The Corbett Report Podcast
The Corbett Report explores the world of politics, history, science, and economics from a radically alternative perspective. From geopolitical conspiracies to monetary manipulation, repressed history, and social engineering. The Corbett Report goes where other podcasts fear to tread.
The Corbett Report Podcast
1w ago
Aaaaaaand now, from the subterranean depths of a conspiracy realist's worst fever dream come to life, it's the 8th Annual Fake News Awards? What crimes against humanity did the mockingbird repeaters of the dinosaur media manage to whitewash last year? And what disgusting dissembler of deceptive disinformation will walk away with the biggest dishonour of them all, the Fakest Story of the Year? Find out in this year's Fake News Awards ..read more
The Corbett Report Podcast
2M ago
Remember Pokemon Go? You know, that cute game where you And! Battle . . . Pokeballs? . . . to capture . . . .monsters in a gym? . . . or something like that. Anyway, the point is, people went bananas over this augmented reality nonsense 8 years ago and of course those cracy conspiracy kooks at places like The Corbett Report had to rain on everyone's parade by warning them about the app's shady, intel-connected origins. Well . . . guess who just got proven correct again. (SPOILER: it's the crazy conspiracy kooks who just proven correct again ..read more
The Corbett Report Podcast
2M ago
The foreign-backed terrorist insurgency in Syria has finally accomplished the globalists' objective: regime change in Syria. But how did we get here? Who was behind this decades-long plan for reshaping the Middle East? And what does it mean for the world? Today on The Corbett Report podcast, James dives through The Corbett Report's 13-year archives on the Syrian war to bring these events into focus ..read more
The Corbett Report Podcast
2M ago
Dr. David Kelly did not commit suicide on Harrowdown Hill in Oxfordshire 20 years ago. He was murdered. We all know that by now, or at least we should know that by now. But the real question is: why was he murdered. Was it really about sexed-up dossiers and 45 minute claims? Or were there even darker secrets to be concealed? As old hands of The Corbett Report will know by now, the rabbit hole goes deep, and today we go even further into the rabbit hole of David Kelly's death ..read more
The Corbett Report Podcast
3M ago
Good news, comrades! This year the Ministry of Toothbrushes will not only meet its production quota, but exceed it! And what's more, the technocrats have devised the one and only toothbrush that you will ever need (or be allowed to purchase)! . . . But some are questioning whether government is needed to produce toothbrushes at all. Let's nip that heresy in the bud, shall we ..read more
The Corbett Report Podcast
4M ago
So, you want someone to name names, cite documents and expose the facts about the decades-long globalist takeover? Then you've come to the right place! Join James for this week's edition of The Corbett Report where he breaks down Dr. Meryl Nass' presentation to the International Crisis Summit in Tokyo and provides context and further reading about the cadre of elitists who are attempting to take control of the planet and its resources ..read more
The Corbett Report Podcast
4M ago
The International Crisis Summit descended on Tokyo last week to warn about the new "replicon" self-amplifying mRNA vaccines that are about to be unleashed like a third atomic bomb upon the population of Japan. James Corbett was there to cover the proceedings, to document the speeches, to participate in a massive rally in the heart of Tokyo against this dangerous new medical intervention, and to lecture sitting members of the Japanese Diet about his bodily sovereignty ..read more
The Corbett Report Podcast
6M ago
I'm still on August hiatus, but here's a two-hour lecture on the history of mass media to tide you over until September! This is Lesson One of my three lesson Mass Media: A History online course. Buy the complete course for audio and video downloads, a hyperlinked transcript of each lesson and a study guide with questions and reading recommendations. Enjoy ..read more
The Corbett Report Podcast
6M ago
As we approach the ten month mark of the slaughter in Gaza, it's time to peel back the layers of deception surrounding October 7th, the Israeli response, and the true meaning of this conflict. We must call things by their right name. The Gaza holocaust must end ..read more
The Corbett Report Podcast
7M ago
Today, James begins inducting MSM liars, dodgy politicians and intelligence agency scoundrels into The Corbett Report Hall of Shame. Simultaneously, he begins inducting truth-telling whistleblowers and courageous journalists into The Corbett Report Hall of Fame. Who will make the cut? Who do you think should make the cut in the future? Join James for this week's edition of The Corbett Report podcast and get your thinking cap on ..read more