Adia Health | Fertility blog
Check out our fertility blog and find stories about our journey. Members, news ,Science: and all things women's reproductive health.
Adia Health | Fertility blog
5y ago
The past year for Adia has been super interesting as we have supported thousands of women with their fertility health journey! Now it’s propelling us forward on our new brand and product. As we promised in our post here – “We’re rebranding Adia – here’s why” – we’re sharing some of what we’ve been learning. This is my first post on that with more to come.
First, a bit of context. We’ve been in a unique position as one of the only digital health companies (at least that I know of) that engages women with their fertility health data in the following areas:
Period health
Mental healt ..read more
Adia Health | Fertility blog
5y ago
Menstrual health day is all about education and one way to educate yourself about your body is by tracking your cycle. Period tracking is about much more than just your period. Tracking your menstrual cycle can help you better understand your body and the unique physical, hormonal and emotional patterns that you experience. Having this information and becoming the expert of your monthly rhythms means you can find ways to work effectively with it and make changes to optimise your health and wellbeing.
Why should I track my period?
One of our missions here at Adia, is to help people ..read more
Adia Health | Fertility blog
5y ago
I’m excited to share that we are rebranding Adia and launching a new chapter on our journey! We’ve learned so much engaging with thousands of women over the last year inspiring us to grow and think bigger about our impact. We will be sharing more about the new brand and some super exciting product developments in the coming weeks but I just wanted to give a heads up and explain how we got here.
Not what we planned
Like most company rebrands, this was not planned! I have to admit initially we were forced into this. To make a long story short a little while ago a much larger technology company c ..read more
Adia Health | Fertility blog
5y ago
I’m excited to share that we are rebranding Adia and launching a new chapter on our journey! We’ve learned so much engaging with thousands of women over the last year inspiring us to grow and think bigger about our impact. We will be sharing more about the new brand and some super exciting product developments in the coming weeks but I just wanted to give a heads up and explain how we got here.
Not what we planned
Like most company rebrands, this was not planned! I have to admit initially we were forced into this. To make a long story short a little while ago a much larger technology company c ..read more
Adia Health | Fertility blog
5y ago
Miscarriage and PTSD are probably two things you wouldn’t associate together. When you think of post-traumatic stress disorder, you probably imagine fighting in wars, or being involved in a car crash. You may not think about the trauma experienced with early baby loss. However, in January this year, Adia expert Dr Jessica Farren published a major study into the connection between the two. In today’s blog post, we’ll look into what PTSD involves, and learn the surprising statistics that prove PTSD after miscarriage is more common than you may think.
What is PTSD?
Post ..read more
Adia Health | Fertility blog
5y ago
Ingredient choice may be slightly limited right now and meal inspiration waning, but that doesn’t mean that your preconception fertility diet has to suffer. Using 3 male and female fertility boosting ingredients that are also store-cupboard staples, we’ve created 9 tasty but simple recipes for you to try this week.
Spinach for your fertility diet
Rich in folate (the naturally occurring form of folic acid), zinc, calcium and iron, spinach is a fertility superfood. When it comes to folate especially, the Nurses’ Study found that women who got at least 700 mcg of folic acid a day from their diet ..read more
Adia Health | Fertility blog
5y ago
The connection between the chemical BPA and fertility is something that always comes up in our community. It’s a hot topic for parents to be and parents alike, as there are potential risks for both fertility and babies. In today’s blog, we’ll walk you through the potential dangers of BPA and explain ways you can avoid it.
What is BPA?
Bisphenol A, also known as BPA, is a chemical that has been used to make plastics since the Sixties. It can be found in many household items, including water bottles and food containers. However, it’s also used to make a material called epoxy resin, which l ..read more
Adia Health | Fertility blog
5y ago
When you’re on a TTC journey, there’s a stereotype that you’re having regular mind-blowing sex. Although it may start off like this, if you encounter unexpected delays and infertility, then frequent passionate sex can become almost non-existent.
You may be trying to conceive, but life goes on. Between ovulation tracking to medication and lifestyle changes our professional and social lives go on. With busy schedules and the monthly pressure of conception, things can understandably become a bit mechanic in the bedroom.
So, whether you’re on an assisted conception path or it’s just the two ..read more
Adia Health | Fertility blog
5y ago
The connection between age and fertility is one of the hottest topics amongst the Adia community. With more women wanting to plan their family life around career aspirations and other lifestyle choices (read: enjoying a few more child-free holidays) – it’s understandable that many of us don’t start trying for a baby until way into our thirties. But what is the link between age and fertility? Can we afford to ignore our biological clock? We sat down with a fertility nurse and resident Adia expert, Liz Harrison, to ask her all of your questions on age and fertility.
What age w ..read more
Adia Health | Fertility blog
5y ago
PMDD awareness month may be drawing to a close, but for those with the condition life goes on. We take a deeper look into the condition, how to get a diagnosis and share advice from our experts on how to manage your symptoms.
What is PMDD?
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) is a severe form of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) which affects 5-10% of menstruating people. It is a combination of debilitating emotional and physical symptoms which occur during the week or two before your period. The combination of symptoms experienced can have a severely disruptive effect on many aspects of lif ..read more