The Vocal Fries
The podcast about linguistic discrimination. Learn about how we judge other people's speech as a sneaky way to be racist, sexist, classist, etc. Carrie and Megan teach you how to stop being an accidental jerk.
The Vocal Fries
1M ago
Megan Figueroa: Hi, welcome to the Vocal Fries podcast, the podcast about linguistic discrimination. Carrie Gillon: I’m Carrie Gillon. Megan: And I’m Megan Figueroa. Carrie, someone called us insufferable twits. Carrie: Sure did. Megan: On the internet. Carrie: On the interwebs. Megan: We don’t get a lot of actual reviews, which, if you do like ..read more
The Vocal Fries
2M ago
Megan Figueroa: Hi, and welcome to the Vocal Fries podcast. The podcast about linguistic discrimination. Carrie: I’m Carrie Gillon. Megan: And I’m Megan Figueroa. Carrie, you’re about to get on a plane. Well, soon. Very soon. Carrie: Yeah soon, pretty soon. Yeah, Tuesday night, taking the red-eye, which I hate, but there wasn’t really a ..read more
The Vocal Fries
2M ago
Carrie Gillon: Hi, and welcome to the Vocal Fries Podcast, the podcast about linguistic discrimination. Megan Figueroa: I’m Megan Figueroa. Carrie: And I’m Carrie Gillon. Megan: Well, Carrie, congratulations. I heard you had a book deal. Carrie: Right back at you. Yeah. Megan: So exciting. Carrie: Yes. So for people who are not on Twitter ..read more
The Vocal Fries
3M ago
Megan Figueroa: Hi. Welcome to the Vocal Fries podcast, the podcast about linguistic discrimination. Carrie Gillon: I’m Carrie Gillon. Megan: And I’m Megan Figueroa, and I’m upright at my computer. Carrie: Oh, boy. The worst has arrived. Again. Megan: Yeah. Again. I know. I remember when he was in office last time, people had commented ..read more
The Vocal Fries
4M ago
Carrie Gillon: Hi, and welcome to The Vocal Fries Podcast, the podcast about linguistic discrimination. Megan Figueroa: I’m Megan Figueroa. Carrie: And I’m Carrie Gillon. Megan: And congratulations to us. Carrie: Congratulations to us. Yeah. Megan: Yes, we might be talking right now to people that had never heard of our podcast until a week ..read more
The Vocal Fries
4M ago
Megan Figueroa: Hi, and welcome to The Vocal Fries Podcast, the podcast about linguistic discrimination. Carrie Gillon: I’m Carrie Gillon. Megan: And I’m Megan Figueroa. Alright, Carrie, who did you meet in Telluride? Carrie: I didn’t really meet anybody, but I did speak to briefly Michaela Watkins. Megan: That sounds familiar. Carrie: So Michaela Watkins ..read more
The Vocal Fries
4M ago
Megan Figueroa: Hi, and welcome to The Vocal Fries Podcast, the podcast about linguistic discrimination. Carrie: I’m Carrie Gillon. Megan: And I’m Megan Figueroa. I almost said the word linguistic wrong. Carrie: Yes! Megan: Did you hear it? Did you hear a little catch in my throat? Carrie: Yes, I did. Megan: I don’t know ..read more
The Vocal Fries
4M ago
Megan Figueroa: Hi, and welcome to the Vocal Fries podcast, the podcast about linguistic discrimination. Carrie: I’m Carrie Gillon. Megan: I’m Megan Figueroa. Carrie, I learned a new word. Carrie: What? Awesome. What word did you learn? Megan: Slides. Carrie: Slides? Megan: Slides. Okay. The context was in this like viral tweet from, is it ..read more
The Vocal Fries
4M ago
Megan Figueroa: Hi. Welcome to The Vocal Fries Podcast. The podcast about linguistic discrimination. Carrie Gillon: I’m Carrie Gillon. Megan: I’m Megan Figueroa. Here we are in September, already. Can you believe it? Almost the end actually. We are more towards the end than we are at the beginning. Carrie: The days are getting shorter ..read more
The Vocal Fries
6M ago
Carrie Gillon: Hi, and welcome to the Vocal Fries Podcast, the podcast about linguistic discrimination. Megan Figueroa: I’m Megan Figueroa. Carrie: And I’m Carrie Gillon. Megan: Hey, I’m glad to see that you’re up and not sick anymore. Carrie: Yeah, I’m finally not sick. I finally stopped coughing a few days ago. Megan: That sounds ..read more