Be Naturally Fit » Biohacking
Biohacking related articles from Be Natural Fit. Follow to find out more.
Be Naturally Fit » Biohacking
5y ago
Hi! As I prepare to launch my new online program, it dawned on me that many of you may not know the real “me”.
So allow me to re-introduce myself as I have grown, changed and evolved a lot since starting this blog, and business Be Naturally Fit.
The quick stat list on me: I am a mom of 2 beautiful girls, a wife to one amazing man, live in Deep Cove North Vancouver and coach women’s health and fitness.
I love nature and are an advocate for Mother Earth, I love moving in every sense of that word, from mountain biking, to ocean swims, to hardcore HIIT workouts to juicy kundalini kryas and of cour ..read more
Be Naturally Fit » Biohacking
6y ago
Hi Beautiful!
It’s Monday and I am feeling so relaxed, connected and healed after my solo weekend at home sans kids, hubby or car. This time alone came at the perfect time, I had just had a shit show of a week and was feeling extremely anxious.
My husband took the girls on a road trip while I stayed home here in DeepCove for 5 full days of alone time. On day 1 I felt lost, was unable to slow down and anxious about having so much free time. But as the weekend rolled in, I settled and felt a beautiful wave of peace and quiet wash over my nervous system.
I did work which kept me from drifting to ..read more
Be Naturally Fit » Biohacking
6y ago
This week is a cosmically powerful time! We have some major astrological events coming up and I’m sure you all feel the energy in the air, it’s electric.
In the world of Yoga, astrology and spiritual soul-seekers, Summer’s Solstice is more celebrated than Christmas. This tie of year is a powerful invitation to return back to our natural rhythms, to our home, nature, and to come out stronger on the other side. There is a lot of universal energy to work with this year as the full moon is 4 days before the Solstice making it a super charged time to make shit happen!
The Summer Solstice celebrates ..read more
Be Naturally Fit » Biohacking
6y ago
Things seem to be speeding up around my home and although I love watching my girls grow, the transition into young adulthood is a tricky one to navigate.
There are many important conversations parents need to have with their teenagers on topics like consent, social media, stress management and developing a healthy mindset, but the one I’m working on right now is how to talk to your daughter about her period.
Previous generations treated menstruation like it was something to be ashamed of and to hide. We may have been taught the basics in school, but the information was generic and did NOT
emp ..read more
Be Naturally Fit » Biohacking
6y ago
Tonight is the full Moon in Taurus. I know this because I have been practicing full moon rituals for manifestation and intuition for the past two years and have learned how to use these cycles to open up and go deeper into my spiritual practices.
I think this Full moon tonight is extra energizing with Halloween only a week away.
I started developing a full moon ritual by chance. It was actually a friend who had invited me to an sisterhood ocean swim one full moon in May and I left transformed! The ritual of setting an intention, connecting with the magic of the moon and swimming in the freezi ..read more
Be Naturally Fit » Biohacking
6y ago
A couple of months ago I got to do something really cool.. I had my DNA tested with dnaPower. Getting your DNA tested provides you with your unique DNA makeup.
I’ve always said that we must listen to our bodies and not follow others people’s diets or jump onto trends hoping for a magic bullet. The reason being is that we are all so different and that’s thanks to our DNA. The reports reflect your genetic predisposition for different aspects of your health. Your ultimate health will be determined by factors such as diet, exercise, sleep, stress and environment, building on this DNA blueprint ..read more
Be Naturally Fit » Biohacking
6y ago
The Goddess Bath was one of my first forms of self-care when I was just learning what “self-care” really meant as a new mom. They started back when lived in a older West Vancouver home where there wasn’t even a shower… just a big beautiful old bathtub.
I was watching Oprah with my newborn (Nya) and Oprah was talking about her bath time routine. I was in awe that you could put so much care, effort and time into what I had always looked at as a thing that just needed to get done. She took us through how she scheduled it in, lit candles, used epson salts and oils, and listened to relaxing music a ..read more
Be Naturally Fit » Biohacking
6y ago
Guess what? Be Naturally Fit turns four this month! Four years of my newsletter and this blog!
I’ve been so blessed to have this platform and to have healed so many of my past wounds with the help of the work that was needed when I stepped up to be seen and heard.
The healing process that I’ve been through over the past four years (and all that came before that) has taught me that so much wisdom resides in each of us. We are gifted with lessons and truths that enable us to be healthy, happy and whole. I have also seen that so many of us are disconnected with our own inner knowing as it we ..read more
Be Naturally Fit » Biohacking
6y ago
As summer 2018 winds down, let me share 5 things I’m loving right now with you as inspiration to perhaps try on a new health practice or become aware of a new product or recipe:)
One thing I’ve learned over my years of yoga, wellness and health is that everything is energy. Now apply this to our thoughts… every thought carries with it it’s own energy that speaks to the universe. This is why I stay aware and mindful of my subconscious and conscious thoughts. Mantras are simply positive thoughts that are repeated to activate your highest self and to change the direction of any negati ..read more
Be Naturally Fit » Biohacking
6y ago
This post is dedicated to a simple morning exercise to start your day with healing powers! All you need is an open mind and 10 minutes and you can do amazing things.
If I look back to all the different things I have tried in my past, I realized that I’m a serial experimenter when it comes to healing modalities, foods and practices.
Which is a good thing as it’s allowed me to find what works, and what doesn’t. What I love about this new era we are entering is that WE get to decide what resonates with us instead of following the societal rules.
And I feel grateful to have this blog which acts ..read more