. Do hawkmoths deserve their creepy reputation? What do hawkmoths and Buffalo Bill have in common? And how does Clarice Starling compare to real-life women in science ..read more
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Shakespeare in the Garden
Botanical Mystery Tour
by Chicago Botanic Garden
5y ago
Botanical references abound in Shakespeare’s works, like in this famous quote from ‘Romeo and Juliet.’ He was a writer who celebrated plants in verse and someone who kept a garden of his own. But his interest in the botanical wasn’t necessarily special for his time. What do modern English gardens have in common with those back in the Bard’s day? And why did he choose to mention certain plants and trees ..read more
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The Star Wars Sarlacc Pit and Carnivorous Plants
Botanical Mystery Tour
by Chicago Botanic Garden
5y ago
Move over Darth Vader and Kylo Ren: Sarlaccs are way more terrifying than your light sabers. The terrifying, plant-like creature that almost eats Lando Calrissian in Return of the Jedi is the stuff of nightmares. What makes this pit of despair a plant? Does it have any real-life comparison? Do venus flytraps and pitcher plants torture and communicate with their prey like Sarlaccs do ..read more
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Alice in Wonderland and the Mysteries of Mushrooms
Botanical Mystery Tour
by Chicago Botanic Garden
5y ago
Mushrooms! Colorful, weird, possibly deadly, and an important part of the classic tale by Lewis Carroll. When consumed, the mushrooms Alice encounters have wacky and strange consequences, but are there real-life equivalents? And where can you go to find mushrooms that would feel right at home in Wonderland ..read more
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The Simpsons, Dennis the Menace, and the Corpse Flower
Botanical Mystery Tour
by Chicago Botanic Garden
5y ago
Amorphophallus titanum, better known as the corpse flower, is one of the Garden’s superstar plants. These stinky, rare blooms attract thousands of visitors intrigued by their foul odor and towering height. How has the corpse flower been accurately (and inaccurately) portrayed as a character in pop culture? Are the references in Dennis the Menace (“The 40 Year Orchid”) and The Simpsons (“Sumatran Century Flower”) based in science or fiction ..read more
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Black Mirror and the Automated Drone Insects
Botanical Mystery Tour
by Chicago Botanic Garden
5y ago
Black Mirror is a British sci-fi TV series that explores some nightmarish consequences of new technologies. In the season 3 episode “Hated in the Nation,” humans have curbed colony collapse disorder by developing autonomous drone insects. Are we headed to a world where robot bees are possible? Or is the idea just a ludicrous invention of Black Mirror creator Charlie Brooker’s imagination? Do we still not know why bees are disappearing? And what can we do now to save them ..read more
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