[2021: A PD Odyssey] Preface – TL;DR
Parkinson FIT
by Brett Warthen
3y ago
I’ve always wanted to be a writer. People say that I have a way with words, but most will argue that my way is demeaning to the words, not to mention an exercise in futility for both the reader and the writer. I am a word bender, perhaps the last of my kind. I bend and manipulate words not for any greater good, but often solely for my own pleasure. I am a legend in what is left of my own mind ..read more
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Disappearing Dopamine: San Antonio Reachers Discover How Alcohol Impacts Decision Making
Parkinson FIT
by Brett Warthen
3y ago
Once again, science has proven that dopamine is wasted on all the wrong people. A new study published by researchers at the Delta Tau Chi fraternity chapter  of UT Health San Antonio found that alcohol impacts more than a human’s motor skills. It also discovered how it impacts a person’s decision making under the influence. I’m checking my sofa cushions for a dropped Parkinson’s pill, and these college punks are partying like it’s 2019! And getting the university to pick up the tab. At least that is the way that I like to picture this research … when I found out that this was a mouse stud ..read more
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If Parkinson’s is no laughing matter, then why is laughter the best medicine?
Parkinson FIT
by Brett Warthen
3y ago
It is safe to say that my attempt at New Year's humor went down like a proverbial lead balloon ... a Hindenburg "flight of fancy" that thankfully was merely a test flight with no flight crew and no passengers. The unsubscribe requests were fast, and some were furious. What I found to be most odd were the responses of people who wanted to lecture me that “Parkinson’s disease is no laughing matter ..read more
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January 1, 2021 – Parkinson FIT Special New Year’s Update
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by Brett Warthen
3y ago
This is a test of an emergency broadcast system. If this had been an actual emergency, you would have been instructed to place your head between your legs, and kiss your keister goodbye ..read more
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A Parkinson’s Odyssey/Oddity: Chapter 1 – Lost In The Inner Circle of Thought
Parkinson FIT
by Brett Warthen
3y ago
I was trapped near the inner circle of thought, and I knew I had to think fast … literally. If I didn’t get my thoughts racing faster and faster, I would never be able to achieve escape velocity. A panic attack might be my only way out.  The amount of hyperbole required to compute the hyperbolic trajectory of this escape challenged my linguistic skills, as well as my math skills. It was like taking the SAT’s all over again … where my life, and sanity, depended on it. It was a journey beyond the center of the mind, to the inner circle of thought … You might scoff at my predicament, but the ..read more
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Progression of PD or Progression of Me?
Parkinson FIT
by Gavin Mogan
5y ago
I used to worry about how much the exercise I did slowed the progression of PD. Not any more. I mostly just want to be the best I can possibly be. I’m more interested in the progression of me. What do I want to do? What can I achieve? And then how will I train to do it? What are you training for? How does Parkinson’s drive you ..read more
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September 28, 2019 – Parkinson FIT Weekend Update
Parkinson FIT
by Brett Warthen
5y ago
This Week’s Highlights: PD vs. Sleep (Sleeping with the enemy); smart watch fall detection; Every Day is Opening Day; Could an existing prostrate drug really slow down PD progression?; Can exergaming really motivate couch potatoes or is it an excuse for overpriced exercise equipment that gets used for only a few months before it becomes a dust collecting eyesore in the corner of the room?; and more PD news ..read more
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Fall Detection with the Apple Watch
Parkinson FIT
by Darryn Wright
5y ago
During the recent Apple product update announcements, something caught my eye and might be of interest to others with Parkinson's – Fall Detection. This watch can now detect if you have fallen and, in reaction, call 911 and an emergency contact if needed. Here is how it works ..read more
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Sleeping With The Enemy (Parkinson’s Disease and Sleep)
Parkinson FIT
by Brett Warthen
5y ago
Sleep disorders are one of the most common problems experienced by people with Parkinson’s Disease. A major study concluded that more than 60% of people with PD experience sleep-related difficulties, with this percentage rising based on the length of time living with the disease. Insufficient sleep can severely impact quality of life, and exacerbate other PD symptoms. Like many other aspects of PD, while many people have sleep problems, they do not all have the same type of sleep disturbances. If you want to improve your sleep, it is important to understand the type(s) of sleep disturbance tha ..read more
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Every Day is Opening Day
Parkinson FIT
by Gavin Mogan
5y ago
I decide how I will live life to the fullest despite Parkinson’s disease. I control my thoughts, which in turn control my emotions, which in turn control my actions. Video transcript: This is not a Parkinson’s dance class. There’s not even music. It’s a makeshift medical clinic in Uganda. Many of these people or family members will be diagnosed with Parkinson’s or something else. Yet they sing and dance. Genuinely. Joyfully. If they’re able to be joyful despite their situation, I can damn sure be joyful in mine. Minds are powerful. There’s power in giving. When felt, something about the act ..read more
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