Oral Health New Year Resolutions
A J Dental Blog
by aj-admin
4y ago
Woking dentist, Jaymish Patel, offer some suggestions for 2021 Few of us will be sorry to see the end of this year and will be hoping for a more positive 2021. There are still some challenges ahead for sure, whether that be Brexit or new variants of the C-19 virus. There is hope though, and the roll out of vaccines will hopefully start to speed up in the new year and allow us to start planning for a new start not too far into the  year. For those of us who make New Year resolutions, it might seem an odd year to be doing so, but there are some resolutions that are always worth making. One ..read more
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Neglecting Your Gum Health? There Could Be Trouble Ahead….
A J Dental Blog
by aj-admin
4y ago
Woking dental hygienist, Shamini Ravichandra, explains why you should look after your gum health It is probably fair to say that when people think about common dental problems, they tend to think of tooth decay, and, for the more nervous amongst you perhaps, root canal treatment. If asked this question, few are likely to say gum disease; yet gum disease is a serious and common oral health issue that sometimes gets ignored. The reality is that gum disease, and especially as it reaches the more advanced stage known as periodontitis, can cause a lot of damage and can easily lead to tooth loss if ..read more
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2021 – A Year For Optimism And A Brand New Smile?
A J Dental Blog
by aj-admin
4y ago
We’re all hoping for a better year ahead. Why not start yours with a smile makeover from our Woking dentists? Without a doubt, for many of us 2020 will have been the worst year in our memory. Much has been written about the Covid-19 pandemic and little of it has been positive. Some, tragically, have lost their lives and this will have affected those around them. For others, jobs may have been lost and our mental health may have been put under pressure like never before. It is important though, that we continue to look to the future and imagine our lives post Covid. Things may never return full ..read more
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Will The Second Lockdown Affect Our Woking Patients?
A J Dental Blog
by aj-admin
4y ago
Dental care availability at our Surrey practice A week ago today, the country entered its second lockdown to help reduce the spread of the Covid-19 virus. We all hoped that it wouldn’t come to this but it became clear that something quite drastic needed to be done as numbers started to rise exponentially. This will be a worrying time for many businesses, despite financial help from the government. Whilst some business closures might be frustrating for their customers, the first lockdown showed that it could have even more serious consequences. During the first lockdown, all practices were made ..read more
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Four Reasons To Opt For Invisalign ‘Dental Braces’
A J Dental Blog
by aj-admin
4y ago
Dr Jaymish Patel, Woking dentist, looks at this popular tooth straightening system. There is a common perception that dental braces are cumbersome things that can also be uncomfortable to wear and, in some cases, may also attract a certain amount of ridicule, especially for teenagers and young adults. It is certainly true that braces have not always been discreet and it would be easy to spot anyone who was wearing them. These factors, put together, may well have deterred some patients who needed, or wanted, to have straighter teeth from having them done. Modern cosmetic dentistry has come a lo ..read more
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Fixing A Broken Tooth
A J Dental Blog
by aj-admin
4y ago
When a tooth is significantly damaged, you may need more than a simple filling There are many reasons why a tooth might break and also a number of ways in which they can be restored. The method used by our dentists will depend on a number of factors including the degree of damage, the location of the tooth in the mouth and also the prognosis for the tooth in question. Small breakages to a tooth can occur following decay or through cracks in the enamel which have weakened it. Teeth grinding can also cause a tooth to break, although more often it will cause enamel wear. Finally, there are accide ..read more
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Synergy Parkside – NHS Dentistry in Woking
A J Dental Blog
by aj-admin
4y ago
Although well known as a cosmetic dental practice, we also offer NHS dentistry for essential oral health care The NHS has been in the news a lot recently, predominantly connected to the Covid-19 situation. Many of us will have stood at our doors clapping those working under great duress, putting themselves at risk in some cases, to save lives.  The NHS has been around for just under 70 years now and has found a special place in a lot of people’s hearts, especially those whose lives have been saved by it. Although it may not hit the same headlines as those working in hospitals, NHS dental ..read more
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Brushing Your Teeth Twice A Day Is Essential
A J Dental Blog
by aj-admin
4y ago
So, why are only 1 in 8 of us doing so since lockdown? A recent study has indicated that during and following the easing of lockdown, only one in eight of us have been brushing our teeth twice a day. Perhaps equally worrying are the findings that nearly half of those asked admitted that they only brushed their teeth once a day at most and nearly 20% admitted to not brushing their teeth regularly on a daily basis at all! Although we appreciate that lockdown disrupted our lives in many ways, it appears that some of this may have lingered on for longer afterwards, and probably into the future as ..read more
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The Consequences Of Leaving Gaps In Your Teeth
A J Dental Blog
by aj-admin
4y ago
Why our Woking dentists believe you should always choose a tooth replacement treatment Perhaps as we enter our final years, we may not be too concerned about missing teeth, either from an aesthetic or general viewpoint. Even in our 70s and beyond though, many of us now live an active life, socialising with others. If we lose our teeth even earlier, this is particularly an issue as missing teeth can also have an ageing effect on our facial appearance. With the wide range of modern techniques available at Synergy Parkside to replace any teeth that have been lost, we take a look at the reasons wh ..read more
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Time To Get The Whiteness Back!
A J Dental Blog
by aj-admin
4y ago
Has the ‘lockdown’ lifestyle left your teeth looking duller than usual? With dental practices, including our own, now up and running, it is worth looking at some of the things that may have happened to your teeth and gums whilst we were closed. We covered some of the clinical problems that could have occurred and how we could help in recent blogs, but today we are going to take a look at the aesthetic aspect of your smile and how it may have suffered over the last few months. Aesthetic consequences of lockdown There are a number of potential reasons why our teeth may have become duller whilst ..read more
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