Flow and Vent's Podcast
A group discussion among firefighters and fire officers regarding several elements of the fire service.
Flow and Vent's Podcast
2M ago
For the 50th episode Rob, Mike, and Dave had the opportunity to speak with Retired Navy Seal Drago Dzieran. The brothers discuss leadership, culture, and similarities between the fire service and the Navy Seals. You are not going to want to miss this one ..read more
Flow and Vent's Podcast
2M ago
After a long hiatus the boys are back to discuss the kitchen table, leadership, respect, and lessons learned as officers ..read more
Flow and Vent's Podcast
2M ago
Rob sits down with Michael Witek, Jeff Chandler, David Lenart, and the man behind the EXPOs social media at EMS & FIRE PRO 2024 ..read more
Flow and Vent's Podcast
2M ago
Rob sits down with Mike Perone and Gianni of Firehouse Innovations LI and Firehouse Innovations Training at FIRE/EMSPRO Expo at Foxwoods ..read more
Flow and Vent's Podcast
2M ago
Rob, Mikey, Mike, and Matt get together to discuss the last couple weeks and how to battle mediocrity in the firehouse ..read more
Flow and Vent's Podcast
2M ago
The crew sits down with Ex-Chief Adam Alberti to discuss current topics and his travels ..read more
Flow and Vent's Podcast
2M ago
Rob, Mike, and Matt sit down "live" at the EMS/FIREPRO conference to discuss what the conference and the future of the conference has to offer ..read more
Flow and Vent's Podcast
2M ago
Rob and Mike had the honor of sitting down with NOLA Chief Bouvier (who you may know from the show Nightwatch) while at the EMS/FIREPRO Conference ..read more
Flow and Vent's Podcast
2M ago
Happy 4th of July LATE
Rob, Mike, and Mike Talk about it all. Listen in and here some tips, tricks, and upcoming news ..read more