2020….. it’s been an education.
Adopt a different view | The Inner Thoughts of an Adoptive Mummy
by theinnerthoughtsofanadoptivemummy
3y ago
2020 is officially drawing to a close and like for many, I’m not overly disappointed about turning my back on a year which has ironically ended in tiers. While it’s been a challenging year to say the least, it is one that has been unexpectedly lightened by moments of joy and self fulfilment and as I prepare to walk into my 40th year, I do so with a newfound clarity as to who I am, what I want from life and who I can rely on when faced with adversity. So when everything kicked off back in March (underestimating the severity of Covid 19) I initially revelled at the prospect of being locked up wi ..read more
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This is my fight song….or should I say flight song!
Adopt a different view | The Inner Thoughts of an Adoptive Mummy
by theinnerthoughtsofanadoptivemummy
4y ago
I guess deep down I’ve always known that I’m a little bit different, but as a child of the 80’s who grew up surrounded by diversity, I never really considered this to be a negative thing. I was just me, being me, trying to find my way in the world like everyone else. The only labels I had during my childhood were the ones my Mum sewed into my uniform. Cue traumatic flashback of the dodgy navy blue callots and bottle green PE knickers I was forced to wear in my teens (btw mother, if you’re reading this, I’m pretty convinced that this would now constitute child abuse!!). Come to think of it, I d ..read more
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Making sense of sensory processing.
Adopt a different view | The Inner Thoughts of an Adoptive Mummy
by theinnerthoughtsofanadoptivemummy
4y ago
Loitering in the shadows at the side of the beach, balanced on a lonely patch of grass there he stood with a pained look upon his face. Approaching him, armed with buckets of water, I skilfully launched the liquid at his foot which dangled precariously mid air. Taking some time to meticulously inspect the results he eventually placed it on a dry towel before pointing the opposite foot in my direction. The rest of the children, soggy and sandy from our beach experience stood united with acceptance, waiting patiently whilst he dried thoroughly and changed into yet another set of clothes. Suddenl ..read more
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I think you’re crazy……but I bloody love you.
Adopt a different view | The Inner Thoughts of an Adoptive Mummy
by theinnerthoughtsofanadoptivemummy
4y ago
I’ve lost count of the amount of times people have referred to me as ‘the woman in the shoe’. I’ve never really batted an eyelid at this statement ……well at least not until my office bestie reliably informed me that in the original poem she beats the children before putting them to bed – and now I can’t shift the image when anyone says it! If you had asked me when I was younger how many children I was going to have I would have most definitely wrinkled my nose and told you none. Yet here I am twenty odd years later having recently submitted our application to adopt our fourth. Sometimes in lif ..read more
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It’s a Lockdown Adoption
Adopt a different view | The Inner Thoughts of an Adoptive Mummy
by theinnerthoughtsofanadoptivemummy
4y ago
Strange times are upon us and as a result of the recent Covid 19 lockdown it feels as if I’m currently trapped in some very bizarre government initiated social experiment. One which has unexpectedly seen me and hubby working from home, home schooling our children, and not to mention manically clapping on our doorstep for weeks on end now. It’s all still a bit surreal really and admittedly some of the days have blurred into one, however with three little brains to educate a support role to continue from the confines of our shed and not to mention a newly placed crazy toddler to keep alive I hav ..read more
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Baby E Number three
Adopt a different view | The Inner Thoughts of an Adoptive Mummy
by theinnerthoughtsofanadoptivemummy
4y ago
We’ve known about our latest adoption match for sometime now, I just haven’t been able to bring myself to publicly share the news. Given the fact that every time I have gone public there has been a dramatic twist in our tale, it seemed like the sensible thing to do. It now feels safe to say that for the past few months we’ve been going through the motions with match number three. Ticking the same boxes as twice previous (only admittedly this time a little less enthusiastically, fearing the worse). So in order to preserve my emotions and protect my wellbeing I’ve skilfully learnt to compartment ..read more
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A letter to the Prime Minister
Adopt a different view | The Inner Thoughts of an Adoptive Mummy
by theinnerthoughtsofanadoptivemummy
5y ago
The Right Honourable Boris Johnson Prime Minister of the United Kingdom 10 Downing St. Westminster London SW1A 2AA 16th October 2019 Re: National Adoption Week Dear Prime Minister, I’m writing to you this National Adoption Week with only one political matter in mind and rest assured that it certainly isn’t Brexit! For the past two and a half years (whilst UK politics has been dominated by the aforementioned) I’ve been working as a Family Support Worker in Adoption Support, helping to support the parents of some of our societies most vulnerable children. During my time in this role I have ..read more
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