Time to Loot | Steam
The latest news and updates on the Steam gaming community from Time to Loot, a gaming blog about having fun with loot and adventure.
Time to Loot | Steam
5M ago
Well, that’s the theory anyway. It’s an idea that came up in a semi-recent (maybe several months ago now though!) conversation with Emily, to try this out again. I’ve done it before. But… It had issues. Well… One key one: I tended to add games more quickly than I played Read more…
The post Sharpening the Backlog with a ‘Play Soon’ appeared first on Time to Loot ..read more
Time to Loot | Steam
2y ago
I still have a number of nits to pick with the refreshed Steam Library tools. The big one, or so I thought, was in relation to the filters being ‘AND’ with no option at all for an ‘OR’ filter. This makes organising with dynamic collections nigh impossible.
Turns out, though, it gets worse.
You know those odd facts that just really hit you in the ‘Oof. That was a long time ago. … I’m old now.’ kind of way? Different age brackets will have different examples of this, but a few that have hit me over the past few years:
Inception came out over 10 years ago. (2010)
The Matrix came out over 20 year ..read more
Time to Loot | Steam
3y ago
I’ve been a little discontent with my Steam game organisation for a while now. Shortly after the Steam library update came out, I removed my manually constructed categories and went gung-ho on creating ‘dynamic collections’ using genre flags and store tags. The benefit of creating a dynamic collection in this manner is that games added to your library will be automatically classified into collections for you.
Great in theory, not so much in practice.
Filters are Always ‘AND’
If you select multiple genres, store tags, or filters in general — a game will only display in this search (or collectio ..read more
Time to Loot | Steam
3y ago
‘Reinvesting’ sounds a whole lot better than simply, ‘bought a second copy even though I own and retain access to a perfectly serviceable copy already’. … So I went with that.
There was some logic to it though. You see I already own Dragon Age: Inquisition on Origin. Bought it when it very first came out. Albeit unfortunately DA:I was the first DA title to be taken from Steam and put exclusively onto their own platform. Still- it didn’t deter me.
I even bought the deluxe digital edition. But while that came with some cosmetics and bonus starting armor, the soundtrack, and those sorts of things ..read more
Time to Loot | Steam
3y ago
The Steam Autumn Sale has kicked-off. The first sale since writing about better extracting value from the games I have. The first test of will. Will I pass? Will I succumb and make a new batch of impulse purchases?
Early indications are… Yeah. I mean, this sale runs up until December 3rd. So we’ll have to see. That date carries us beyond the point of being able to play different titles again. But more importantly, this would be a rather short post if I didn’t at least take a peek at might tempt me.
To the wishlist!
I have 192 things on the wishlist at the moment.
That is actually a relatively ..read more
Time to Loot | Steam
3y ago
Earlier today when I was thinking about this post, it flowed really well and was quite smart to boot. I’ve been staring at the blank page for a few minutes now trying to capture even the barest hint of what I was thinking earlier. So let’s just all pretend together that I’m writing, and that you’re reading, a much better version of this post.
Now. I’ve talked about impulse purchases before. I’ve acknowledged the gargantuan backlog. But I hadn’t really attached these things to a sense of chasing value. Or really chasing much of anything. There was just same vague sense of it not quit ..read more
Time to Loot | Steam
3y ago
In beta form at least. But it’s open beta! So if you want to take a play for yourself, you can. (Settings -> Account, click ‘Change’ under Beta Participation to ensure you’ve enabled Beta updates.) The news struck that it was out while I was at work yesterday, so I itched all day to give it a go.
Now that I have, it seems my earlier excitement from back in June was well warranted. The library update is every bit the revolutionary update (for Steam) that the earlier Chat update was.
There’s kind of a lot going on here even just on the main screen.
Starting from the top and possibly the most ..read more
Time to Loot | Steam
3y ago
I’ve been a little discontent with my Steam game organisation for a while now. Shortly after the Steam library update came out, I removed my manually constructed categories and went gung-ho on creating ‘dynamic collections’ using genre flags and store tags. The benefit of creating a dynamic collection in this manner is that games added to your library will be automatically classified into collections for you.
Great in theory, not so much in practice.
Filters are Always ‘AND’
If you select multiple genres, store tags, or filters in general — a game will only display in this search (or collectio ..read more
Time to Loot | Steam
4y ago
‘Reinvesting’ sounds a whole lot better than simply, ‘bought a second copy even though I own and retain access to a perfectly serviceable copy already’. … So I went with that.
There was some logic too it though. You see I already own Dragon Age: Inquisition on Origin. Bought it when it very first came out. Albeit unfortunately DA:I was the first DA title to be taken from Steam and put exclusively onto their own platform. Still- it didn’t deter me.
I even bought the deluxe digital edition. But while that came with some cosmetics and bonus starting armor, the soundtrack, and those sorts of thing ..read more
Time to Loot | Steam
5y ago
The Steam Autumn Sale has kicked-off. The first sale since writing about better extracting value from the games I have. The first test of will. Will I pass? Will I succumb and make a new batch of impulse purchases?
Early indications are… Yeah. I mean, this sale runs up until December 3rd. So we’ll have to see. That date carries us beyond the point of being able to play different titles again. But more importantly, this would be a rather short post if I didn’t at least take a peek at might tempt me.
To the wishlist!
I have 192 things on the wishlist at the moment.
That is actually ..read more