IAFF 7th District
Quarterly news and conversation from the International Association of Fire Fighters "Magnificent" 7th District, representing the 10,600 Firefighters and Paramedics of Washington, Idaho, Montana, and Alaska.
IAFF 7th District
6M ago
Join us from Kennewick Washington at the 2022 IAFF 7th District New Members Conference as we have the opportunity to sit down with April Sims, Washington State Labor Council Secretary Treasurer to talk about all things labor.
New IAFF members from Washington, Alaska, Idaho, and Montana have the opportunity to have a one on one conversations with April, and ask the questions that matter to the next generation of labor leaders.
Follow the IAFF 7th District today on all major social media outlets. Find us on
Facebook- @IAFF7thDVP
Twitter- @7thdistrictIAFF
Instagram- @iaffmag7
Do you have i ..read more
IAFF 7th District
6M ago
Ep. 13 Vaccine mandates, Healthcare NWFFT and MERP
Join us from Orlando Florida during #IAFF #ALTSHR22 as we sit down to discuss vaccine mandates, Healtcare plans like the Northwest Firefighters Trust, and Medical Expense Reimbursement Plan, and what we are doing to move forward after such a difficult year.
This is an extremely informative episode and if you dont understand the healthcare opportunities you have through Northwest Firefighters Trust, and the WSCFF Medical Expense Reimbursement Plan you better sit down and take some notes. The IAFF and the Northwest Firefighters Trust are partn ..read more
IAFF 7th District
6M ago
Tune in for a great episode as you join us from Boise Idaho for IAFF 7th District Fire Ops 101. In this episode we are talking about all things Fire Ops. IAFF 7th District Vice President Ricky Walsh and DFSR/PFFI Secretary Treasurer Curtis Smith discuss how it benefits our members, the citizens we serve, and the elected officials in our jurisdictions by attending this program.
IAFF Service Representative/PR Committee Chair Reece Williams sits down with Idaho Governor Brad Little to talk about his personal experience having attending Fire Ops and how it is a helpful way for lawmakers to better ..read more
IAFF 7th District
6M ago
Join us from Bellingham Washington for episode 11, as we teleconference with IAFF 7th District Vice President Ricky Walsh, and IAFF Service Rep.\ 7th District PR Committee Chair Reece Williams for a discussion about COVID19 here in the Magnificent 7th District. We discuss the events, actions, and implementation from the IAFF 7th District in Alaska, Idaho, Washington, and Montana surrounding this Pandemic. Additionally, we dive in to topics such as stimulus checks, what our members can be doing to help others in the community during this difficult time, and what local executive boards and depar ..read more
IAFF 7th District
6M ago
Join us in Mount Vernon Washington for episode 10, as we sit down with IAFF 7th District Vice President Ricky Walsh, WSCFF Vice President Dean Shelton, and IAFF Service Rep./7th District PR Committee Chair Reece Williams for a wide ranging round table discussion about all things politics, as well as current and upcoming events in the Magnificent 7th District.
We Discuss in depth, the upcoming races for Governor in Washington and Montana, as well as the current recall efforts against the Governor of Alaska.
Additionally, we discuss upcoming events such as the Partnership Education Program tak ..read more
IAFF 7th District
6M ago
Join us in Olympia Washington for episode 9 as we kick off the Washington State Council of Firefighters 2019 Kelly Fox Legislative Conference. In this episode we had the opportunity to sit down with the Washington State Council of Firefighters Legislative team, as well as special guests Governor Jay Inslee, Senator Kevin Van De Wege, and Lt. Governor Cyrus Habib to discuss current issues during the 2019 legislative session. Nich Gullickson and Bud Sizemore discuss WSCFF legislative platform issues such as presumptive disease expasion, funding the LEOFF 2 benefit expansion account, and safeguar ..read more
IAFF 7th District
6M ago
Join us in Olympia Washington for episode 8, as we sit down to tackle a difficult topic with special guest, retired Captain Paramedic Kevin Rhone, as he shares his story of dealing with post traumatic stress injury (PSTI) caused by long term traumatic exposures during a 30 year career in the fire service. Kevin talks about his personal journey and education during treatment, as well as signs and symtoms of PTSI that we should all be aware of as Firefighters and Paramedics.
PTSI/PTSD and behavioral health resources:
Phone: 1-800-273-8256 ( National Suicide Hotline)
Phone: (301)-358-0192 (IAF ..read more
IAFF 7th District
6M ago
Join us in Spokane Washington, for an in depth conversation with Lisa Brown, US Congressional District 5 candidate, and former Washington State Senator, for a special episode leading up to the November 6th general election. Lisa talks about her experience in eastern Washington, her legislative priorities, and why she made the decision to run for congress. To read more about Lisa Brown and her campaign on Facebook and Twitter, or find her online at lisabrownforcongress.com and don't forget to make sure your ballot is turned in before November 6th!
Follow the IAFF 7th District today on all maj ..read more
IAFF 7th District
6M ago
Welcome back for episode 6. Join us in Fairbanks Alaska as we sit down during the annual IAFF 7th District Caucus for an in depth discussion about the issues of understaffing, failed retirement systems, and significant underfunding that plagues Firefighters all across Alaska. We are joined by Scott Raygor- President, Nick Clark- Vice President, Fairbanks Professional Firefighters, along with Dominic Lozano- Secretary Treasurer, Paul Miranda- South Central District Representative Alaska Professional Firefighters, and Justin Mack- Anchorage Professional Firefighters. In this episode we touch on ..read more
IAFF 7th District
6M ago
Join us in Kennewick Washington as we sit down during the 79th annual convention of the Washington State Council of Firefighters. Today is Janus V. AFSCME decision day, and a line has been drawn in the sand . Listen in as we have a roundtable discussion with local leaders from east to west, representing large and small local affiliates alike. Tune in to find out what you can do right now to prepare your members, and your local union for this new environment.
Follow the IAFF 7th District today on all major social media outlets, find us on
Facebook- @IAFF7thDVP
Twitter- @7thdistrictIAFF
Ins ..read more